Washington DC

Re: The word broad is not always used as a deragotive.
JohnyComeAlready 313 reads

I found a definition, the definition read the way I wrote it in my previous post.

Yani Love Looks too good to be true. I called and a male booker quoted me 300 for the hour. Is it odd when a male picks up? usually its a female booker.
Any info would be appreciated. I will probably check her out tomorrow and report back.

Posted this last month:  

Eros ad for Yani Love http://www.eros.com/us/washington_dc/files/501982.htm  
Hits on Photo: http://tinyurl.com/pcovl2n  http://tinyurl.com/o58uzne  
Search of Phone# 202 517 3893 Nothing  

Also the new phone # Yani is using 978-237-0868  leads to this ad with borrowed photos

Eros ad for Ashley http://www.eros.com/us/washington_dc/files/504164.htm  
Hits on Photo: http://tinyurl.com/mzdtt8j http://tinyurl.com/otpaw8a  
Search of Phone# 978 237 0868 Nothing  

Sounds like a scam to me.

The lady in question

Using the word Broad is derogatory, using the word lady or Escort would have been a better choice.
Remember it is important how you present your on the board

Amen to that.  Lack of respect does not fly.

The word Broad can simply mean Woman, Female, or the opposite of the word Male.

Had the person who posted the inquiry said "Woman" instead of "Broad" their post would have still read poorly.  

However, the post would still not be derogatory.

Posted By: LamontCranston69
Using the word Broad is derogatory, using the word lady or Escort would have been a better choice.  
 Remember it is important how you present your on the board.  

You might think it's not a derogatory word -- and you may even use it without meaning to degrade the person you're referring to -- but it still is and was (seems like the only times I hear/read the word is in cheap detective stories/movies).

I found a definition, the definition read the way I wrote it in my previous post.

!!!!!456 reads

But in any case, you shouldn't use that word. It reflects badly.

The only time I use that word on a woman is when my mom travels overseas, then I'd tell my friends that my mom is abroad

present yourself personally... I would not meet you, terrible!

noagenosage384 reads

One of the reasons English is tricky is because of nuance -- as we all know, the same word can have different meanings depending on context and how it is used.  
I agree that in this case it is pejorative and derogatory.
But do some of you remember the song "Honeybun," the great song that Mary Martin sang in "South Pacific?"  The last line of the introduction is, "And she's broad where a broad should be b-r-o-a- d!"  It still brings down the house in revivals and in that usage it was not disrespectful.

Thank you LamontCranston69 for the comment.  
Apologies to anyone I offended by my usage of broad. It was not meant to be derogatory in any way. I will be more cautious in my word usage.

SydneyC473 reads

I recently received several emails from a very persistent gentleman attempting to persuade me to see him without the required references due to his lack of previous "hobbying".  He, of course, would not be forthwith of any personal information to confirm his identity.  When I refused to book him, he continually sent emails requesting a meeting.  (This man, considering the industry he was dabbling in, had a rather unfortunate name.)

After having been away from my computer and out of town for a few days, I was inundated with quite a few messages to respond to and was a bit overwhelmed by the "persistent one".  Responding to another gentleman's inquiry, I mistakenly called him by the "persistent one's" name. (That being the name that stuck in my mind because of the doggedness of his repeated inquiries and frustrated by his attempts to wear me down. But I digress.....)

My response to the new gentleman's inquiry began with the other man's name leading with, "Dear John...." When pointed out by this other gentleman, of course I profusely apologized, however I doubt I will ever hear back from him again! *Grins* Wording is everything!

Best regards,



Posted By: noagenosage
One of the reasons English is tricky is because of nuance -- as we all know, the same word can have different meanings depending on context and how it is used.    
 I agree that in this case it is pejorative and derogatory.  
 But do some of you remember the song "Honeybun," the great song that Mary Martin sang in "South Pacific?"  The last line of the introduction is, "And she's broad where a broad should be b-r-o-a- d!"  It still brings down the house in revivals and in that usage it was not disrespectful.      

Are you Italian sjalls?

Never heard this word before but simple research actually can reveal a bit about types of vocabulary we love to use  

I rather would believe that he is Italian then that he is jerk ..
 he has just one review here ..  

He MUST be Italian!!

I have my own observations on Italian men ::)

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