Washington DC

Re: No, we are not....
klumberg 6 Reviews 728 reads

No you are NOT peeing

And no one can testify to that better than I can!  :D

I can pee before sex and when I get super aroused, I can squirt and cum. And I usually want to squirt and cum more and the volume increases and makes a bigger mess! But mess in totally good way. Smells nothing like pee, tastes nothing like pee, and feels a little slippery. Many will argue the lady peed on you. I say conduct your own research, get in there and find out where it comes from, how it looks and tastes and draw your own conclusions. Be prepared to get a little wet. Lol!

Pretty easy to find and even on TER I recall.

Squirting is not pee...Happy to be assured of that fact ...now if I could just inspire someone enough to do it with me...lol..

There are likely some women (I have seen some videos where it was obvious) who can/do pee to give the impression of a squirting orgasm, but after my first experience with a woman who squirted many years ago, I did extensive research (and have also had LOTS of subsequent first-hand experience, including teaching/helping women squirt who had never done it before), and squirting is not peeing. In addition to my personal experience verifying smell/taste/feel is different, my research found medical studies that verified orgasmic squirting has a different fluid source (not the bladder), similar to the source of semen being different than pee in men, although they eventually exit from the same orifice in the body...  BTW, most all squirting women in my personal experience have reported that among the variety of female orgasms (clitoral, vaginal, g-spot), the squirting orgasm is their most intense!

Where does it come from?  

Semen(from men) is produced by the testicles. Provided that squirt is not pee, where in the female anatomy is it produced?

the fluid itself is derived from plasma, as is urine. It differs from urine in the concentration of trace components, as well as in the presence and absence of other trace components - specifically, urea, creatinine, glucose and prostatic tissue secretions. Search "Human Urine Metabolome" and "Human Plasma Metabolome".

Male ejaculate and female ejaculate contain similar quantities of prostatic acid phosphatase, prostate specific antigen and other trace components produced in prostatic tissue. In women, the Skenes glands are conjectured to be synonymous with male prostatic tissue. Note that male ejaculate comes primarily from the seminal vesicles (about 65%), the prostate and the bulbourethral glands. The testes contribute very little to the volume of male ejaculate. Note that the seminal vesicles are located near the prostate, adjacent to the bladder.

Anatomically, it does appear that the bladder is the reservoir for female ejaculate given ultrasound evidence recently presented. This perhaps suggests a dual purpose role for the bladder in women, and could explain the presence of trace quantities of some urinary components in female ejaculate, although the precise pathway and mechanism are not known (to my knowledge). This would be similar to the male ejaculate containing trace urinary components due to the dual purpose of the male genitourinary tract. The plumbing is never really "empty and dry".

And I'm still not in the mood to cite abstracts from medline (or worse, media).

I'm not saying squirt is urine, I'm only asking where the substantial amount of liquid that erupts out of the female urethra, comes from. Your answer is the bladder, if that answer is correct , there would have to be a valve that would control urine discharge vs the discharge of squirt.

I wouldn't say that squirting is always controllable, but I still believe that the majority of liquid is discharged from the bladder, not a gland.

If you consider the bladder to be merely a reservoir with a single valve, the issue reduces again to what is the fluid in the bladder and where does it come from.  

Urine is produces in the kidneys and travels to the bladder via well-defined anatomical structures. The challenge is that there are few such well-defined (due to lack of study) structures to explain the mechanism by which the bladder may fill with a different fluid (squirt).  

There was a recent study (cited on GD) in which women emptied their bladders of urine (as verified by US) and then "gushed". Using US, fluid accumulation was observed in the bladder during stimulation and "gushing". After stimulation, the bladder was verified as empty once again. A post "gush" US was taken and the women voided once more. The three fluids were examined and ordinary urine was confirmed in the pre- and post-gush fluids, however the "gush" fluid was different in constituents and their concentrations. Most notably, creatinine levels were 10-20 times lower than in urine and prostatic fluids in quantities similar to male semen were detected.

We know that vaginal lubrication/secretions result from vasocongestion during arousal. I find it not so difficult to believe that a similar mechanism for bladder filling can exist, thus resulting in a different fluid entering the bladder during arousal - "gush".  

Of course, some of the above is fact, some is conjecture.

Same with urine, it's mostly urine. I don't need any other evidence to confirm that squirt and urine is mostly water.

If we are engaged an such an intimately intense moment that she pisses/squirts all over herself or on me for that matter. Just sit back and enjoy the golden/milky shower. One of life's greatest pleasures is getting a woman to squirt for the first time.

Beg2differ777 reads

Sorry, I don't enjoy getting my face pissed on so I try to ask if the lady is a real squirter or pisser.

You would be surprised by the number of ladies who say they squirt and really piss.  And yes there IS a difference so if you are getting pissed on, you know it.

But I can do a Golden Shower too.....


No you are NOT peeing

And no one can testify to that better than I can!  :D

I had a 'play-date' with a couple and the wife was a squirter. The secretions came from her vaginal opening. The texture was like a women normal secretions just a bit more thinner and also had a sweet taste to it. The husband simple place his knuckle a few inches inside of her than shook it really fast. She exploded within seconds. It was my first time ever seeing a women ejaculate like that up close. Simple amazing.

!!!!!485 reads

The Skene glands are just too small to produce and hold such a large volume of fluid in such a short time. Anatomically, the only organ that can do that is the kidney and the bladder. Perhaps the reason why the ejaculate does not smell or taste like urine is that sexual activities cause its rapid production, thus making it dilute.

Doesn’t matter if she’s peeing as long as she’s coming. And she is.

Besides, like Ms. Jones said, when you see it happen, it’s not all coming from the urethra anyway. Nobody’s urethra’s wide enough to allow a spray like that.  

Just because it shares some properties with pee doesn't mean it's pee. Was it 'Zen who said something about plasma and water

I love squirting, and no its not pee sweetie.

Actually, it's not.  But someone in this neck of the woods thinks it is.

Even if it is pee, it’s still good if it means she’s coming.

I find all the info about where the squirt is coming from and what it’s made of fascinating. I’m not being facetious, I really do. But even if squirt is way more like urine than ejaculate (cream), the woman is not evacuating liquid waste from her bladder, which is how most of us would define peeing..

It’s like that question how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. The issue isn’t “how big are angels” but “are angels corporeal or spiritual.” The issue here is is squirting sexual or excretorial (that’s a word now – the OED will cite its first usage was on TER). I think even the doubters would agree it’s sexual. It’s an orgasmic response to sexual stimulation.  

Since this reply is already novel length, I’ll throw in a personal anecdote. I know a lady who is capable of squirting and is prone to aftershocks (post-coital peaks). One time after being with her, she had to use the bathroom. She sat down. I heard a big gush and a splash. Good, long pause. Then… pssssst. Whatever squirt is made of, peeing and squirting are two different acts.  

Now, if a lady were to drop bricks when she came, that would be a whole different matter. Shit is shit

It wasn't pee, though this time I didn't wipe some on my hand to smell it lol. It was very weird. I didn't feel it, only felt a bunch of watery stuff running down my butt, making a puddle on the bed.

One say I'll make a water fall! Lolol!

honestly, I wondered as a teen if that what was happening!  the back of TransAms with leather seats...embarressing.   Now I just celebrate the release of glorious showers!!!!  I had it analyzed in India during tantric training...different fluids, boys/men!!!

I can vouch for Caressa's gushes. Taste good too!!  

Though thinking about it on my repeat visit she didn't. Must have been off my game....hmmmn

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