Washington DC

Re: No matter what may actually be happening, always ignore wrps07 ...
Ero_Sennin 19 Reviews 1687 reads
1 / 21

First EB goes offline now DS, does anyone have any idea what is going on? Hoping they're back up soon.

wrps07 1705 reads
2 / 21

That is why they are down. One needs to be careful. There was a huge bust in Fairfax county last week, matter fact all of Dec has been bad in Fairfax county. Many providers and hobbyists have been busted. Source a government site on the internet. I saw another site saying it was the Christmas shopping and Christmas bonus crackdown.

Ero_Sennin 19 Reviews 1396 reads
3 / 21

Good to know, hopefully they'll be back soon. I'll guess I'll have to wait a while for my kimchi fix.

VA10122 1177 reads
4 / 21

Posted By: wrps07
That is why they are down. One needs to be careful. There was a huge bust in Fairfax county last week, matter fact all of Dec has been bad in Fairfax county. Many providers and hobbyists have been busted. Source a government site on the internet. I saw another site saying it was the Christmas shopping and Christmas bonus crackdown.
I'm sure they are fine, since was w them wednesday 24th
Probably routine maintenence!

2236707 3 Reviews 1385 reads
5 / 21

I actually checked all the boards yesterday before going out, just to see if there were any unpleasant surprises.  Can anyone advise as to best way to keep track of current events? I had assumed this board would be it.

BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 1430 reads
6 / 21

I sign up for Google Alerts, and include key words such as prostitution, bust, stings, etc.  I include DC, Fairfax, Arlington, Crystal City, and MoCo.  

  I nevr did receive an alert, or I would have posted, as I have done in the past.

Hugs and Kisses,

wrps07 1216 reads
7 / 21

Sometimes the government websites have to be searched. Many things are not published and sometimes things are removed because high profile people are busted. Links can't be posted on this site because the information has people's names and addresses in it.  

You can google "prostitution arrests dmv" to see what is going on out there. Mind boggling.

-- Modified on 12/25/2014 4:44:48 PM

BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 1123 reads
8 / 21

[email protected].  I understand what you are saying, but do not want to post on a public board.

Hugs and Kisses,

-- Modified on 12/25/2014 4:46:31 PM

wrps07 1213 reads
9 / 21

If you look at the ads the good ones are asking for references. They know that are whole region is hot and word on the street is that they read a particular site everyday to keep up on the latest. You can do a google search for "maryland day crackdown on johns".

Some of us are day traders (providers and hobbyists) and we don't have time keep up on what is going on in the hobby world.


-- Modified on 12/25/2014 5:04:51 PM

-- Modified on 12/25/2014 5:13:57 PM

JustLayingLow 1138 reads
11 / 21

an alias that has consistently proven to be one of the biggest fools on this site ...

-- Modified on 12/25/2014 9:22:29 PM

yon 53 Reviews 883 reads
12 / 21
imanalias 930 reads
13 / 21


DMVMonger 20 Reviews 780 reads
14 / 21

Why hasn't pussy been on the ballot in many states to make legal.  I know Nevada does in a small part, but why hasn't a movement started to make it legal in all states

2236707 3 Reviews 795 reads
15 / 21

Congress will block it in DC anyway because it's reserved for them.

JazzCrusaderII 58 Reviews 987 reads
16 / 21

We seem to move between thinking nothing can go wring and scoffing at anyone who suggests reasonable caution to near paranoia.   I will stick with rational caution at all times.  That may mean missing a few opportunities that seem ill advised to me but it avoids more serious problems and the Chicken Little syndrome.

Posted By: JustLayingLow
an alias that has consistently proven to be one of the biggest fools on this site ...  

-- Modified on 12/25/2014 9:22:29 PM

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 919 reads
17 / 21

Sounds like you're suggesting the mini-max strategy in game threory. What's that you say? (assuming not everyone on this board is some game theoretical mathamatician -- which actually would explude me too but I know the lingo :-)

For normal people (which really shows that all the fancy words and intelectual jargon merely maskes the fact all these "really smart people" simply watch what normal people do and then take credit for it ;-) ) all that means is we look at minimizing the risk of getting caught first and then look to maximize the pleasure we recieve.

Some might just call that common sense rather than paying some over priced consultant to suggest such an approach. Does it sound like I've been around DC too long?  ;-)

Jensen36363 58 Reviews 814 reads
18 / 21

If you do the google search one poster suggested you'll find a link to a Channell 7 (ABC) link suggestinh at least limited legalization of prostititution. Now, in reality they are not suggesting that prostitution be legalized but that there is a sex trade in the area that is exploiting young girls and charging the young teanaged girls is wrong. Not easy to argue against that position -- if they're being exploited against their will they are vicims an we all should support stopping that type of trade.

So that's part of the story. I'm not sure if this is the right explanation about why voluntary prostitution is illegal -- and I can see a number of arugments that could be made -- but one I might suggest is that men like thinking they run things but clearly the providers (typically women) have the advantage if it's a legal service. This might be an industry where the feminist claims are most accurate ;-) - perhaps this should be on the politics board ;-)

Life410 12 Reviews 912 reads
19 / 21

Posted By: BeautywithBrains
 I sign up for Google Alerts, and include key words such as prostitution, bust, stings, etc.  I include DC, Fairfax, Arlington, Crystal City, and MoCo.    
   I nevr did receive an alert, or I would have posted, as I have done in the past.  
 Hugs and Kisses,  

beef eater still curates....seems like a solid source as well.

freakydeaky 674 reads
20 / 21

As others have said before (and which I agree with), decriminalizing hobbying would be WAYYYY better than legalizing and having to deal with all the undue regulations and taxation.

wrps07 532 reads
21 / 21

Because another 16 guys got busted this past Monday and Tuesday in Fairfax county, Virginia. That is a total of 38 guys busted since 12/16/2014 in Fairfax county Virginia.

Posted By: JustLayingLow
an alias that has consistently proven to be one of the biggest fools on this site ...  

-- Modified on 12/25/2014 9:22:29 PM

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