Washington DC

Re: I'm between 28-34 & college girls 18-24 feel me real world
escape_coauthor 464 reads

Most of it can neither be bottled nor is true. Older gents are a magnificently easy touch. clueless on purpose or to a fault.  

Posted By: Life410
As a man a lot of us look better w/age. Plus there is the career aspect that makes women older than me be interested too...but 25yr old strippers liked me at 19 so who knows.  
 Howevet, Women appreciate the respect of their father/uncle/grandfather or more from any man number 1. I learned 1/2 decade ago you can't be a brother figure that occasionally bust her ovaries in jest.  
 Hell, When I was a senior in high school fresh/soph was my biggest attraction. Not all, but some Women like a man that has more life experiences.  

As an older man I have noticed that some ladies are quite comfortable with an older man (sometimes much older).  A few even seem to prefer older men.  If you are a lady in either of these categories when did you first feel this way?  Was this from the beginning or did it develop over time?

Been told that "older gents" (over 50) are more docile, give ladies what they want, and don't feel a need to have multiple pops. To the extent we like fetish or role play it's kind that ladies enjoy because they get off too. One lady I know loved being secured with vibrator against her, which she told me she did not trust younger guys to do and be safe. Don't know if she meant it or not but makes sense. At 63, I'm more laid back than at 43.  

Posted By: niceguy22215
As an older man I have noticed that some ladies are quite comfortable with an older man (sometimes much older).  A few even seem to prefer older men.  If you are a lady in either of these categories when did you first feel this way?  Was this from the beginning or did it develop over time?

nd though Im clearly the wrong sex I qualify in the age category so wanted to chime in. I met a young lady once (late 20s) who I think was looking for a father figure. She was always very respectful and said more than once said she always learned something from me when we spoke.
She told me she loved the little bit of grey in my hair and said please dont ever dye it. She was very open about liking older guys and I think it was the result of bad experiences with guys her age including her ex husband.  
She was a great find I admit...lo

I understand that there are many reasons that a woman might prefer an older man.  I am really interested in knowing at what age she developed this preference.  You gave me a clear answer.  Thank you again.

Well because I am older too!  In that light, I enjoy the matured subtleties that older men possess.  This is a learned and practiced mindset and skill set.  They are more patient and very kind- emotionally and otherwise generous.  They truly appreciate a lady and really intuitively understand that my pleasure is theirs as well.  The biggest variable is the experienced intelligence- sexy is not just the function of sex like in porn.  I can turn that channel easily.  It is the coquettish flirting, kinky-ness, etc.  I need to feel a person...to enjoy who they really are and know that they enjoy the real
Me too.  Genuineness is huge

As a man a lot of us look better w/age. Plus there is the career aspect that makes women older than me be interested too...but 25yr old strippers liked me at 19 so who knows.

Howevet, Women appreciate the respect of their father/uncle/grandfather or more from any man number 1. I learned 1/2 decade ago you can't be a brother figure that occasionally bust her ovaries in jest.  

Hell, When I was a senior in high school fresh/soph was my biggest attraction. Not all, but some Women like a man that has more life experiences

Emotionally, sexually and financially for various health and other reasons. But think that in this mix of things, older men are safe, generous and blind to woman in this realm. They (men) are  sincere and unaware (or clueless).  

Posted By: Life410
As a man a lot of us look better w/age. Plus there is the career aspect that makes women older than me be interested too...but 25yr old strippers liked me at 19 so who knows.  
 Howevet, Women appreciate the respect of their father/uncle/grandfather or more from any man number 1. I learned 1/2 decade ago you can't be a brother figure that occasionally bust her ovaries in jest.  
 Hell, When I was a senior in high school fresh/soph was my biggest attraction. Not all, but some Women like a man that has more life experiences.  

Most of it can neither be bottled nor is true. Older gents are a magnificently easy touch. clueless on purpose or to a fault.  

Posted By: Life410
As a man a lot of us look better w/age. Plus there is the career aspect that makes women older than me be interested too...but 25yr old strippers liked me at 19 so who knows.  
 Howevet, Women appreciate the respect of their father/uncle/grandfather or more from any man number 1. I learned 1/2 decade ago you can't be a brother figure that occasionally bust her ovaries in jest.  
 Hell, When I was a senior in high school fresh/soph was my biggest attraction. Not all, but some Women like a man that has more life experiences.  

a man 30- 40 yrs older. the wider the age gap the less common.

Sorry, to me, a 70 yr old man with an 18 yr old girl is disgusting.

I just hope that I'm still around to see if you feel the same way when you're seventy

When I started out in this little secret world, I loved men in their late 30's early 40's. Now some of my favs are anywhere from mid/late 50s to 70+. I love a man who has experienced LIVING! A man with that certain something from life's lessons that can't be fully realized by a 30 something.

Steph xoxo

In speaking with providers that post "35+ or 40+" the common theme centers around intimidation. Unfortunately providing is a risky profession and they find the more mature guys post less of a risk and are less demanding. As a 40+ year old my reboot time is not the same as when I was 21-25. And lets face it, older guys are more financially stable as well. So for a provider, the perfect customer is a man with financial means, not as sexually demanding and is not as much of a security risk. And lets not get into the fact older men typically have families and do not want a relationship. They just want a convenient distraction with no strings and that is what providers provide. These younger guys think they are in a relationship with these providers and that can cause for problems.  

So I do not blame providers for preferring older gentleman (gentleman being the operative word). Having said that, there are younger guys who are also responsible.

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