Washington DC

Nope not when I saw there'd be no NC-17 rating. I caught 'Seventh Son'. -e-
TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 526 reads


I saw it with a few girlfriends. We got a little tipsy at lunch beforehand so we were pretty revved up for the movie. It was AWESOME! I loved it. It was just the right amount of kink and eroticism for me. I did not read the books so for those of you who have you may find a few things missing from the movie which is normal. Afterwards we took the party back to my friends house an played around with neck ties and all sorts of other things, getting in some practice for their husbands Lol I'm not even into women like that but that movie turned me into a cat in heat!!!

Fun 007 type of movie.  
If kink is your thing : "50 Shades of Grey"
If you are into exploding heads : The Kingsmen"

BTW.....you will find a lot of 50 Shades of Grey stuff in normal shopping mall types of stores.
Oddly in places very young girls like to shop....like Claires

I feel kinda creepy just knowing this.

-- Modified on 2/16/2015 7:55:46 AM

-- Modified on 2/16/2015 8:27:15 AM

I saw the kingsmen too!  
really fun movie:

So I have my 12 yr old son with me as we were both eagerly anticipating seeing this movie.  The theater had two sets of lines waiting.  I assumed at least one of them was for Kingsmen...NOT!!  They both were for Grey.  

As I'm standing in the wrong line a lady with a group of her friends ask me..."are you AND your son going to see this movie?"  I say...."we sure are and can't wait....!"  She gives me the Perv look and frown and I give her the puzzled look back.  After about a 3 min awkard existence in the same space I ask..."Is this the line for Kingsmen...?"  And she responds with a look of relieve No.  And we both LOAO.....  I tell her "OK, I get it now, no I am NOT taking my son to see Grey with me......!

Posted By: STPhomer
Fun 007 type of movie.    
 If kink is your thing : "50 Shades of Grey"  
 If you are into exploding heads : The Kingsmen"  
 BTW.....you will find a lot of 50 Shades of Grey stuff in normal shopping mall types of stores.  
 Oddly in places very young girls like to shop....like Claires  
 I feel kinda creepy just knowing this.  
 -- Modified on 2/16/2015 7:55:46 AM

-- Modified on 2/16/2015 8:27:15 AM

The grown up version of Claire's, which is Icing. I know, because I bought the 50 Shades stockings there, and I go to Claire's pretty often, too. I could not resist the stockings, yet, I do not have the courage/insanity to wear them. I am embarrassed to describe what they look like. I was even more embarrassed buying them; I felt like a total perv. Good lord, no they do not sell them at Claire's.  Easy mistake to make for a guy.  Icing=grown up Claire's. Well, relatively grown up, anyway.  

LOL, I can't believe this is a subject for discussion.

I don't think there was one dry vagina in the entire theatre by the time the movie was over.

Poorly done movie, yet VERY HOT sex scenes.

(I didn't read the books either and had no idea what to expect.)

-- Modified on 2/17/2015 2:14:37 PM

Never was "blushy smiley face" more appropriate than now!  Thank goodness I was alone in a dark theater! I am sure I was beet-red.

I read all three books (and I loved them, although it is hardly hip to admit it). Sure, they were not perfect oeuvres of literature, and there were parts I would have changed, but they hooked me hard enough. You just fall in love with Christian. The movie really made up for the flaws in the book. I thought the roles were perfectly cast, esp. Anastasia. What a lovely female. And I'm glad they left Christian's housekeeper out because I always thought that was a bit weird and she didn't add anything to the story. I do think reading the books made for a richer experience because you totally got what they were really talking about, and little scenes that would have made no sense at all (like when he was losing his temper on the phone) if you had not read the books. And conversely, the movie was really successful in bringing what I had read about to life -- what I could only imagine. Like the helicopter ride, and the experience of soaring in a glider plane, and oh, a couple of other things. Beautifully filmed, all of it. I want the soundtrack!  

That part where he started undoing his jeans, that's where I pretty much combusted. OMG. I imagine there will be sequels, as there were in the book

I honestly have no interest in seeing 50 Shades. I am sure I will catch it when it pops up on HBO or Cinemax lol. Skinemax. ;-) I also didn't read the book. I checked out a few pages and found it to be cheesy. Harlequin romance novels cheesy. But I know people are digging it.  
  Shoot em up movies? Yes please. First movies I watched that weren't G rated were Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, Terminator, Rambo. That's what my dad had in his video library and that is what I watched again and again. I am looking forward to the next Terminator film. I love movies. Especially horror films, sci-fi, thrillers and dramas. A good comedy , yes please.

  I heard that Dakota Johnson is topless a lot in the film. Taking after her mom I see? ;-) When I was younger I liked Melanie Griffith. Loved Working Girl. And she was alway topless in her movies. Anyone remember Body Double? LOL

I saw the movie tonight, some hot scenes but they cut several important things from the book. The end... just like the book. Looking forward for the second movie.

for me, I think it was ok. I do like it but I enjoyed reading the book better. I defintely expected more but that's just my opinion.


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