Washington DC

Maybe I Am Going Overboard on This One......
egyptsphynest 5696 reads
1 / 27

Okay this is the deal and I know I am going to get so much flack and headache on this one but oh freakin well. I have been on eros for some time and just recently have been frequenting the board and joining in on discussions.  My review database is slowly but surely growing and I am learning to be patient.  However I notice that the providers that are well known or have been seen by some of the well known gentlemen on here get recommended a hell of alot.  How do those of us that know our potential get seen by those of you that have prefrences...Me as you can see below.. am not the supermodel skinny mini...infact I could be considered a bbw... What would it take for me to get a very well known gentlemen on here to see me and write me a review...say one of the "Masters" as they have been referred to on here?

My reviews thus far:

hotanik See my TER Reviews 5596 reads
2 / 27

Niche, it is obviously hard for someone to post a recommendation of you if they don't know your niche.  You seem like a sweet and intelligent girl, and I can feel your complaint, the challenge.  We all faced it in the beginning.

If you notice, the same girls are not offered for every single ISO, the guys have gotten to know each ladies special qualities.  

Myself, I am more likely to be recommended for a newbie, or someone looking for that person they can take their time with... I have found my talent (my ability to put someone at ease) and have even been able to make that come across in my website.

Other ladies are known for their raunchiness, their big natural boobies, fake boobies, and then their "special services".  The guys know what they are good at and recommend them for the guys looking for their kind of talent.

Define it for yourself, what is it that you are particularly good at, or what part of your body can a gent not help but caress and touch?  What makes yours one of the best?  Don't get arrogant about it, but do know what you are great at.  After that, whenever you see an ISO for that particular enjoyment, you can answer with your website.  Do not answer all of them, you will confuse those that would recommend you, because havent focused on what your best at.

Let it be known your good at it... if one of the 'Masters' is interested in that particular style, your in.  Remember, however, that there are many future Masters in the bunch... do not facus so hard on a group of reviewers, BC is the number one research methd.  That means you are not privy to your best source, so stay on your toes, the Masters are no better than the apprentices (no offense).


-- Modified on 2/23/2005 9:13:30 AM

Olderguy 37 Reviews 4243 reads
3 / 27

Build your niche, and we will come.

egyptsphynest 3874 reads
4 / 27

I tell you.  You are def. what they say you are.  I just skimmed through what you wrote at first and got goosebumps.  I really appreciate that.  Sometimes it takes another persons view to let you know that things will be okay in the future and just to be patient.  You are wonderful Anik and I really appreciate the way you brought things full circle to me today.  Truly you are gifted and your words have made my day SUNNNY:)

Wicked Simone 4294 reads
5 / 27

Girl please, you are smokin' hot!  Bump stressin' over a 'master' of anything reviewing your sexy azz.  Like Anik said, find your niche and it will happen.  I am, by most accounts, a petite bbw and receive limited reviews-- but the ones I do get are all good =)  I have felt left out of the "in" crowd before- then I got over it.  It took me a few months to cultivate my clientele, but now the inbox stays busy and the phone keeps on a ringadinging.  I know many a man that would spread you on a biscuit and eat you up.  Shoot me an email and I'll fill you in... [email protected]

Wickedly Sensual Kisses


getoff 73 Reviews 9665 reads
6 / 27

So Egypt, what is your speciality?  What sets you a part what can we expect in a session with you?

Lex Luethor 4644 reads
7 / 27

..., being notoriously easily-pleased, my recommendations have about as much value as dirt.

That said, I concur with the Simone: you are *very* hot. One day I will be a master too...and I will send you an email saying, "I saw your ad... You're beautiful! Will you see me?!"

But, like so many before you, you'll reply, politely but firmly...

"Well, Lex, I would, but I've heard of you, and I have to be honest: I just don't think I'm your type. It's not you -- it's me... No, of course it's not your hump... or your bald head... or you shriveled manhood. I sure there are many other lovely providers out there who will see you. Good luck, hon." (yes, they all say "hon" -- I don't know why)

-- Modified on 2/23/2005 1:00:59 PM

betty_snj See my TER Reviews 4531 reads
8 / 27

you provide top notch service combined with great skills. I'm a big girl and I have lots of reviews here (21 pages) and elsewhere. Some VIPs, from any board, just reviews the top girls, even if they visit others. I guess is more of an ego thing, or not to "hurt" his top ATF feelings. I saw many VIPs, over and over, and they didn't post one single review. I think each guy her his own reasons for posting or not about certain girls. You should not worry about who posted about you or not. Reviews are good to boost your business temporarily...if you don't have a good rep to go along with, they're worthless. I think a girl should build her reputation based  on consistent performances. Once you achieve that, all guys will come to see you VIP or not. And, remember, the majority of recommendations are backchanneled and not posted on the boards.

eltee69 16 Reviews 3621 reads
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With the great reviews that you have, it's just a matter of time my dear. Even some of the most highly recommended ladies on this board had a slow start before blowing up. There are a few that I once had no trouble contacting, have voice mailboxes that are constantly full.  True, some of the gentleman prefer the slim model types. But there are many of us (myself included) that like 'em meaty. Have patience my dear. With your resume, I foresee that a full dance card for you is right around the corner.

LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 4744 reads
10 / 27

Ok;I luv those DD. We talked before and our schedule didn't match.. I wiil have to take that drive up your neck of the woods on the W/E. PM ME and we can set something up..

seekingthe1 1 Reviews 5363 reads
11 / 27

And I can see why you inbox is busy.

Each man's view is a bit different, but from where I sit,
You are the most beautiful of any person's pic I have seen here.

One day I will get the nerve to meet you personally ;>

slipry 115 Reviews 3832 reads
12 / 27

Go Big Daddy - don't forget your friends and report back. Oh, I didn't know about back channel info - I'm being neglected.

And Sweetie - it's a matter of time as said - you are smokin hot. Of course Im not considered one of the Masters or VIP - yet - but we will hook up eventually. By then maybe my word will count and others will start back channel discussions with me.

It's my feeling most is said up front and is reflected by reviews or open discussion here - very little detail is given up by the PM's - more so a validation by those who review to those who are on the border of making a decision.

LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 3844 reads
13 / 27

Don't let Slipry fool you.. He is the master of information.. Thanks for the tidbit on that jewel we have been discussing. Looking forward to seeing her.. Will report back.  

I will make the call to the beautiful Egypt and see if she is available this W/E..

Traci_whitemarsh 4338 reads
14 / 27

Maybe you are "too hot" for the masters to handle!  Plus sometimes guys won't post on someone they really like because they're afraid you'll get too busy and they won't be able to get an appt with you.  As long as you're staying busy and making $$ I wouldn't worry about it, which I'm sure you are.  Hell, I'd do you and I'm not even bi!!

Wicked Simone 4825 reads
15 / 27

stranger ;)  Your peeps have asked about you.  You've been missed.



Wicked Simone 4194 reads
16 / 27

Allow me to handle your nerves.  I can assure you, I will make you eXtremely comfortable.



LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 4062 reads
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Derringer 18 Reviews 5441 reads
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But before I do, let me join the chorus of those saying that you are really HOT!!   Egypt, the first time I saw your post and checked out your photos; well, let's just say my interest was definitely piqued -- and my interest wasn't the only thing! ;-)  

Actually, I'm sure there are plenty of guys just like me who are NOT seeking a thin, 18 year old, Paris Hilton wannabe.  (Nothing against those of you out there who may be one, but I'm just not interested.)  Let me make myself crystal clear: Egypt, I ADORE women with a body like yours!  (Actually, it is what I look for both within and outside the hobby.)  And you have such a sexy look!  Mmm, those *wonderful curves*, and those *incredible lips*....  

Okay, okay, I gotta snap out of it.  Seriously, are y'all ready for my breakthrough comment??  Here it is:

Unfortunately, you are a smoker -- at least according to your TER profile.  I know that doesn't matter to a lot of folks, but it REALLY bothers me.  And it is not just that I hate it, and I absolutely detest it; but the fact is I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.  So it's more than just a personal preference for me.  And even if the lady isn't smoking while I'm there -- but if she, her clothes, and/or her in-call location still smell(s) like it, I just can't do it.  It's all about health.

So babe, I would most certainly see you otherwise.  And yes, I know this limits my choices quite a bit....  And there are some ladies I would absolutely kill to see, but I am who I am.

And if I have offended the smokers in the TER group, well, I am NOT sorry.  You gals should quit so I can visit you, dammit!!  But most importantly, when you quit your lungs will thank you.

Finally, I want to add something about the so-called "masters of TER."  Thus far I only have one review, but I have seen a couple of other ladies since then.  Until now, my thinking was for me to just skip writing the reviews -- primarily because the ladies I have seen already have pages and pages and pages of great reviews.  So I thought, "These ladies don't need another kudos from me.  What difference does it make?"  

And besides that, I was raised not to kiss and tell.  Call me an old-fashioned Southern boy, but I want to keep much of what goes on between a provider and me just between us -- yes, even if she doesn't care.  However, I now realize I need to keep cranking out those reviews so maybe one day I too can become a King, God, bufoo potentate, junior Jedi master!

egyptsphynest 4346 reads
19 / 27

I now have so many different views and opinions that it has really changed my vision.  I am an impatient Virgo by nature and that side has taken the best of me in the last weeks.  But with the help of those that voice opinions on TER I am beginning to understand, if you will the psyche of different folks.....Different strokes for different folks.  And just because it is not always talked about doesnt mean its not liked.  I so much appreciate and thank those who responded with their views.  I took a minute to sit back and think WOW...all of you took time out of your day to write detailed responses just for lil ol me..!!! Thank you again and you can read some of the personal responses to statements under other posts....!!!

egyptsphynest 5867 reads
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egyptsphynest 3986 reads
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To be honest I don't think I have an exact speciality...that is to say I am good at more than one thing.  I offer GFE which most girls do, but to me, and you can read by my reviews, that I am honestly intune with my clients.  My speciality if I had to choose one, would be centered around the comfort level my clients experience with me.  And we all know if you dont feel comfortable upon your walkin you sometimes have doubts about the entire encounter. By nature I am a person that likes to experience different things sexually. I won't explain fully on here on TER but email me so we can discuss some things...Even better cum see me!

egyptsphynest 4138 reads
22 / 27

Email me @ the above address or check me on eros for my email.  I could set something special up just for you if you really are interested in seeing me.  I do understand the health issue and will not contest that, but I most certainly will make an effort to see you in an environment that is conducive to your standards.  And that is a promise!

Vanica See my TER Reviews 4823 reads
23 / 27

Don't worry your sweet little head dear. You are a really nece girl and a well known guy my not be the best for you. Just cherish your regulars and believe me they will more than appreciate it. That's why I started my VIP section. To let my regulars know how much they are appreciated. It is better to have 10 people love you, than 100 people just like you.

LisaRivera 4571 reads
24 / 27

In the short months I have been in the area, I have notice in that short period of time that you have improved dramatically...Not to say you didn't look good in the beginning because you did.....I can tell that you revamp your whole look and it is smokin"....They are all missing out on a extremely hot time from the reviews that I have read about you....And your recent pics, girl...are all that and some......I truly think that you are one of the true elite ebony companions in the area

Ponzone 39 Reviews 3198 reads
25 / 27

Oh yes Derringer, the TIMELESS argument of "tell all" vs. "discretion", a.k.a., "to review and post" vs. "to stay out of it".  IMHO, the "answer" depends upon the circumstances.

 Depending upon the specifics, I might be in "one camp" one particular time, and in the entirely opposite "camp" the next.  Clearly in here, my "tell all exploits" have been legion.  But if you check often enough, you know that I don't always.  Except in a review, I try to keep my policy one of: "praise in public, criticize in private".  That's my objective on THIS board (unless it's humor).  If I'm going to do any "bad mouthing", I try to confine that to pm's.  However, it is appropriate (to a degree) in a review as long as no malice is intended.  Some say there is no such thing as "constructive criticism".  I disagree.  My policy in such matters is: "If the shoe fits, wear it, if it doesn't, don't worry about it".

 I have encountered agencies and indies which prefer discretion.  That may "raise alarms" in here, suggesting that they might have something to hide.  I figure I am a "big enough boy" to figure that out for myself.  The bottom line is: Do I like the lady, or NOT?  If so, and she prefers discretion, I will honor that.  I try not to get into the habit of "shooting myself in the dick".  I don't like to blow a good thing.  If the lady prefers reviews (or doesn't mind them), then chances are I will review.  On the other hand, if I find she's a dud, I'll so review, because I'm not going back anyway and my teammates need to know.

 As for not reviewing someone who has lots of reviews, there are many good reasons to add one more.  The main one is that things may have changed.  Perhaps the lady's performance is declining.  My teammates would need to know.  Perhaps it is YMMV.  In that case, they need to know that she provides "different strokes for different folks".  If my review becomes one of many good ones, then that would help show that the "jubilant chorus" has been "adding to its membership".

AngelSpencer See my TER Reviews 3378 reads
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Jaysus 2 Reviews 3245 reads
27 / 27

I couldnt resist adding my 2 cents to this posting. I am not an avid hobbyist nor would I consider myself a chronic hobbyist. But, I have used the services of some of the women in this profession for my own personal reasons. I am an above average looking man but have grown tired of seeing hot bodies walk around me at the mall. So, I found a way to meet and enjoy the pleasures of hot sexy women through this method. I see this posting by this guy "derringer" or whatever and it makes me ill.
I have to say, this women is beautiful and remember, you're paying for this service. Its not like you should be on such a high pedistal and "detest" someone elses personal habits. Take a look at your own maybe and remember if you're such a picky person, why are you doing this. Remember, these women are putting up with an alful lot and maybe when they arrive and see you, they arent too excited to by you but provide the service regardless. Get over yourself....

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