Washington DC

Listen to Curly.....
rafater 1 Reviews 1028 reads
1 / 25

As background, I'm a hobbyist who was very active years ago (in the day of Anais, Elaina, FoggyBottom Beth...) who retired and has recently dipped my toe back in.  Not a poster or reviewer, but a "long term listener."  Found a provider I'd like to spend more time with, to the point of taking an overnight trip.  Have never done that before, so I'm curious if anyone here has.  It's one thing to spend an hour or two with someone, but 24 hours?  Don't know if that's pushing it, awkward, or a real delight.  I'm certain it's partly YMMV, but let me know if you have any thoughts.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 1141 reads
2 / 25

It really depends on what you value in life...

Do you really value extended time with someone, at a hefty price, to watch them sleep, eat, put on makeup etc.  Let me tell you something. In a 24 hr appointment, people are not having sex all the time. Its just like going on a vacation with a girlfriend. Only thing is they leave after 24 hrs and gf "might" stay a little bit longer.  I personally don't see much value in it at 5K or 10K or whatever she charges for that price..  

If you see value in it.. Great... You can pursue it..

!!!!! 697 reads
3 / 25

. . . if you consider each other as a friend and treat each other as such. Even if you pay for the trip, you shouldn't make demands and should let her have input into activities. Actually, if you can cater to her needs and desires, she will be happy and, because of that, you will be happy.

Treat it as a vacation together. If she likes you, it won't cost much.

Of course,  if you consider her being a friend, you should be comfortable enough with her and confident that she won't take advantage of you

rafater 1 Reviews 568 reads
4 / 25

Both replies valid.  (at my age, trust me: I'm not having sex constantly or even regularly even in a 24 hr. period!)

No, I'd consider more a vacation with a friend.

RespectfullyYours 9 Reviews 724 reads
5 / 25

Above all, I would have a serious heart-to-heart with the gal and discuss all of the ground rules and expectations before booking the trip. Lay it all out and see if you're both on the same page as far as how you expect the time together to proceed. You don't want to shell out that kind of cash and be disappointed when the "date" doesn't proceed exactly as you fantasize do it would.

Guarddog111 238 Reviews 535 reads
6 / 25

How many times would a date be expected to perform a function in a day?  I would think it would be awesome to be waken up to a morning 'service', then after lunch delight and maybe a pre-dinner romp, followed by a late night snack.  Four times too much?

Thoughts?  Reasonable or unreasonable.

Ric330 1 Reviews 574 reads
7 / 25

I've been on multiple extended dates with my ATF, ranging from 14 hour overnights to multi-day/night trips. They have been uniformly fabulous. But, as others have already posted, there are some secrets to success: (1) The chemistry must be right. I would never do an overnight without having had several successful shorter format dates with the lady. (2) Gentlemen must understand that the "I'm taking you on a lovely trip and paying for your travel expenses, why must I also pay for your time" argument or its variants are unfair. Just because a lady is spending extended time with you does not mean that she's getting extended time on her monthly bills. Come to a determination of a fair donation in advance of the trip. (3) The ground rules must be clear. Traveling often means getting out of one's regular routine. Sleeping arrangements, schedules for down time, options for romping, etc. should all be clarified in advance. (4) You should jointly plan appropriate fun activities outside of the hotel room. These could be lunch/dinner, a music outing, a hike, the spa, shopping, or whatever is fun for the two of you.

Yes, travel dates can be expensive, but not necessarily as much as you might think. As CurlyW said, it all depends on what you value in life. I value travel dates because I and my partner can share fun as real people as well as bed partners. If the chemistry is right, the synergies are fantastic.

-- Modified on 10/24/2014 2:17:54 PM

Hello.Duchess See my TER Reviews 722 reads
8 / 25

Oh.My.Goodness. Are you serious?

I mean.  

Wow. You can't be serious. Are you kidding?

Who has that kind of money?

You could buy a car! Well, half a car

BeautywithBrains See my TER Reviews 651 reads
10 / 25

...are staying close to the hotel all day.

   My overnight, and travel dates rarely spend a lot of time in the room, unless we are romping, or enjoying room service.  

    I love morning romps, and a romp before dinner, however, if my date and I are out about playing tourist, etc, we are not going to head back to the hotel for a lunch time romp.  I/we do, however, thoroughly enjoy Couples Massages, with relaxation rooms after!

   As JLS pointed out, each and every date is different.  

Hugs and Kisses,

earthshined 438 reads
11 / 25

better value with regular appointments.

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 508 reads
13 / 25

Duchess is not that naive.. She is a very smart lady, if you have see her well written posts over last yr or so that she has been here..  

She was just being facetious, I reckon....

Hello.Duchess See my TER Reviews 498 reads
14 / 25

I have seen the rates, on a couple of websites. This is what I always thought: it's a gimmick. Something to make a lady look more VIP, maybe?  I just don't know anyone personally who has actually bagged that kind of rate. But I guess it happens! If you say so, I believe it!  More power to 'em! WTG

Hello.Duchess See my TER Reviews 516 reads
15 / 25

For saying I am smart :) I am smart sometimes, and sometimes not so smart.

Did you know I have actually been around since 2006? I fell in love and had all my old reviews taken down (well, there weren't loads, maybe 7). When I realized he didn't care one way or other, I came back.

One day I am going to meet someone who does care one way or the other and then I will be gone for good. That's what I tell myself :)

See. Not always so smart :) Like everyone when it comes to the heart.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 497 reads
16 / 25

... and gimmick could be or could be not. I dunno if those rates are to make them look more VIP but again in comparison to their rates (and again if the trip is happening within the states or elsewhere) if someone is willing to pay for it then hey (there is always someone). And don't just take my word for even tho I do know some who have went on these 5k+ travel dates. There are clients at all levels of income in this hobby so imo not so crazy to think"expensive" dates do happen.

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 314 reads
17 / 25

$5000 to some is like a nickel to others.  

Posted By: Hello.Duchess
Oh.My.Goodness. Are you serious?  
 I mean.  
 Wow. You can't be serious. Are you kidding?  
 Who has that kind of money?  
 You could buy a car! Well, half a car.  

USGrantlover 219 Reviews 553 reads
18 / 25

There's a retired gal whose rate was $9k. Nonnegotiable. She was worth it.  

Posted By: Hello.Duchess
I have seen the rates, on a couple of websites. This is what I always thought: it's a gimmick. Something to make a lady look more VIP, maybe?  I just don't know anyone personally who has actually bagged that kind of rate. But I guess it happens! If you say so, I believe it!  More power to 'em! WTG!  

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 428 reads
19 / 25

A lot of gals post those rates.. Some get them; some don't. There is always room for a little back and forth between the hobbyist and provider when that kind of amount is in question, and most girls are willing to come down a bit in their asking price rather than lose the business to some other gal.  

Its a free market society, but its somewhat imperfect due to the nature of the business, thanks to the favors of those we elect to protect us..

SinCitySinner 64 Reviews 336 reads
21 / 25

the God given ability to love and be loved..

That's not me talking.. That's vodka.So forgive me a bit....:D


-- Modified on 10/25/2014 6:47:23 PM

WEDAZ 1 Reviews 495 reads
22 / 25

I used to be in the high end home remodeling business, had a good business for a number of years.  Had a good friend whose approach was to charge very, very high prices.  His philosophy was that he only got about 10% of the proposals he submitted.  His thinking was that he would make enough on the few jobs he got to ensure his work was impeccable and he'd still stay as busy as he chose to be.

I'm a sailor and own an old sailboat.  As much as I'd love to own a Hinckley, it's just not in the cards.  My boat is great for me, she's capable of going offshore, some have circumnavigated. (In fact, was cleaning the bilge today😓)

I'd never have enough disposable income to drop 5 or 10 grand like that, but don't begridge those who can.  

Hmmm, maybe I ought to barter sailing lessons for ......

western404 62 Reviews 449 reads
23 / 25

I've gone on some nice travel times, ranging from an overnight to two or three day trips, but always with someone who I have seen several times before on "regular" dates. We've agreed on a gift amount that has been MUCH more moderate than the $5k or $10k that some advertise for. I wouldn't expect to pay less than the advertised rate if it was with someone I didn't know, but then again, I wouldn't jump into a 24 or 48 hour trip with someone I didn't know anyway. The ladies I've gone with understand its fun for them and that there are other expenses the guy pays for on the trip (travel, hotel, food), and I appreciate the perspective they have brought to it.

Sidney Starr See my TER Reviews 531 reads
24 / 25

I have gone on trips with clients and we had a blast. Why? Because it was a right fit. We both liked to have fun, go out, people watch and drink. Socially and responsibly of course. We talked about it before and both understood what the client was looking for in a travel companion.  

 I went to NYC once with a client. He had to go for three days/nights on business and mainly wanted a dinner and evening companion. I was free to do whatever I wanted during the days. I worked out, shopped, pampered myself and it was nice. I of seen other clients during outcalls but he paid me handsomely well I decided against it. NYC is a fun town and he wAs a fun client.  

  For three nights he paid 7500.00 He offered the rate. I lived in Philly at the time and it was an easy train ride too and from. But he insisted so I accepted. ;-)

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 395 reads
25 / 25

If I could do 4 weekends a month @5k (plus travel/expenses) I'd be a happy camper. :D

-- Modified on 10/27/2014 10:04:10 AM

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