Washington DC

Ladies beware!sad_smile
Ms. Info 3910 reads

This is based on true events!
A gentleman requested Provider A’s presence at his hotel in DC. Upon arrival she noticed police cars out front. She called him but he didn’t answer his phone. A few minutes later he called back. She opted not to entertain him. A few days ago, the same gentleman contacted Provider B. He used a lady reviewed on TER as a reference. As standard procedure, the reviewed provider was contacted by email, however she never responded. Yesterday, the very same gentleman contacted Provider C, using Provider A as a reference. Provider C contacted Provider A to verify the reference, however Provider A could not verify him because although he HAD scheduled an appointment, she hadn’t seen him.  
Is this all a matter of chance? No. Is this a sting? Yes.
Whatever you do, regardless of what you do, be safe!Thoroughly screen your calls!

Could you please PM me with his name since I'm visiting DC right now?

Many thanks,

Please contact me with all available info.

[email protected] or


Denise_Belle3020 reads

Please forward to me, also! Thanks.


[email protected]

Lia for Eden Brielle2490 reads

Could you please email me his info too?  Eden's touring DC now.  Please email [email protected].  Thanks so much for the warning!

Eden B's PA

-- Modified on 4/13/2005 2:28:42 PM

can you please email me his info , i am visiting DC as well just had a strange phone call ...
thanks in advance
[email protected]

Please send it to me as well. [email protected]
I will be heading to DC soon. Who knows what the start of this may mean for indys and agencies. Look at the latest bust in NYC too.
We are all going to have to tighten up more so than ever.
NOTE: I have tried to contact people for references. We all know it can take a couple extra minutes to respond. But please, when a person does, please reply.


As a provider, reference checks have become a daily routine.  I have never came across a provider who hasn’t been accommodating with providing me with the necessary information until recently.
These ladies I classify as unverifiable provider references and I inform gentleman as such. I say something to the nature of ” She’s a very busy lady and I would prefer a reference check from someone who is more easily accessible to contact.”I usually don’t run into any problems after that.

I myself prefer an email as appose to phone calls. However in the event of a last minute appointment, I would much rather have a lady call me than have something undesirable happening.

I understand that people like their privacy, I do as much as the next person. As providers in this business, friendship is not necessary, but it sure does make things a lot easier when it comes to networking and reference checks.
 Regardless politeness cost nothing.
If we all have a mutual respect for the hobby and abide by the (for lack of a better term) rules or code of ethics set before us, businesses will runs smoothly.

When a lady doesn’t respond to a reference check, I feel that a great injustice to the hobby has been done, especially if the provider  herself requires them.

While conducting reference checks, I have contacted independents as well as agencies and have been told “ The name sounds familiar, however I can not verify him because of bla, bla, bla.” I appreciate this much more than no response at all.

In light recent events, I think that we all should think twice before entertaining an inquiry that sounds suspicious. We also should have a RELIABLE system for reference checks, and make it well known which ladies are comfortable with providing reference checks and which ones are not.

Just my 2 cents…

Ayanna2673 reads

I couldn't agree with you more Jayla.  I'm new to the internet scene and I have contacted some agencies and some providers with no response at all.  

There have been some ladies who have been very helpful to me with giving the thumbs up on some gentlemen, and I greatly appreciate that.  I have turned down some appointments because of not being able to verify the person.  

I posted a message yesterday, asking for information about this gentleman.  True, I'm not in DC, (I'm in Baltimore) but I receive calls from DC and have seen some DC gentlemen.

I have personally emailed two other providers yesterday, and have yet to receive any information.  Would you please send me information, so I don't cringe everytime I receive a call from DC?

Thank you Jayla


I have called some ladies (not on this board) and they have told me to come on over..They tell me where to meet them and never ask for references.

One lady ask me if I was LE (I think  LE can lie now)

I applause you ladies for looking out for each other..

Maybe on the TV show: "To tell the Truth".  NOT with the imposters on that show, or in real life.  Perfectly legal for LE to make up any concoction they WANT in order to try to "trip ya' up".

My point exactly.. She was a little naive and I stayed home..

Denise_Belle1651 reads

I require references, and I won't take them from just anybody, because there's no telling how well another person keeps track of details or how much integrity they have.  

Case in point: in the sketchy situation posted above, there was a so called "reputable" agency given as a reference- and they CONFIRMED that he was a safe client! WTF?

I am always happy to respond to reference checks, and always do so immediately after I receive them. I take references very seriously, and won't confirm an appointment I'm not 100% sure on.

I may not be able to guarantee the safety of another lady, but I'm going to make damn sure I've done everything in my power to make sure she's meeting with someone respectable. I think the most important thing we girls can do is be supportive and  look out for each other as much as possible- and references are at the top of the list of things to make that happen.


Some of you are members of Date Check, but have not mentioned this service in your discussion. Why? It seems like a reasonable and verifiable system. Am I missing something?

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