Washington DC

I've seen her pics on Eros DC before...
Smarty1101 61 Reviews 3265 reads
1 / 24

As they say what ever happens here stays here. But sometimes it happens there. What about this girl?


I think she works in DC for a while now is working in Vegas, but for some reason lost her reviews on TER but is working on it to get it repaired. A fox no less. And believe some of you fine gentelmen know of her. She went be Belle back there I believe. Thanks to all. Get those Easter eggs Sunday.

Guz 25 Reviews 3866 reads
2 / 24

The name "Belle" sticks in my head along with her pics...I think she had decent reviews. Maybe Jeo knows more...

GirlinDC 4 Reviews 2121 reads
3 / 24

He's just really really slow taking down her page.  Says she's here in DC when she's been in LA for a month.

She's independent now.

Smarty1101 61 Reviews 2873 reads
4 / 24

Funny that this smokin hot lady has not been partaken of by the members here. I am meeting her next week here in Vegas, just wanted to know about any possible red flags. (Not that red flag!)

NoVACommuter 14 Reviews 2524 reads
5 / 24

The link you provided doesn't work, but if everyone is right that it is her, here is a link to Belle's reviews.

Smarty1101 61 Reviews 2899 reads
6 / 24

Right I provided that last night in my second post, after finding it. Really good reviews eh? We've been messaging back and forth and now her web site is down. It was up yesterday under Eden. I my first post.

WebTerrorist 3094 reads
7 / 24

Ok...here's a bit of what is going on with the web site:

Her site was temporarily put on a sever by the web designer, until her actual server space, and domain name came through.
This was the site listed on the "Eden Brielle" review.

When the new site was ready and uploaded to the correct servers, a problem report was made to change the URL to her site to "edenbrielle.com"  for some reason, the review was taken down pending, among other things the placement of the "TER" logo (which has been corrected).

Why the website was down earlier today:
the server was down on the host's end nothing to do with Miss Brielle, and the server was back up and running in a short amount of time.  There was also a very smalll amount of time, maybe 3 minutes tops, when the site was being updated to fix some minor desgn errors, but this would have only effected a page or two at that time as they were being re-uploaded.

The site should now be up at www.edenbrielle.com  and no further problems should occur.  The review of Eden should also be back up here on TER soon, unless anything odd and really unforeseen occurs.

Hope this helps to clear a few things up.

GirlinDC 4 Reviews 3753 reads
8 / 24

If you think that's Belle then there's alot of reviews, all good, by alot of TER members.  

Seems the only red flag here is whether or not you think that's Belle.  Can't really prove it except if you saw Belle's photos before and Eden's now, they look like the same girl to me.

Lia for Eden Brielle 3171 reads
9 / 24

Hello gentlemen,

If you've emailed Eden Brielle you might have talked to me as her personal assistant.  Just to clarify...I am a close friend of hers helping her out as she's struggling through some complications in her life, including unreliable access to the internet.  I'm not a agency or a madame or anything like that where I'm compensated.  Eden is independent.  She worked for an agency and some of you were smart enough to figure out which one.  They left on good terms and the agency has been slow updating their site.

We have contacted TER and are still waiting on a response for why Eden's review was pulled.  This comes at a particularly bad time, but we hope to get it cleared up soon.  The gentleman who reviewed her said that TER informed him it was because someone had placed a comment against the review, and that it would be held until a second review was posted.  Eden had a glowing 10/10 review which someone may have found suspicious with a "brand new" provider.  But for people who knew her as Belle, this isn't unusual for her.  She is an amazingly beautiful person, inside and out.  We are working with TER to combine the reviews for both Eden and Belle, but it will probably take some time.

I know some of you who have seen her before wrote to her new Eden Brielle account.  Instead of me taking care of things, Eden wants to reply to you personally.  It will take longer but I bet you would rather hear from her than me!  I read her parts of your emails to her over the phone and she was so happy and touched to hear from so many of you.  She loves DC, says she has met the nicest guys there, and is really looking forward to her trip back in April.  We weren't planning to announce it for at least another week, but the poster from Las Vegas brought the issue up.  Her standard rates are up which is for LA.  She hasn't thought about touring rates yet for DC.  For the guys who've already booked appointments, you'll have the touring rates too, not the standard rate.

For those of you who aren't sure what to think...here's a photo from Eden's portfolio that never made it on the agency site.

-- Modified on 3/26/2005 12:09:56 AM

NoVACommuter 14 Reviews 3288 reads
10 / 24

No matter what name she goes by, she's great, IMHO. You can see my review (see link).

Her website seems to work only intermittently, though. I wouldn't mind seeing her again if she's coming back to DC, but her new rate ($$$$$) is beyond my comfort level. I suppose it's a case of what the "market" will bear, and I would never tell a lady to change her rate--it's her decision.

Her email address is [email protected], according to her web site (when it's working).

Smarty1101 61 Reviews 3613 reads
11 / 24

Thanks for the reminder Commuter. I had read your review along with all the others. What gets me most is to go along with the great reviews, she is smoken hot. Hopefully we will link up in the next 4-5 days here in Vegas while she's visiting. Can't wait.

sidewinder9 61 Reviews 2120 reads
12 / 24

I agree with NoVACommuter - great girl, but for that price, I'll likley pass. It is not uncommon for highly sought after ladies to go through a period of some self agrandizement with inflated prices. If the market will bear it - so be it.

JT1896 297 Reviews 3869 reads
13 / 24
NoVACommuter 14 Reviews 3432 reads
14 / 24

I wouldn't call it "self aggrandizement" exactly. Just consider this from the girl's point of view:

You can have an average rate and see a bunch of guys, making "x dollars," but it takes up a lot of your time. Plus, not every guy is a sophisticated hobbyist, which may be hard for some of us to believe, but I've heard stories...

Or, you can set a high rate (particularly if you are in demand), see fewer guys, but still make, maybe 50-60% of "x dollars," taking up much less of your time (some of these girls do have a "real" life, too). And when guys are plunking down that much, I suspect they tend to be a little more sophisticated (generally speaking, although not necessarily, I'm sure).

While I'm not a high roller, and can't justify those big donations, I can certainly understand it. I'm sort of a wimp myself, being easily swayed by a pretty face and kind words. As I've often said in reviews and on the board, I enjoy more than just a physical connection. If I were quite wealthy and had lots of cash to spare, I'd be very generous with the ladies indeed. As it is, I do what I can, such as bringing gifts like perfumes, lotions, wine or other things specific to the lady.

All I can say is, thank goodness for all the classy ladies who are happy with $$-$$$ donations, and who seem genuinely happy to see us. Thank you, ladies! :)

slipry 115 Reviews 3055 reads
15 / 24

Good Point NoVa. This was once before discussed (maybe more then once ok) where it can to another provider asking 3 times or more then what it appears Eden Brielle is charging.

May of her clients came to her defense insisting she was worth it to them which can't be denied. In the end the most I got from this was some would rather seek a provider who has the higher rates and understand it's about quality with limited quantity - if that makes any sense at all. Some providers would rather see only a couple of guys and not wear themselves out - much like what NoVa has said.

So good for Eden B and I'm sure she will be missed by those who can't afford or don't appreciate her rate hike. But, it is killin me now as I tried on both previous occasions to see what all the fuss was about - and she had book full within the first day her Ad ran. Now, maybe there would be a chance - but not until I've sold off all my stuff in yard sales or pawn shops - LOL - I'm almost there though. I wonder if work would understand my selling the laptop - Hmmm - I hope so - wish it could have gotten more then a couple of bucks.

Lia for Eden Brielle 3671 reads
16 / 24

I think the discussion on rates proves to me what Eden has said about the gentlemen in DC:  They are intelligent, nice and thoughtful men able to have a discourse with civility.  OK, so her words were actually, "they are very sweet, considerate, and I enjoy talking with them," but the concept is the same.  : )

It may surprise some of you to know how much other, mundane factors went into determining the increase you see now.  The biggest factor, in all honesty, was the fact neither Eden nor I have much time to handle correspondence and screening.  The higher the figure, the fewer the responses and more serious.  That and discretion is also why she hardly has an "advertising" presence.

The second is L.A. is a very expensive city to live, work in and travel through.  The traffic headeaches alone deserves a little extra!  Because of that, the ladies request the most on average anywhere in the country.  So Eden is actually only a little above the curve there, much as she was here in DC.

The third is Eden is busy with modeling and other work which are her primary focus.  The trips you see were places she had to be at anyways, and so anything else was a "nice to have" and it was easiest to keep it the same as LA.  For D.C., and D.C. alone, Eden plans and schedules around other commitments so that she may meet with the gentlemen she's grown so fond of here.  Neither of us anticipated that within hrs of her first Eden review, that there would be numerous gentlemen in DC making the connection to her previous agency and contacting her.  The posting from Vegas to the DC board was also a surprise and let the cat out of the bag before Eden and I had thought out the logistics of this trip, including expenses and her compensation.

I know Eden really wants to spend more time enjoying this trip.  With jet lag and an overly booked schedule, she was too tired to go out and has never seen the sights of D.C. on her previous trips.  She would like to see the cherry blossoms.  She also needs more time to work out and focus on preparing for some particularly demanding modeling shoots.  She'd like to stay at consistently nice hotels and provide her full attention when she meets with people.

All those factors are what we think about on making this decision, not just market-dynamics of supply and demand.  

-- Modified on 3/27/2005 1:28:38 PM

jpcdesign2002 41 Reviews 3124 reads
17 / 24

Sign me up to take her to see the cherry blossoms - - actually loved the time I spent with Belle/Eden - - regardless of the rate I will be there when she is here.   Quality is more important than quantity.

sidewinder9 61 Reviews 4770 reads
18 / 24

Can't argue with that. Sounds like she has her head on straight - to go along with everything else she has going for her. My loss that I'll have to pass - Now, on to the next fresh face out there. ..

DCprovider 3016 reads
20 / 24


As a provider, I agree with everything that you and Eden are saying. My rates are also above the DC supply-demand curve, and I have done this for many of the same reasons that you stated in your post.

However, there is one thing that Eden does differently from other independent providers in the DC area: her old rates no longer apply to clients she has already met. It might be a good idea to continue offering previous clients the old rate scale - it's just good business. A lady's success is not measured by the number of gentlemen she entertains, but by the number of gentlemen who come back for repeat visits. Many of those who are vouching for Eden in DC are previous clients who might not be able to afford her new rates, and they are largely responsible for her sterling reputation in this city. Just some advice from one indy to another - and the cherry blossoms are definitely worth seeing!

deepheat99 14 Reviews 2601 reads
21 / 24

Omigosh slipry - what on earth would you do when you realized that the laptop still had all those lovely photos of you and NetM and DCGirl?  I may just have to bid for that on ebay myself!!
 -- DH

Lia for Eden Brielle 3081 reads
22 / 24

Eden really is looking forward to seeing the cherry blossoms.  

Thank you for the advice.  Eden would like to see more of her previous clients which is why she is considering a DC rate.  The reason we will not go with her old rate is because Eden has been overbooked at that rate and still had complaints from gentlemen who did not have the opportunity to see her.  We cannot lengthen her trip either because her work in LA does not allow for more time in DC than what she is already committing.

If I offered the old rate to her prior clients, I would have her completely booked today and probably have to decline a couple new appointments.  This does not seem fair to others as it is still three weeks before her trip and there has not been so much as an advertisement or an official posting of her tour.

We knew there would be complaints no matter what we decide, either on rates or availability.  I truly think offering a DC tour rate between her old agency and LA rates is very fair considering the circumstances, and will give Eden the opportunity to enjoy a relaxed schedule and see the cherry blossoms.  We know there are many other wonderful providers available for gentlemen who choose not to see Eden, and we wish them all the best.

One final note:  I apologize for problems with the web site, it has to do with hosting issues that our administrator is currently working to resolve.  Also, Eden has had difficulty having time and access to the internet, but we hope she will be on later today to respond to emails from prior clients.  Thanks!

-- Modified on 3/28/2005 6:08:16 AM

Yanksfanforever 2789 reads
23 / 24

Hope the cherry blossoms will still be around.

Please advise if previous e-mails have not been answered through the website, should another one be sent to schedule for the April visit.  

Lia for Eden Brielle 3582 reads
24 / 24

Provided by dorje, the first Eden reviewer who gave her a 10/10:

"Often, what happens is the review is held until a
second one is submitted for the provider. The reason
being that many providers do not tend to get such a
high overall score, and since we have nthing to compair
this with, we wait for another review.

We do apologize for the delay, however, if she is a
legit provider more reviews will follow. We will then
be able to create a profile for her where all her
reviews, including yours, will be found.

Thanks for the support,
--TER Support Staff"

We'll have to wait for another review or two to prove Eden is "legitimate."  Hopefully in the next couple weeks.

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