Washington DC

I'll just say be glad you know when you're not wanted upfront before.....
bcsgrande 3 Reviews 837 reads
1 / 34

I see ads that frequently say "no black guys". I have a preference for white or Asian women, even though I'm black, but frequently see that we're barred from even contacting a provider. What's this all about and how do I know when a provider doesn't care about my race?

wrps07 724 reads
2 / 34

DO a google search "site:theeroticreview.com blackmen boycott"

-- Modified on 4/19/2015 6:51:42 AM

bcsgrande 3 Reviews 543 reads
3 / 34

Thank you for the only normal answer on the entire board! It's great to know that there are normal providers out there

JohnyComeAlready 479 reads
4 / 34

I'm not complaining, as you already know they don't always answer the phone.

wrps07 465 reads
5 / 34

They also don't have appointments with guys who sound like cops. I know one guy who has 2 hobby phones. He changes his voice not to sound like his normal deep voice to get around that problem if he is rejected for an appointment.

!!!!! 494 reads
6 / 34

There was a discussion on this board several years ago

RedHetaera See my TER Reviews 498 reads
7 / 34

I happen to love deep voices!  Sounding like a cop is more a matter of word choice and topics of conversation to me, and most of the cops I've known have been tenors anyway.  I do prefer to keep my correspondence to email, though, as I am not always in an environment conducive to phone conversations.

Just as a note, it's probably not safe to assume that a voice pitch or something else was a reason for rejection.  Calling from a different number after being denied an appointment makes you look like you're trying to bypass a bad reputation.  If you really want to know why you were rejected, there's no harm in asking politely (once.  Just once.)  If you don't get an answer, shrug and move on; if you do, you've gained information on how to not get rejected if you so choose.



JohnyComeAlready 373 reads
8 / 34

I usually get a creative response later about why they missed the call.

wrps07 368 reads
9 / 34

I have been rejected a couple of times because I did not sound ghetto enough with Ebonics lol. My buddy was able to see the same lady by using his other phone and talking like a hoodrat.

wrps07 437 reads
10 / 34

Who wanted to see that you got a red cross blood test or gave blood something like before she would give you a bbbj. I saw her profile on AFF.

RedHetaera See my TER Reviews 340 reads
11 / 34

That's somewhat disturbing.  Rejecting a gentleman for being well-spoken!

Taken aback,


wrps07 383 reads
12 / 34

You will see the pg county vice cop talking Ebonics to do the take down (bust). Later on during the video you see both providers talking. One is in a sheet over her head with the press asking why she is a provider, she says something upset (need to eat). The other provider had her boyfriend watching her baby in the room next door.

Ihaveabig1 407 reads
13 / 34

would agree, plus being robbed which happens alot but would say number one would be size of the dick and being rough with the ladies.

lailah69 See my TER Reviews 418 reads
14 / 34

I really think it has a lot to do with the stereotype that all Black Men are rough and problem starters. I personally know a black provider that won't see black men for that reason and that baffles me.

lailah69 See my TER Reviews 342 reads
15 / 34

Real deep voices can be kind of creepy. But I try not to judge off of voice alone. But it's the first thing you hear so It's kind of hard not to.

JohnyComeAlready 451 reads
16 / 34

They probably know more about black men than anyone else. I would think they are only speaking from experience, and everyone's experiences are different.  

Now many people say it's a size issue, which makes sense to me. Given the majority of black women have a more robust figure compared to most of their white, asian, and latina counterparts.

dcpoorboy 7 Reviews 462 reads
17 / 34

If a lady wants to ban Bryant Gumbel because L’il Wayne treated her bad, more power to her. God knows all Black men look and act alike.  

When Adrian Fenty was in office, I’d pass by a TV set and go “Why is Marion Barry always on TV? Doesn’t he know Fenty is mayor now?” Then I’d look at the name under the face and it would say “Adrian Fenty.” I’d go, “Damn, got me again.” They were just so much alike! Then when Vince Gray came in, I just gave up.  

I mean, look at Spike Lee and Michael Jordan. Twins, right? I heard that caused all kinds of havoc on set when they were shooting those Nike commercials.

I’d like to say more, but I got to run to DCA. Got to get to Toronto by Tuesday – the Wizards need a 5’9” guy with a two inch vertical to fill out their bench. ‘Cause you know, verticals aside, we can all ball

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 392 reads
18 / 34

...it's just a bit hard to imagine talking "proper" and/or not sounding "hood" alone would get you rejected

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 553 reads
19 / 34

...you end up going to her place and she doesn't let you in. So......yeah.

Search this discussion board and others (including the General) a few years back with 'NBA', 'No black Men', 'no black guys' and you'll see all kinds of reasons why (or rather why not).  

*Equal opportunity provider out*.

GaGambler 374 reads
20 / 34

Dumb just met dumber when Chicken Little and the Village idiot first discovered each other  they are arguably two of the dumbest posters ever to have been on this or any other board

JohnyComeAlready 372 reads
21 / 34

Then I figured she was talking about wrps and his buddy. Perhaps I'm wrong and Ms. Mocha was including me in her post, I wouldn't fault her for thinking I was an idiot, I like her posts.  

Perhaps Gag you weren't referring to me either, but you do like to talk about me. I got your number.

wrps07 352 reads
22 / 34

That is true for our region. But if go out West that is not the case. Especially in places like California black women are much slimmer.

JohnyComeAlready 250 reads
24 / 34

Yes California would be the exception, mostly because of Hollywood

SexyJaye7 See my TER Reviews 486 reads
26 / 34

What the what! This and other race threads bring out the most ignorant responses that have ever grazed my eyesight... Give me strength...  

So a majority of the cocks I have sampled that were non-black were in the hobby. And guess what?!? The non-black cocks were BIGGER than I expected? Say it ain't so! I have yet to have a black client in the hobby with a true BBC! Sorry guys. HUH! In all honesty, of ALL of the dick I have EVER had, yes it has been a lot, and hopefully more to cum, I can count the BBC's I have encountered on one and half hands... Hehe. Now that is sad...

As far as roughness and such, hands down, some white guys want that rough PSE play when they hobby, not a problem when properly executed and communicated. And FYI: just cause my ass is thick, I am not always into the rough stuff, I am still very sensitive! If anything, when I did want a little S&M, I couldn't get it from "lovers" in the black community, it's not a common thing, I had to call on a younger Jewish friend with a nice sized cock and he knew how to get the job done with a little slap and tickle.

Of the pimps that I have personally known, before I entered the hobby, and they were Indian! We were friends before their money making plot of running a Latina girl on BP in College Park. Boy did they clean up! LOL! I would occassionally screen calls and set up her appointments when they were really busy. Black men are pimps? Yes, in the sense they can chose to hobby or get sex for free, but why waste time and life forcing a girl to work?  

I have heard that especially in this area, that pussy is free to black men, so why would black men chose to hobby? What the "no black guys" providers don't know is at least those that do want to hobby A) have the funds and probably and B) want a little discretion and less drama. Probably they are married or in a relationship, have a good career (notice I did NOT say J-O-B), and don't need the backlash from a side chick/ jump off, probably been there done that. Transactional sex is easy peasy!  

To the OP, if it's not for you, then don't worry about it! There is more than enough out there! I personally only like those that like me! Keep the stereotypes, racist crap, and "preference" bull for another day. I will continue to sample all those that I can through the hobby and otherwise and enjoy myself. Just my .02 on the matter...

wrps07 391 reads
27 / 34

You will see ads must be 9 inches or more. Most of the ladies who put those ads up have a curiosity to try a BBC out. They will want to see pictures against a ruler to make sure the length meets their criteria. If one is know to have a BBC the civy ladies will tell their friends try him out. It is something that is not normal. Woman who have tried BBC and like it have been know to break up with their boyfriends/husbands. Some women have a BBC and squirt for the first time. Some shaky violently with an orgasm the first time they have a BBC. Some single women like BBC so much that they don't mind if the guy is married.

If you have BBC don't have a facebook or instagram page. The BBC predators will hunt you down like a piece of meat to devour. Sending you facetime messages to your iphone in the middle of night. Could be a big problem if you are married.  

In the players world the guys who are at least 6 ft tall muscular and/or are built like Ray Lewis have an easy time getting side on the play. Many of them have their hair tapered/cut with precision all the the time. They wear tight clothes so the ladies can see they are packing. Then they act like they don't know why they have a problem with so many females approaching them. I told one guy stop giving out your phone number and stick to providers.  He has found out that hotel rooms ad up.

dcpoorboy 7 Reviews 612 reads
28 / 34

The one stereotype we could benefit from and it’s gone now.  

Though, seriously, anybody who’s seen any porn could tell you that apparently there’s no shortage of White guys with elephant trunks between their legs. Somehow that never gets saved in the databanks. (Anyone seen a "No White guys" ad?)

Scientists studying confirmation bias would never lack for work if they studied racial perceptions in America.

(Thanks to you and Lailah and the Queen, Jaye, for shooting holes in the other stereotypes, too.

Aced83 1 Reviews 334 reads
29 / 34

Being black myself, I can understand being disappointed when seeing those caveats in a woman's ad, but it's not like we can report them to the better business bureau while getting Rev. Sharpton to get a march together. For every one woman who refuses to see someone based on age, race or other, there are plenty of other women who'd love to spend time with you, focus on those who aren't swayed by such things. Take it with a grain of salt and move one, as shitty as that sounds.

Tall6969 43 Reviews 368 reads
30 / 34

...who does not want to see me!!! This topic has been discussed waaaaay too much.  But I guess with each Rookie Class we have to go through this discussion again.


digdirkler 85 Reviews 430 reads
31 / 34

MLK said "Do you know that Negroes are 10 percent of the population of St. Louis and are responsible for 58% of its crimes? We've got to face that. And we've got to do something about our moral standards," Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. told a congregation in 1961. "We know that there are many things wrong in the white world, but there are many things wrong in the black world, too. We can't keep on blaming the white man. There are things we must do for ourselves."

Jesse Jackson said "There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.... After all we have been through. Just to think we can't walk down our own streets, how humiliating. "

Black men commit crime at about 8 times the rate per capita of all other races combined.

TrulyMsMocha See my TER Reviews 230 reads
32 / 34
bmcccnr 296 reads
33 / 34

That argument is such BS, Not to mention they are stopped more often than whites so makes sense they are arrested more often.  But never mind you are right its all in our heads that the law takes a different approach to black and that has nothing to do with incarceration rates.

I like the women that say no blacks so i stay away from them. I wish the rest of society was as honest. If you don't like blacks or any other race put a sign on your forehead so I could avoid you and we will both be happier not having to deal with each other.

digdirkler 85 Reviews 339 reads
34 / 34

I take it your thesis is that blacks commit approximately equal crime (per capita) to the rest of the population, but only show up as having massively disproportionate arrest and imprisonment rates due to differential treatment by police (my stat is for whites, Asians, and latinos combined versus blacks).  

While a plausible thesis, it doesn't fit the facts.  The National Crime Victimization Survey shows that crime victims of all races report the race of offenders at essentially the same rate as their arrest and imprisonment rates (within 2-3 percent).  So black's much higher crime rate isn't an artifact of police prejudice or tactics.  

The remaining possibilities are:  
- Federal personnel administering the survey are lying, even when overseen by Eric Holder and Obama, and at risk of loss of cushy federal jobs, inability to be re-employed, and potential criminal sanctions
- Victims surveyed are lying in a massive culture wide conspiracy, which includes black victims themselves
- Blacks do indeed commit about 8x more crime than all other races, about 10x more than whites (per capita), about 20x more than Asians.

Another corroborating fact is that they are convicted at approximately the same rate as other races when arrested, meaning that blacks are not being indiscriminately rounded up, only to have juries of their peers, usually co-ethnics, let them go.  Police are suspecting and arresting blacks about as accurately relative to successful conviction as they are anyone else.  They arrest more blacks (per capita) because blacks are more often criminals (per capita)

Third corroboration:  Gut Check- quick, name 6 black rappers either shot or arrested for shooting someone.  now name 6 entertainers of another race for the same.  John Lennon shot by a random psychotic isn't quite the same as Tupac shot by a rival either, is it.

Fourth corroboration:  murder rates aren't compiled from arrests or suspicion, but bodies killed.  Places with the highest murder rates = places with the highest percentage of blacks.

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