Washington DC

I heard a story about a jerk leaving an empty envelope.
jc111 65 Reviews 1834 reads

Ok, it was me. I often carry a work folder with me to an appointment, to make me look like a normal working stiff. Had the envelope in the folder and left it on a night stand. I am in a meeting the next morning in another state, open the folder and find an envelope with money in it. Must have had two envelopes and left an empty one. Man, do I feel like a jerk. Excuse myself from meeting to make a quick call. The local agency could not have been cooler, said to bring it the next time I visited. My conscience would not allow it, so I shot straight up after meeting to deliver envelope. Would have been nice that one time if envelope was checked.

SeekerofFun2408 reads

Reading a few of the reviews and a lot of gents have a grudge against girls who count the money. Why is that? It doesn't bother me. Any other service rendered the money is noted before the transaction takes place. I'm not sure what the big dealo is. Anyone want to help me out? Just curious.

I can understand those who do, though.

It's a very visible reminder that this is just a fantasy, and not a 'real' encounter in the sense that a civvie date is.

And almost all don't touch it until after I leave. This is easy to miss in cases where you are offered a shower - that is if you've left the gift before you showered.

I guess it wouldn't really bother me if they did. But there was a time where the gift wasn't left until the services were rendered. That use to help prevent the cash and dash - LOL...

Actually, some still don't worry about the gift until it's all over - but that's not how I leave it.

There are some guys that have no scruples. I talked with this provider who had thrown out a guy earlier in the day. He had the gift in an envelope - when he was asked to take a shower he was really hesitant. He knew she was probably going to check out the gift. Into the shower he went - she stepped out to check the gift and as she opened it - out he came complaining how she should not be doing this. The tip was just a couple of singles - out the door he went.

So, for those that do check - it probably comes from experience.

I would rather they check.  Two reasons - first to make sure the rate is covered to not there is already a little extra before we get started.  Of course additional extras can be earned as well.   I actually had one instance where the provider said I had given her more than was needed.  In this case she was right - it was a couple of 100 over.  I left a large tip for her honesty and great service.

...are usually the ones who try to short the girls, maybe not by much, but they do.  The way I see it, you're supposed to pay up front.  And counting it up front, in front of you is up to her discretion.  End of discussion.  If she chooses to not do this, then that's her business, and I look at it as a compliment, that perhaps she trusts me.  But if she chooses to collect up front and count it out, I can understand why.  It's not in poor taste, it's covering your ass.

take a quick bathroom break, affords them a discrete opportunity to check it if they want - friend suggested that technique.

Tig Ole Bitties3069 reads

I count my money discreetly. I would never think of doing it in front of them. I will excuse myself to the bathroom and pretend I am using it including flushing and washing my hands. I do count it immediately after I receive it. I wait a little while because I usually make small talk before the fun begins.

I think maybe there might be issues for some guys who have gotten the cash and dash routine run on them.  Personally, I dont mind if they count it, but when I am seeing a new provider for the first time it would ease my mind if she left the money out till the end of the session.

Ok, it was me. I often carry a work folder with me to an appointment, to make me look like a normal working stiff. Had the envelope in the folder and left it on a night stand. I am in a meeting the next morning in another state, open the folder and find an envelope with money in it. Must have had two envelopes and left an empty one. Man, do I feel like a jerk. Excuse myself from meeting to make a quick call. The local agency could not have been cooler, said to bring it the next time I visited. My conscience would not allow it, so I shot straight up after meeting to deliver envelope. Would have been nice that one time if envelope was checked.

This maybe wrong but i never even put the money in a envelope.. i usually just put the cash on the dresser or the first play that is available. But i never minded it when they counted it "cash".
Thats there job so it never really bothered me if they did it in front of me..

"Damn that sux"

Haha, but seriously.. I'd be totally mortified if I did that, especially because I don't think most providers count it right there in front of you (unless they're smooth and figure out a way to do it when you're not looking).

I guess that's really why I wouldn't mind if they counted it in front of me; it seems like bad form, but we can't really afford to forget this is business.. (and I don't suppose the women can afford it, either).

This is why I try to make sure I've got all my affairs in order before the meeting, to try to avoid situations like this one.  But, even the best planning can go awry.. I'm sure it'll happen to me eventually...

To make matters worse it was an unbelievable sesssion, where the envelope should have contained double the typical donation. I tried to make up for it by bringing a nice gift certificate to give her before our next session. I am like you, I don't want anything to go wrong. I typically count the cash two or three times, and triple check that I have the envelope with me, had no idea I had an extra empty envelope.

Ive heard that too and the one about jerks leaving $50.00. No, I dont blame them at all and wish they would. Some of the girls are very casual and just toss it on the table without looking. They probably are doing this to portray a sense of confidence in me which is appreciated. If it were me though, unless I knew the guy, I would definitely check. Handling the process with a degree of discretion though is a plus.

Ayanna2525 reads

I had a gentleman that shorted me tonight.  I'm hoping it was a mistake, as my rates are clearly posted on my website.  I would feel funny counting it in front of a client, especially since the first meeting is the most important, establishing trust and achieving chemistry between two parties, but next time I will definitely go into another room, just to make certain.

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