Washington DC

I have been giving this some thoughtregular_smile
netmichelle See my TER Reviews 5384 reads

I think while I am searching for a partner in life it is best to look for someone that understands my needs to not talk about my work, someone who has work just as crazy and needs to remain undisclosed. You know a certain govt. worker with a kung fu grip on my clit. With a sparkle in his eye, he would be someone that enjoys my time 110% because it carries them through the difficult waters, and knows when I am with him it is everything special.

Don't ask/don't tell. I like it. Kinky.

Coming soon to D.C.

Miss those "quotes" on the National board?? So where have you been Net? You and Lex are a hoot. No last minute fly by night visit this time I hope..

Me? Just being a ball of cute mischief.
Hibernating in VT:
snowshoeing, walking the poochie, drinking low carb beer,
growing out the hair, and reading cooking books.

And you?

Net, I LUV Vermont.  That picture just made me wanna' be there SO much.  Bet you just took it with a digital, too.  Could I move in with YOU??

I didn't take the photo. Sorry, I googled "Vermont and snow" stole it, and pasted it.
My orgasms are real though.

Net, I'm sure I would "out-snore" you.  I bet I could "out-fart" your dog too!  I just LUV the real orgasm thing, as well.  Florida Fetish Fest?  You sound like MY KINDA WOMAN!!  

 Please?  PRETTY please??

Oy!  I did THREE YEARS in the Conn. R. Valley, WRJ/W Leb./Norwich/SoRo.  That's THREE 7 mo. long NE winters, and more disgustingly, three Mud Seasons and three Black Fly Seasons.  THREE!!  Granted, both weeks of summer are delightful, and the leaves are pretty in the Fall, but mein Gott, I've never been so happy to get my ass back South in my life.  LIVE there?  Like ALL THE TIME?  You have to be crazy.  My friends who stayed there SEEM normal, sure, but I've always had my doubts.  So winter looks pretty--fine, frame it.  Best time to be there?  Week before or after Labor Day.  Still pleasant, fishing in The Kingdom is good, and if it's been a year, your friends have had time to get to miss you.

To each their own, goat.  The old saying goes: "familiarity breeds discontent".  I suppose if I was there for three years I might have had enough.  I have been in much of New England during the winter and happened to enjoy it.  A foil to the "hustle-bustle" around here.  But, perhaps it is only an occasional "escape" that I am looking for.  BTW, Michelle was the "main thing" that was enticing my "move urges".  But, alas it seems that she has "locked me out".  Suppose it WOULD be mighty cold ALONE.

Bigdaddy, I think you might need to move slightly North.  We actually got LESS snow, today.

Ponzone; we got 3-6 inches and the whole region shut down..I like Va..

But nooooo you were too busy, yada-yada, yada, whine....LOL.
Can I polish yours?

Lex Luethor4649 reads

Had my chance? That sounds so...final. :(

Well, when/if I get a reprieve from your Whiners List, you may polish any thing of mine that suits your fancy...as many times as you like.

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