Washington DC

I don't like it -eom-
jspter 8 Reviews 999 reads
1 / 12

Who has tried it?

I cannot seem to get around it as quickly and it makes less sense to me so far.  I would prefer to just see some tweaks to the site now than a complete redesign.  

vipcamilasalinas See my TER Reviews 244 reads
3 / 12
novaman22 31 Reviews 260 reads
4 / 12

I agree - I find it much harder to navigate...

golf1953 116 Reviews 230 reads
6 / 12

a teenagers first attempt at designing a website. Poorly thought out and difficult to navigate. And no zoom feature. TER, you need to go back to the drawing board....

LCage1 216 reads
7 / 12

Worse product all around than what's currently in place.

Posted By: jspter
Who has tried it?  
 I cannot seem to get around it as quickly and it makes less sense to me so far.  I would prefer to just see some tweaks to the site now than a complete redesign.  

-- Modified on 3/30/2017 4:56:59 PM

Dreamcatcher 206 reads
8 / 12
mr5mike 7 Reviews 267 reads
9 / 12

Who asked them to change it?

Did they hire a consultant?

Did they ask any of their customers?

I understand the need to improve mobile apps, but did that require the other changes?

Where is TER responding to comments?

lksdalayDDs 25 Reviews 229 reads
11 / 12

On beta it's harder to get to the discussion boards - that should be a banner function, not on the side drop down menu.
I seems easier to submit reviews. Old site you have to reinvent the wheel putting in all kinds of information that just seems to disappear into a black hole anyway. What's the point of putting in a provider's age, location, etc. if they never (seemingly never) change it on the profile? OTOH, I've had trouble actually submitting reviews on beta they're written.
I find it easier to find what I'm looking for when searching reviews. I would like to see more options in some of the search categories. Light Brown and Dark Brown hair, anyone? Every dating site I've been on makes the distinction.

jspter 8 Reviews 236 reads
12 / 12

Totally agree that not having to put in all...the same...information over and over again would make it easier and probably make folks more likely to put in reviews.  That part is totally a PITB.  

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