Washington DC

I did read it again. In the last line of her post, she...
MasterZen 33 Reviews 549 reads

shifted focus to address the OP, and advised that info about THE GUY THAT AMBER MET be shared by PM, so he could be avoided. He was the referenced "Dillfucker"; not you. Why would she ask ladies to PM you to spread info about some other guy? At least, that is how I read it

Forgot his glasses & I cancelled an appointment so he could pick them up and he doesn't even tell me that he wasn't aware I gained weight!

All my new pictures reflect my weight gain!

He was asking to pay less, he stayed an hour but payed for half hour, after he showered he was talking about how he gets it for free from another provider, and picks up his glasses asking for more & asking if I'm "hungry for dick".

I saw him with no references and he had no reviews! Now I know why!

-- Modified on 7/3/2015 9:23:39 AM

Amber, this wake up call was headed your way, but chalk it up to experience. It's not a bad idea to start doing a little cardio every day and brush up on referencing potential clients. The pounds will slowly drop and the quality of your clientele will improve. And best of all, the world continues to turn...

If you are happy and healthy with how you look, own it.

I don't know you nor the guy who replied.. But no one is to tell someone how to live. I mean, if someone wants to live miserable and unhealthy that's on them too, it's up to each one of us to decide how we want to live.

However that life is, own it.

I have perky 34Bs (itching to a C each day.. ) and I could wear a fake bra to look like an F cup all I'd like, but when push comes to shove and I'm naked, that padding won't be there. I can photoshop out my tattoos, but again, when I'm naked
.. There they are.

Any body change can be uncomfortable. It's up to us to own it or if we don't like it, to change it. :)

Call me a white knight or whatever, but telling a lady to drop some pounds on a public forum is not very nice.

As long as she is accurately representing herself in her photos, she can be 100lbs or 300lbs, and someone will still find her sexy. Being happy with herself is the most important thing. If you don't find her attractive, there lots of other women out there.

Besides, according to several threads on this board from the recent past, better clientele come around with service is really good. I can't comment on the service for this lady as we have never met, all I am saying is that posters to this board have said many times that they would see a 7 in looks with a 10 in service over a 10 in looks with a 7 in service.

Andthenshesaid724 reads

This isn't a wake up call ?? I'm confused, she has NEW photos that reflect her weight gain. She doesn't need to lose weight if she doesn't  want too, this industry is not a one size fits all. There are men who are here to visit ALL TYPES of women. There are men that like BBW, thick, thin, redhead, gothic, etc. It's not for anyone else to dictate.  

If the OP is happy with how she looks, so be it. She isn't being deceptive and the client upon seeing said weight gain could have left the appointment. Back in my providing days, I would MUCH rather have guys just leave then to stay if they aren't into me.  

Secondly, she doesn't have to take references, if she screened him via Employment info then that would suffice. I've had ladies provide me with glowing references of guys that were complete douche bags.  

Have ladies PM you and spread his info, so we can all be cautious of this dillfucker.  

Happy 4th

Well said Ma'am. Amber is a sweetheart, any fella would be lucky to spend time with her weight gain or not. Personally with her a tiny bit of weight gain would only make her curves better and that is just fine.

Posted By: Andthenshesaid
This isn't a wake up call ?? I'm confused, she has NEW photos that reflect her weight gain. She doesn't need to lose weight if she doesn't  want too, this industry is not a one size fits all. There are men who are here to visit ALL TYPES of women. There are men that like BBW, thick, thin, redhead, gothic, etc. It's not for anyone else to dictate.  
 If the OP is happy with how she looks, so be it. She isn't being deceptive and the client upon seeing said weight gain could have left the appointment. Back in my providing days, I would MUCH rather have guys just leave then to stay if they aren't into me.  
 Secondly, she doesn't have to take references, if she screened him via Employment info then that would suffice. I've had ladies provide me with glowing references of guys that were complete douche bags.  
 Have ladies PM you and spread his info, so we can all be cautious of this dillfucker.  
 Happy 4th
No--the question here is who are you? You clown/buffoon! Posting here under an alias. You have no reviews. Come back here when you have paid some dues you...dillfucker.

I had no issue with your response to Amber. Your opinion, and you are entitled to it. You expressed it responsibly, and without malice.

But... not everyone is going to share your opinion. Not everyone is going to excuse a crass, haggling, time-stealing asshole by blaming the provider for the guy's shortcomings.  

If we are to believe Amber (and I see no reason not to) this guy hid his reviews and offered no references - he was the deceptive one, not Amber. He abused time, even though he said he should have walked away. WTF? You're that disappointed and don't leave? That is inconsistent as hell, and reeks of bullshit on his part. If you read his reviews, he seeks out big booties; I think he knew exactly what he was doing. Those providers who care can share info; it is more responsible than blacklisting.

As far as your response to the alias... you don't know who she is, whether she has any reviews or whether the dues have been paid. In fact, her response was just as relevant an opinion as your own. Who are YOU to presume yours is the only opinion, and who are YOU to attack someone for expressing a differing opinion

Posted By: MasterZen
I had no issue with your response to Amber. Your opinion, and you are entitled to it. You expressed it responsibly, and without malice.  
 But... not everyone is going to share your opinion. Not everyone is going to excuse a crass, haggling, time-stealing asshole by blaming the provider for the guy's shortcomings.  
 If we are to believe Amber (and I see no reason not to) this guy hid his reviews and offered no references - he was the deceptive one, not Amber. He abused time, even though he said he should have walked away. WTF? You're that disappointed and don't leave? That is inconsistent as hell, and reeks of bullshit on his part. If you read his reviews, he seeks out big booties; I think he knew exactly what he was doing. Those providers who care can share info; it is more responsible than blacklisting.  
 As far as your response to the alias... you don't know who she is, whether she has any reviews or whether the dues have been paid. In fact, her response was just as relevant an opinion as your own. Who are YOU to presume yours is the only opinion, and who are YOU to attack someone for expressing a differing opinion?  
Wake up and sharpen your sword Master Zen! Go back and read that post from the anonymous individual. That individual called me a dillfuck. An attack that rude deserved my response. Sharpen your sword Master Zen!

shifted focus to address the OP, and advised that info about THE GUY THAT AMBER MET be shared by PM, so he could be avoided. He was the referenced "Dillfucker"; not you. Why would she ask ladies to PM you to spread info about some other guy? At least, that is how I read it

Andthenshesaid267 reads

Posted By: MasterZen
shifted focus to address the OP, and advised that info about THE GUY THAT AMBER MET be shared by PM, so he could be avoided. He was the referenced "Dillfucker"; not you. Why would she ask ladies to PM you to spread info about some other guy? At least, that is how I read it.  
You are correct Masterzen

imanalias432 reads

Who are YOU to presume yours is the only opinion, and who are YOU to attack someone for expressing a differing opinion?  

Posted By: cageyboy
 First she called the reviewer a dillfucker. Are you the reviewer? Get a life, loose ur sword it's not working.

Andthenshesaid338 reads

Posted By: cageyboy
Posted By: MasterZen
I had no issue with your response to Amber. Your opinion, and you are entitled to it. You expressed it responsibly, and without malice.  
  But... not everyone is going to share your opinion. Not everyone is going to excuse a crass, haggling, time-stealing asshole by blaming the provider for the guy's shortcomings.    
  If we are to believe Amber (and I see no reason not to) this guy hid his reviews and offered no references - he was the deceptive one, not Amber. He abused time, even though he said he should have walked away. WTF? You're that disappointed and don't leave? That is inconsistent as hell, and reeks of bullshit on his part. If you read his reviews, he seeks out big booties; I think he knew exactly what he was doing. Those providers who care can share info; it is more responsible than blacklisting.  
  As far as your response to the alias... you don't know who she is, whether she has any reviews or whether the dues have been paid. In fact, her response was just as relevant an opinion as your own. Who are YOU to presume yours is the only opinion, and who are YOU to attack someone for expressing a differing opinion?  
 Wake up and sharpen your sword Master Zen! Go back and read that post from the anonymous individual. That individual called me a dillfuck. An attack that rude deserved my response. Sharpen your sword Master Zen!
I wasn't calling you a dillfucker, I was calling the reviewer a dillfucker.

To slow down when you read and write..

"Back in my providing days, I would MUCH rather have guys just leave then to stay if they aren't into me.  "

Why the name calling? I learned that things like that are worthless and make one lose credibility/respect when I was in school. There is need for it.

Andthenshesaid405 reads

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
To slow down when you read and write..  
 "Back in my providing days, I would MUCH rather have guys just leave then to stay if they aren't into me.  "  
 Why the name calling? I learned that things like that are worthless and make one lose credibility/respect when I was in school. There is need for it.
Poor grammar usage, so sue me, I wasn't talking to you Alyssa, I was referring to Cageyboy. Anything else ?

Well, you could probably slow down too. My reply was to cage boy. Re read it. It would make no sense to be written to you. Cageboy referred to you as a guy, requesting for you to write reviews. I pasted something that you wrote to clarify that you're not a guy..
Make sense?
Calm down.

Andthenshesaid375 reads

Lol sorry well let me shut up then.

Andthenshesaid457 reads

o--the question here is who are you? You clown/buffoon! Posting here under an alias. You have no reviews. Come back here when you have paid some dues you...dillfucker.

I'm a woman......clearly you didn't read my entire post, not surprising at all. If she was using old photos or heavily photoshopped photos hiding her weight gain, then I could see where someones coming from. A woman who clearly shows her recent weight gain in photos, client books appointment off said recent photos, stays, then leaves appointment and complains. Give me a break. You tell her she needs to one: lose weight and two : brush up on her screening skills, when you know shit about shit.  

Please, by all means provide me with more advice on what you think ladies such as Amber should do

Gothic, is a choice unlike thick, thin, or. Sure a lady's weight and hair color can be altered, but no one is born with tattoos and dark eyeliner.

Andthenshesaid530 reads

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Gothic, is a choice unlike thick, thin, or. Sure a lady's weight and hair color can be altered, but no one is born with tattoos and dark eyeliner.
Sure but a client can CHOOSE to see someone thick, thin, redhead, or gothic, right ? That's a clients CHOICE. My point is she's not doomed in this industry because she gained weight, clients that are into her body type can CHOOSE to see her cause she is their CHOICE.  

Get it now

I said gothic is a choice people can make, unlike redhead, thick, thin, or BBW are not usually choices people can make, because it's in their DNA. That's all I was talking about.

Anything else you said didn't seem to be of any interest  to me.

IDK if Amber, is doomed to anything other than making bad decisions and informing people of those decisions via TER.  

... so no, I still don't get it.

Andthenshesaid426 reads

You do get it....you just don't want to admit it.  It's ok, I forgive you.  Amber didn't make poor decisions, I agree posting about the review just brings more attention to it, but if the guys an asshat, and she wants to alert other ladies to his behavior, why not ?  

Happy 4th

She said the guy had no references, and she saw him anyway.  

Amber is on here almost every week complaining about some client or another.

Andthenshesaid471 reads

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
She said the guy had no references, and she saw him anyway.  
 Amber is on here almost every week complaining about some client or another.
Yes and there is screening via employment information. I've had issues with all methods of screening, there is no surefire way. Again I've met the most douchery of douche bags, that had several wonderful references from reputable ladies. I have no dog in this fight, but felt compelled to say something when someone is trying to tell a lady she needs to lose weight and that she needs to work on her screening skills when he doesn't know the full story. I'm over it.  

My 2 cents....Have a day.

Sounds like you have an issue with the reviewer.

Are you commenting just to comment?

Please have a point

Andthenshesaid413 reads

Yes, if you read I already made my point, quite a few times actually, so I think youre just talking just to talk.

Andthenshesaid418 reads

Posted By: Charlie Tweeder
Geezus lol, sorry, its showing you posted under my post. I hope this "new TER" will have a less confusing posting style.  

As you were sir, I'll just shut up now. :)

GaGambler343 reads

To be more able to tell "who is talking to who" I would suggest switching to tree mode. Personally I hope they do away with flat mode altogether with the upcoming version of the discussion software

Andthenshesaid339 reads

Posted By: GaGambler
To be more able to tell "who is talking to who" I would suggest switching to tree mode. Personally I hope they do away with flat mode altogether with the upcoming version of the discussion software
Ahhh that explains it, I don't post much anymore lol. Thank you :)

You never seem to have a point with your posts.

My point was no one is born gothic.

follonero488 reads

OMG, that is priceless. I get such a kick out of the inability of so many reviewers to write simple English.

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