Washington DC

How do you deal with a pregnant provider?
LNQRbigdaddy 111 Reviews 4244 reads

I came across one lately and I couldn't do it. I guess some guys like pregnant women...I know a while back jeopcon1
commented on someone he suspected was pregnant. Any advice?

Ron Jon2445 reads

For some reason, I don't know if it's the lactating or what, some guy's seem to be into it. One agency was actually pushing the fact that one of their girl's was pregnant for a while there. Don't know if it was a plus or minus for the business but it sure doesn't do anything for me personally. To each his own I guess.

Jean-Luc Picard3753 reads

...I probably wouldn't feel all that bad telling her at the door that it wasn't going to work out. I hope never to have to do that.

When it comes to women, I have very, very few complete "turn offs"; however, pregnancy is one of them. I have always assumed that "aversion" to be programmed in our genes -- to insure we cavemen didn't waste precious energy trying to mate with females who were already fertilized.

Don't make me laugh... I think she was pissed, I still paid but I had to leave.

yasminegreek3850 reads

If she was pissed! How about YOU being PISSED! You are there with your mind set for a sensual/relaxing session and to see that she is carring a child could ruin the whole situation.  

Boy I tell you *shaking my head* I can say I have really heard it all.....

If that is your cup of tea that is one thing (I swear I cant judge ANYONE) BUT.....If its not what your looking for I can see you not being happy.......

I probally would have just told her that I couldnt do it and apoligize for wasting her time and cancel the appointment.  If she gave me a hard time for doing so I would just tell her 'Hey it would have been nice if you had told me about being pregnant so I could have had the chance to consider whether I wanted to make an appointment.'  Of course that is just Monday night quaterbacking. Also that would be considering that I wouldnt want to do her but personally I would have wanted to know before hand.  Just curious.  How pregnant was she?

Curious - how pregnant was she - LOL... Huge or barely showing? Did she acknowledge she was pregnant or play it off as weight gain? What did you do? Did you leave - pay up - discuss this matter at all?

It is unfair to you if she failed to tell you of this prior to you meeting and ask if you were ok with it. There are others that are looking for this type of experience and girls willing to use that to both parties benefit - not me - been there - didn't do that - and I'm talking about my own SO.

I’m fortunate not to have been taken by a cash and dash but I have walked on 2 when it was a B&S and gave cab fare on another for same reason. It appears others haven't and leave interesting RIPP OFF reviews. You have to decide what’s the right thing to do – a matter of choice in most cases.

Of course, there is also a question of you feeling sympathy for someone pregnant and paying up without going through with the service - this is ok - as long as you had a choice. I'm curious to know more. I’ve see many pregnant women that I considered hot and I don’t really know why I feel that way – maybe it’s the growing food source for the little one. But, at most I could consider would be other services - nothing invading the private territory of the little one inside.

So, what did you do and tell us more of how you felt.

Slipry; I am a nice guy and that get me in trouble (trust me). I have seen this girl before and when I enter a dark room and she had a shaw(sp)on i didn't think too much of it. When she took the top off I freak.

I have seen pregnant women and she look about four months. I asked and she said no... I asked again still no.. I wasn't convince and still not. I came to her spot and she expected compensation, I gave it too her and told her maybe some other time.

It will become apparent who it is - I already know as I recall from a previous post. But, I won't out this girl as she has been a reliable provider before this. Just hope she comes forward and lets others know before they have to experience what LNQB did - not fair to him.

And it was a very honorable gesture I must say. You are a good man. It is sad for those provider what become preg - if this is the only business they know especially. However sick some think it is - they need to keep working and there are men who seek out the preg and especially those lactating - not my cup of tea.

She was reviewed by someone else and basically the same description was provided - and same experience - she was not reviewed by LNQB though. So, as he said - if you use TER and find this provider - read the reviews - it will be well described and should be warning enough - at least to the members.

-- Modified on 2/18/2005 6:11:46 PM

...as to who it is. Will someone PM me?

She's well-reviewed?? Damn....Who is it?

Geezzz - Just read all the reviews for the 18th

Very nice of you to give a present and leave.  However if she was not honest enough to let you know in advance, I don't think we have an obligation.  I personally would have left and not forked up unless i had known her a long, long time.....and it is obvious enough who she is.

somebody's been going bareback....LOL

Some guys come here looking for things out of the ordinary, I personally come here to see attractive women that aren't pregnant...been there done that with my SOs.

As for paying, that's up to each individual. I only walked out once, and I paid her and she was still pissed...go figure.

Pregnant providers are not easy to find.  Since it's a hard to fill fetish it should be able to command premium pricing.  I'd suggest she "out" herself and ramp up the rates for a few months.

Mr_Alexander10582 reads

and sexy as hell. How about B/C the providers name?

DannyBustyLvr2697 reads

I have a wonderful time - as long as they don't get started and then say "oh sorry, only HJ right now"

Saw the thread and had to laugh - such strong opinions.  I have to agree with the comment that either you are wired for it or you arent....my personal experience is that its a time for greater sensuality, more intimate play...and I look forward to seeing the provider mentioned!  Something for everyone, DH

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