Washington DC

Girls Have you been getting Odd Emails?sad_smile
envirogirl 4596 reads

HI all! I have been getting some strange emails.  I was wondering if you girls out there have received any rude emails lately?  I have had people that have been viewing my reviews on TER and sending me just plain rude emails( I know that it is from TER because I do not advertise anywhere)...asking me things like, do i need a pimp, and just very hurtful things. It just really bothers  me, because I consider myself a very very nice and considerate person.  It just makes me really uncomfortable and scared to even check my email. I haven't said or done anything to anyone to make them upset with me, so this is the nagging question"why are they targeting me". If anyone has any ideas as to why people would just email anyone to make them hurt and upset, please tell me...If you PM me I will give you the guys email address.  It starts with XTENDER55.  Thank you and take care.

Charlie Jean

Anyone who has been getting emails like this - please forward the emails to me at [email protected] - I'll organize them, and forward them on to TER staff, we can work to get those addresses banned, and possbily set it up so that can't get access again......

yasminegreek4557 reads

Know what to do right?

DELETE...Dont even respond. Block their emails. When I first went independent I got calls, emails ect. These guys try to prey on girls (like fresh meat) to see where your head is at. Dont let them in your world......

If you have any questions feel free to call me or email me.


[email protected]

I received an e-mail from some guy wanted me to pretend to be his wife, accept and cash a check, keep 10% and then send the rest to him overseas somewhere. Sounds like something they used to warn against when I worked as a bank teller. CHECK FRAUD. they get you to cash some out of the country check against your account and when the check is bad you take the loss or worst, get arrested.
I told him simply I could not help him.

Sometimes I get emails from my eros ad to my junk mail folder...is this something to look out for?  I have noticed that alot of times that the email may ask some explicit questions with which I respond by telling them to view my site. Come to think of it the ones that get sent to the junk mail havent booked anything to my recollection.  Any input or possible similar stories with some explanation would be helpful.  I always go with my policy of not discussing anything via email or on the phone.  I just wonder is this LE or ...what?

My Reviews

worry about the quality of a guys introductory email is explicit.  That said, I have a list of blocked words... if an email is sent with anyone of hose words in it, it is auomatically deleted... I dont even want to see the title.

Yes, I may miss an email or two, but when one or two illicit emails get through, I can handle it better.  If the email comes at my "special" time of the month, well, that guy is in for an eyeful!


I wish I knew how to set up my emails so certain words in emails  would automatically be blocked.

We all get the nasty emails, lately it seems to be a daily occurance.

I find emails reflect a lot on the way the gentleman will act when  you spend time with him.  If he is a total gent in the emails, I know I will have an awesome session with him.  If a gent is down right nasty and asks stupid questions he is not going to get a reply or a session.

The gents from the boards seem to know the program.  It's the one's that email from eros that are so bad.

Too bad though... it is a nice site, just that, maybe I am wrong here, but I get the impression that for the amount of "good" opportunities EROS can create, if creates 5 times the rubbish... and to be honest, I have no time or energy for stupidity.

Nice to see you around Paige... we'll need to meet up and I will can show you how to adjust your email!


I agree with Yasmine. Just delete the undesirable emails. The Internet DOES grant limited protection. Take advantage of it. I had received an email a few weeks ago, and it was really freaky. I just deleted it and blocked the sender. I have also had to direct individuals to my site, for I do not entertain explicit and graphic detailed emails. I think, all and all, we need to be safe. I think its take a lot of courage to bring this issue to light.
Charlie Jean, if you want to talk, feel free to call me at 202-315-6409.

envirogirl3037 reads

Thanks girls for all your support and thanks guys for all the nice PM'S.

I believe it is an important matter and we are lucky to have people like RCPro who want to work to get these "people" banned from even viewing TER. I think it is very important for the guys and girls of this hobby to stick together and warn one another of vicious intruders like the ones I have dealt with in the past week.


Charlie Jean

Word about Internet privacy..............
Careful with the address/name you use to registrer your Website.

Info about a real providers name and home address can sometimes be found this way.

No, I'm not a stalker just a computer geek who knows somepeople do this for a number of reasons even outside this business.

Charlie Jean is my sweetheart.  Not that ANYONE deserves the nonsense of this type of treatment, but I can't think of anyone who would be LESS deserving of it than CJ.  Thanks everyone SO much for all your suggestions and support.  I know it was really bothering her in the last few days.  I think it would bother ANYBODY.  Thanks especially to you RCP, for your very concrete suggestions for help to which I can see a lot of benefit.

 Yasmine dear, I'm sorry to see that this kinda' thing has plagued you as well.  I know your situation is similar to Charlie's and you don't deserve this BS either.  Obviously, you're a seasoned veteran, and not only your suggestions but your "me too" no doubt helps CJ and others IMMENSELY.  Frankly, I think it took a lot of courage for all you gals to mention your experiences.

 We obviously all live in a very crazy, imperfect world that is all too full of whacko's like this who think they are on some kind of sick "crusade" or are just plain frustrated perverts of some sort.  They're so sick, some might even pm me for "supporting" you gals.  If that happens, I'll be MORE than happy to forward those pm's to RCP.  Go ahead punk, MAKE MY DAY!

I am really sorry to hear that you are getting these types of e-mails.  I am very upset that there are people out there who would try to scare providers like this.  I have nothing but appreciation and respect for you ladies.  In fact, I think you gals are very courageous!  I'm just afraid jerks like this give us good guys a really high hurdle to jump over.  But under the circumstances, that is totally understandable.

Bottom line: I am very thankful for the time I get to spend with y'all.  I doubt you, or anyone else, gets to hear that often enough.

Also, I have one personal request.  PLEASE check your e-mail for a message that starts with Felix.


Lex Luethor3319 reads

"Hi, my name is Lex. I saw your ad and would love to meet you."

I'm trying to figure out which one of those words or combination of words is getting all my emails sent to the recycle bin.


HollysHobby4354 reads

I don't believe I received one of yours....how did the rest go?

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