Washington DC

Excerpt from "The Honest Courtesan" an interesting read.
Guarddog111 238 Reviews 632 reads

Here is a snippet

"Because these warped ideals instill in young black men the notion that women will crawl to a “real man”, they come to believe that their maleness and sexual potency should be enough to attract all the women they want; this of course results in deep feelings of resentment when they find that it is no more true for them than for men of any other color.  So when a black man (especially a young one) finds himself in the position of actually having to pay for sex, he is bound and determined to get as much for his money as possible in order to justify the expenditure.  Their attitude is basically “If I’m going to pay for pussy, it had better be good!”  Consequently, black men are well-known for trying to talk girls’ prices down and/or time requirements up, for trying to get every service they can think of included, and for using every last minute of the call in active sexual activity.

This resentment no doubt also fuels their excessive roughness; a man who is angry at a woman isn’t likely to treat her gently.  The very fact that a woman has charged him is perceived as an insult to his masculinity and sexual potency, and this in turn engenders an “I’ll show her!” mentality.  The typical black man seems to believe that the point of intercourse is to damage a woman’s sexual equipment as much as possible; I’ve heard more than a few of them say “I’m going to bust that pussy up!” and they constantly attempt to raise one’s legs up so as to penetrate as deeply as possible even if they’re already bottoming out.  The most egregious example of this behavior is the bizarre technique I already mentioned in my column of August 16th, which involves the man constantly moving his hips from side to side, trying to enter the woman from as many different angles as possible, as though he were trying to distend or even puncture the vaginal walls.  When the man who does this is of average size it’s merely uncomfortable, but if he is well-endowed it can be excruciating.  And this, of course, brings us to Tina’s third complaint; if a woman can’t tolerate the pain of this strange activity and pulls away or asks him to stop, he concludes he is “too much man for her” and his ego is restored from the damage dealt by having to pay for what he needed."

There is more, you can look it up.

adventurer20112212 reads

For obvious reasons, I am posting this under an alias.  
I just saw my ATF this afternoon and  she told me, with a sad face, a black man made an appointment with her this morning, and when he came in, he held a gun to her head. Now what kind of coward would do this? She was helpless.  
I've seen this provider many many times and I know she is very sweet and has never given me a bad time. She told me for now on she will add to her ads "No African Americans."
This shocks me and makes me pissed at most of these guys out there who think they are macho taking a gun and pointing it at a sweet lady. Forgive me for this expression but they are nothing but PUSSIES!!!

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 3:10:13 PM

wrps07932 reads

She needs to make a police report ASAP so they can catch the guy.

She could post a description and his number on BP in an ad if she does not want to make a direct police report. LE does look at those ads and go after the thieves.  They will send you a thank you note to the person who posted the ad.

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 7:19:01 PM

adventurer2011923 reads

I hope the ladies read this so that they are everyday more careful about the guys they choose to see.

Posted By: adventurer2011
For obvious reasons, I am posting this under an alias.  
 I just saw my ATF this afternoon and  she told me, with a sad face, a black man made an appointment with her this morning, and when he came in, he held a gun to her head. Now what kind of coward would do this? She was helpless.  
 I've seen this provider many many times and I know she is very sweet and has never given me a bad time. She told me for now on she will add to her ads "No African Americans."  
 This shocks me and makes me pissed at most of these guys out there who think they are macho taking a gun and pointing it at a sweet lady. Forgive me for this expression but they are nothing but PUSSIES!!!

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 3:10:13 PM

Glad she ain't hurt...but that's asinine logic.  
When back to the wall the inherent nature of a person tends to bleed through IMO. Why not just blame it on all men and quit, lol?  

Correlation ain't causation...she should file a lawsuit wherever she got her high school diploma from because they failed her miserably.

adventurer2011594 reads

If all men were black sure of course..

Well I am not posting under an alias. There are just as many White, Mexican, Asian etc robbing providers  in this area also. It kills me when I see these posts on No African American men.. Most of us move on or  call the girl and see if she will see us after some reassuring. lol Just to many AA out there who will pay the freight and  not robbing people in the DC area.  Some ladies lose out on some  good people on this policy.. Shame but not my lost. I hope your friend does the right thing and contact the police on this one.

There are not as many hispanic and asians robbing providers.  Give me some numbers.  Hispanics have their own brothels and those up the food chain go through screening.  Asians are in a similar boat.

Let's see, look at the provider that was killed in Prince Georges County, I wonder who did that?  Oh, yeah.

Not posting under an alias either.  You think its pure racism or accident that a growing number of the providers write no AA under 35 on BP?  I know of plenty of providers that saw AA men before, but don't now.

There's a reason, just google the news.

Its not black men, its YOUNG black men.


-- Modified on 9/14/2014 7:57:28 PM

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 8:13:10 PM

Really.. So the only robbers out there are young black males.. So I wonder who killed all those young white girls up North.. He was robbing and killing, that's right Craigslist killer so it works both way. So it's not only YBM killing and robbing  

Posted By: Guarddog111
There are not as many hispanic and asians robbing providers.  Give me some numbers.  Hispanics have their own brothels and those up the food chain go through screening.  Asians are in a similar boat.  
 Let's see, look at the provider that was killed in Prince Georges County, I wonder who did that?  Oh, yeah.  
 Not posting under an alias either.  You think its pure racism or accident that a growing number of the providers write no AA under 35 on BP?  I know of plenty of providers that saw AA men before, but don't now.  
 There's a reason, just google the news.  
 Its not black men, its YOUNG black men.  
 -- Modified on 9/14/2014 7:57:28 PM

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 8:13:10 PM

Nope but your logic is flawed..It's not a big deal one way or the other, ladies see who they please. You can debate by yourself.  

Posted By: Guarddog111
You obviously failed statistics.  

!!!!!522 reads

That's interpretation of statistical data.

adventurer2011622 reads

True, it is why there are equally many providers with ads saying no Whites Asians or mexicans.

what happened to this lady...the reality is it has nothing to do with the color  
of someone's skin. He obviously is someone who targeted her and for what
ever reason wanted to rob her or scare her.  

I pray she notified the cops and FOR SURE blacklist this ass!!!

I have met many caucasian people who are nothing but trash!!  I personally
do not think it is right for anyone to discriminate against one race just for this  

Please give her my thoughts..


I agree with MacKenzie.  Bastard comes in all shapes, sizes, colors, ages and sexes!!!  BTW I AM an equal-opportunity provider! :D

letmejustsay726 reads

violent criminals, thugs, or men of high sexual expectations/entitlement.  

-- Really

ICantQuit585 reads

I never saw any..."I don't see white men" after the CraigsList killer was identified as white.  As noted, Ass holes come in all forms

Posted By: ICantQuit
I never saw any..."I don't see white men" after the CraigsList killer was identified as white.  As noted, Ass holes come in all forms!  
White people tend to get the benefit of independent behavior & thoughts in a lot of situations.  

Even black people look as black people as a collective in a lot of situations so much in fact that your blackness can be questioned for independent thought.  

A lot of people are poisoned.

....definitely a drop in a bucket in comparison tho.
One was on a DC BP ad, second was in GA (ATL) and the other was CT. 2 were black providers, 1 white.

Here is a snippet

"Because these warped ideals instill in young black men the notion that women will crawl to a “real man”, they come to believe that their maleness and sexual potency should be enough to attract all the women they want; this of course results in deep feelings of resentment when they find that it is no more true for them than for men of any other color.  So when a black man (especially a young one) finds himself in the position of actually having to pay for sex, he is bound and determined to get as much for his money as possible in order to justify the expenditure.  Their attitude is basically “If I’m going to pay for pussy, it had better be good!”  Consequently, black men are well-known for trying to talk girls’ prices down and/or time requirements up, for trying to get every service they can think of included, and for using every last minute of the call in active sexual activity.

This resentment no doubt also fuels their excessive roughness; a man who is angry at a woman isn’t likely to treat her gently.  The very fact that a woman has charged him is perceived as an insult to his masculinity and sexual potency, and this in turn engenders an “I’ll show her!” mentality.  The typical black man seems to believe that the point of intercourse is to damage a woman’s sexual equipment as much as possible; I’ve heard more than a few of them say “I’m going to bust that pussy up!” and they constantly attempt to raise one’s legs up so as to penetrate as deeply as possible even if they’re already bottoming out.  The most egregious example of this behavior is the bizarre technique I already mentioned in my column of August 16th, which involves the man constantly moving his hips from side to side, trying to enter the woman from as many different angles as possible, as though he were trying to distend or even puncture the vaginal walls.  When the man who does this is of average size it’s merely uncomfortable, but if he is well-endowed it can be excruciating.  And this, of course, brings us to Tina’s third complaint; if a woman can’t tolerate the pain of this strange activity and pulls away or asks him to stop, he concludes he is “too much man for her” and his ego is restored from the damage dealt by having to pay for what he needed."

There is more, you can look it up.

ICantQuit537 reads

Makes you go Hmmmmmmm!?!?!?!?

It's unfortunate what happened to her.....hopefully she's ok and can recover from such an experience.

She should definitely post his information so other women can stay clear of the asshole.

She may want to change her screening process. I'm sure if he was verified through various avenues she would have gotten some kind of hint to stay away. He may even have been blacklisted. Did he find her through BP?  

Scumbags come in all shapes and sizes. There are quite some decent AA men out there under 35. Hopefully she will encounter a few with good references and verification that will reassure her not all are bad

Well stated and positive.  

Lesson learned on my part.

PrivacyMatters553 reads

I've heard about this happening more often then people think

wrps07618 reads

The older blacks will have to teach the younger blacks on how to respect the ladies. Many of the younger blacks are into those quickie 15 minute sessions.

!!!!!659 reads

Definitely needs better screening. I know many guys do not like to give out their real names, but I believe that should be the minimum requirement. If the person is verified against the name, by photo or by other means, before the the meeting, he would think twice -- or more -- before pulling something like that

rips her off and eliminate that race too.

pretty soon she wont have any customers.

Posted By: adventurer2011
For obvious reasons, I am posting this under an alias.  
 I just saw my ATF this afternoon and  she told me, with a sad face, a black man made an appointment with her this morning, and when he came in, he held a gun to her head. Now what kind of coward would do this? She was helpless.  
 I've seen this provider many many times and I know she is very sweet and has never given me a bad time. She told me for now on she will add to her ads "No African Americans."  
 This shocks me and makes me pissed at most of these guys out there who think they are macho taking a gun and pointing it at a sweet lady. Forgive me for this expression but they are nothing but PUSSIES!!!

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 3:10:13 PM

Your genius provider friend was held up at gunpoint in the am and but wasn't too rattled to keep working and see you in the same fucking dumpy room? I know it was dumpy, I know she's low end and I know she didn't screen worth a shit. All of which is no excuse for what happened to her but to make it about race is just as fucking brilliant.

Providers can see or ban whoever they want and do so…fine whatever. Let me tell you this though, I have never had a harder time with black clients, and that honest courtesan can kiss my honest ass.  

No different than "Africanized beez" or any other stupid fucking way for you to express your racist feelings without dropping the N bomb. All black men are not angry and over sexualized, all white men are not serial murderers. She talks about black men like an exotic species of angry resentful wasps. You think I don't know racism posing as observation? A man trying to fuck the hardest for the entire session? That's a black thing? Bitch get your life and get it the fuck together.
Providers get robbed by white clients all the time, except it's usually a shorted envelope or a "left it in the car" stunt. At least he didn't fuck her and smile to her face beforehand. Trust me you there are enough scumbags of every ethnicity to go around.  

Tell your sad faced friend to fucking screen or she'll be relaying her next ordeal to JAH himself :D

Posted By: adventurer2011
For obvious reasons, I am posting this under an alias.  
 I just saw my ATF this afternoon and  she told me, with a sad face, a black man made an appointment with her this morning, and when he came in, he held a gun to her head. Now what kind of coward would do this? She was helpless.  
 I've seen this provider many many times and I know she is very sweet and has never given me a bad time. She told me for now on she will add to her ads "No African Americans."  
 This shocks me and makes me pissed at most of these guys out there who think they are macho taking a gun and pointing it at a sweet lady. Forgive me for this expression but they are nothing but PUSSIES!!!

-- Modified on 9/14/2014 3:10:13 PM

ROFLMAO....OK when I read that shit I was in the floor!  That shit was funny as hell!!!!!

Thanks for the laugh!!!

Great post..lol The numbers guy above might get a clue..lol

Posted By: sophiaLA
Your genius provider friend was held up at gunpoint in the am and but wasn't too rattled to keep working and see you in the same fucking dumpy room? I know it was dumpy, I know she's low end and I know she didn't screen worth a shit. All of which is no excuse for what happened to her but to make it about race is just as fucking brilliant.  
 Providers can see or ban whoever they want and do so…fine whatever. Let me tell you this though, I have never had a harder time with black clients, and that honest courtesan can kiss my honest ass.  
 No different than "Africanized beez" or any other stupid fucking way for you to express your racist feelings without dropping the N bomb. All black men are not angry and over sexualized, all white men are not serial murderers. She talks about black men like an exotic species of angry resentful wasps. You think I don't know racism posing as observation? A man trying to fuck the hardest for the entire session? That's a black thing? Bitch get your life and get it the fuck together.  
 Providers get robbed by white clients all the time, except it's usually a shorted envelope or a "left it in the car" stunt. At least he didn't fuck her and smile to her face beforehand. Trust me you there are enough scumbags of every ethnicity to go around.  
 Tell your sad faced friend to fucking screen or she'll be relaying her next ordeal to JAH himself :D  
Posted By: adventurer2011
For obvious reasons, I am posting this under an alias.    
  I just saw my ATF this afternoon and  she told me, with a sad face, a black man made an appointment with her this morning, and when he came in, he held a gun to her head. Now what kind of coward would do this? She was helpless.    
  I've seen this provider many many times and I know she is very sweet and has never given me a bad time. She told me for now on she will add to her ads "No African Americans."  
  This shocks me and makes me pissed at most of these guys out there who think they are macho taking a gun and pointing it at a sweet lady. Forgive me for this expression but they are nothing but PUSSIES!!!  
 -- Modified on 9/14/2014 3:10:13 PM

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