Washington DC

Life410 12 Reviews 382 reads

has to be impacting this game...the hobby. what else would ya rather do!??!?!?

 Nothing else seems like a better use of time for gent or lady. Food, bathroom, getting money & sleep is the only thing interrupting the marathon for me, lol

Makes sense to me. The ladies will still be there after the marathon

Beavis and Butthead or even Family Guy.  

But that didn't stop people from calling me APU since around.....high-school.. :

I was flipping through the channels the other day and stopped when I came upon a channel that was broadcasting Simpsons Reruns.

Grandpa Simpson is looking for a Job as a Hollywood writer. He gets interviewed. Here is all I remember before I busted out in laughter.

Interviewer: What did you do for the past 60 years?

Grandpa Simpson: I was a night watchman at a cranberry silo

"The solution to, and cause of, all of life's problems"!

Posted By: Life410
has to be impacting this game...the hobby. what else would ya rather do!??!?!?  
  Nothing else seems like a better use of time for gent or lady. Food, bathroom, getting money & sleep is the only thing interrupting the marathon for me, lol.  


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