Washington DC

Petite Nicole what happend to her reviews?
travelguy 26 Reviews 7373 reads

I hav Nicole as a favorit and TER says that she was removed. What would cause this to happen?

dogtrained10653 reads

I dunno, I tire of seeing my favorite provider reviews removed.  Makes it hard to do research and I got a membership so my life would be easier but these Dc girl reviews are getting removed left and right.

daveq13413 reads

I think they are requesting to have them removed. I spoke with one popular provider and she mentioned that ladies are removing them to avoid potential problems with law enforcement. Also mentioned that they sometimes attract the wrong element.

There was a girl who liked to knock back a shot of cum with tasty red wine. I can't remember if she was russian or french? Was that Nicole? I never saw her myself but found during research for one of my trips and am still hoping to find her one day.

Kom0d07876 reads

I also noticed that her reviews have been recently removed. RIght before hand, she did get a bad review so maybe she decided to pull her reviews instead of skewing her previous track record.

dcmann and jeopcon are either the two luckiest motherfuckers in the world or they are insanely rich and see millions of girls and only take time from their busy Wilt Chamberlain impersonations to write the reviews on the ones worth seeing.  I'm just imagining these guys as lecherous leprechauns holding court at each end of a rainbow, of course instead of finding a pot of gold they find golden ass.

BTW Thanks for the correction on that name. AND KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

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