Washington DC

Lex Luethor 24 Reviews 3420 reads

...I too want to learn.

I used to think I was great until the last two women I was with said different.  I want a provider to let me do it for 15-20 minutes just to observe, give some hints and tips and let me at it for another 15-20 minutes.  If there is time, I would like to get some myself.  I am really serious and looking for the right provider(s).


...I too want to learn.

As you already may know, each woman is different.  Some can take more direct stimulation, others cannot.  Some can have multiple orgasms that way, others are only good for one.

If you're the 5th guy that day moshing around with his mouth and tongue, it may not be the technique, it's just the fact that you're the 5th guy that day.  Don't get discouraged.

Be observant, considerate and patient.  You'll eventually learn what it takes for each person.  There are no set techniques gauranteed to work each time, so just develop a repertoire of what you're doing and try a series of different methods until you figure out what combination works best for the person you're with.

THe bottom of this really relies on the partner. If she is just lay there without giving you any signals or body movement.  IT is going to be hard.  :)

This is a great question.  I love giving DATY.  Every one is different and every vagina is different.  Different techniques work differently.  Some girls like you to chow down like you haven't eaten in a month, some like to be bitten, some just like something very light.  Keep varying until you get the most response.

One thing that some girls like and I finally decided to try after my ATF/regular AMP girl kept doing it to me-Pacific rimming.  It took me a long time to try it, but there's noting cleaner than an AMP girl, so I took the plunge.  I love it and it drives her wild.

An AMP girl will probably like it.  I'm not sure about regular providers.  Me, I'm not crazy about being on the receiving end, but if my girl gets into it, why complain.

I just wish they would tell you what they like.  Even my regular AMP girl won't tell me what she likes best.  With an English-speaking provider, I'd just ask.  I bet most providers know what they like.  I'd say to her, "What can I do to make YOU happy?"

I would love to teach you and love it that you want to find ways to improve.  I personally would rather let my partner know what I enjoy then "pretending" that I am enjoying it.  It doesn't help either one of us out that way.  If you've ever listened to 99.1 LoveLine, Adam Corello (spelling?) gave an excellent tip for that, he said pretend its a cavern, you want to gently "blow into the cavern, not go in yelling with all cannons blaring" many guys go in over zealous and don't treat it like the delicate flower which it is.  Course, each girl is different but personally I find that the gentlier the better and you have to like doing it, cause if you really don't it shows.

Traci- I wasn't the original poster, but I sure plan to make it up to Baltimore for lessons.  Visited your website and your pics look awesome, would love to be doing DATY on you and feel those legs squuezing my head in place!

I've noticed in a lot of reviews that DATY comes up frequently. I, like many other guys here, enjoy that part of the encounter. If the lady I'm with doesn't enjoy herself it takes away some of the fun for me.

Like you, I used to do DATY well, or so I was told. I've almost had my neck broken, I had a few forget who was the client...LOL. Now I'm a little out of practice. But I'm working on it. Heaven help the lady that's on the end of my tongue when I get 'it' back ;-)

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