Washington DC

JoesephAldruski 251 reads

It is the shit.  Felt like I was 21 again.  Awesome.

So many out there to choose from but which ones actually work?? Thanks.

...they work wonders for gentlemen who have a "difficult time" behind closed doors.  FC=femal condom.

Hugs and Kisses,

May I also add,

Traditional condoms may subtly squeeze the blood out of your erection. Similar to squeezing the toothpaste out of a tube. Also avoid positions like cowgirl where gravity works against you. Try only the ones where the heart is above your cock. Doggie, Mish, standing doggie, lazy dog. On other words the male dominant positions.  

As for the over the counter supplements. I have experienced mixed results. After much research I discovered that some actually worked because they actually had the same  active ingredients that Viagra and Cialis had but managed to go under the radar due to their "Suppelmental" labeling. Many have been pulled from the shelves, just to return later without the prescription grade active ingredient. In many cases a placebo effect did take place and guys swear by them. However, when a new subject tries them, the results tend to be less than expected.  

If you are middle aged or over, overweight, have high triglycerides, high cholesterol, are diabetic, have low testosterone, have high blood pressure, have a stressful home life or career, are depressed, or use recreational drugs. All of the above can and do contribute to ED.  

There is no way to circumvent the issue. These magical ererction pills that the gas stations sell amount to little more than snake-oil. Do yourself a favor and make an appointment with your physician or hire a personal trainer and nutritionist then work on your cardio and do lots of squats and plyometrics.  

PM me if you have any questions.

Good luck and we are all behind you,

I will thank you later because I am busy doing my squats right now!

dangerjay373 reads

the prescription stuff works. everything else is a scam with placebo properties at best.

if you're talking about penis enlargement, none of them work and the contents of many of them are frightening.

prescription ED meds (for most people anyway - but there are side effects and they are not appropriate for everyone)


Yoga pelvic floor exercises

we are born with those muscles tight and they loosen over time.   Re-tightening and re-training them will give you that hard upward angled erection you had as a teenager.   It takes focus and discipline and does not work immediately - plan on doing the exercises twice daily as a permanent part of your routine.  And don't expect to see benefits without at least a month of work.   But then you won't need meds...

Same here with exercise and protein. Don't forget get rest and high fiber diet.  Very important when you are consuming a lot of protein.

!!!!!579 reads

vitaliKoR® is effective for me.

There's so much hassle in getting Viagra/Levitra that I have given up on it -- temporarily perhaps.

Cups of ginseng infusion a day or two before the activity works too.

___afil types.  

there are side effects.  

headaches, dizziness, loss of sensation (particluarly if you take it 30-90min before sex.

To me, Cialis lasts longer so I take it 12 or sometimes 24 hrs before and it still works good.

Posted By: sweetbigboy1970
So many out there to choose from but which ones actually work?? Thanks.

JoesephAldruski252 reads

It is the shit.  Felt like I was 21 again.  Awesome.

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