Washington DC

Based on her reaponse
2465305 70 Reviews 634 reads

I'd out her. She cost you money and time. We all deserve to know so we don't make the same mistake.

Posted By: Geo-rated
I know i know we all get a fair share of being burned on both ends of the client-provider spectrum but when one makes arrangements at the behest of the provider requesting an outcall location, which is reconfirmed by her so that no one wastes each others time.  
 Then at gametime doesnt even have decency to grant me the courtesy of a heads-up or even an apology after no-showing but instead answers with a text saying "dunno what ur talking about got wrong number" well then thats just damn nasty. Emailed and texted repeatedly for a what happened? but no further response.    
 My unerstanding is Gal's independent and got 7 positive reviews dating back to May but Im out valuable time and mundo bucks for the outcall location goodwill.  Maybe somethin spooked her or she scored a better event??? What would you do - out her or not?

I know i know we all get a fair share of being burned on both ends of the client-provider spectrum but when one makes arrangements at the behest of the provider requesting an outcall location, which is reconfirmed by her so that no one wastes each others time.  

Then at gametime doesnt even have decency to grant me the courtesy of a heads-up or even an apology after no-showing but instead answers with a text saying "dunno what ur talking about got wrong number" well then thats just damn nasty. Emailed and texted repeatedly for a what happened? but no further response.  

My unerstanding is Gal's independent and got 7 positive reviews dating back to May but Im out valuable time and mundo bucks for the outcall location goodwill.  Maybe somethin spooked her or she scored a better event??? What would you do - out her or not?

I'd out her. She cost you money and time. We all deserve to know so we don't make the same mistake.

Posted By: Geo-rated
I know i know we all get a fair share of being burned on both ends of the client-provider spectrum but when one makes arrangements at the behest of the provider requesting an outcall location, which is reconfirmed by her so that no one wastes each others time.  
 Then at gametime doesnt even have decency to grant me the courtesy of a heads-up or even an apology after no-showing but instead answers with a text saying "dunno what ur talking about got wrong number" well then thats just damn nasty. Emailed and texted repeatedly for a what happened? but no further response.    
 My unerstanding is Gal's independent and got 7 positive reviews dating back to May but Im out valuable time and mundo bucks for the outcall location goodwill.  Maybe somethin spooked her or she scored a better event??? What would you do - out her or not?

Thx man. Yeah was thinkin the same thing but theres always that risk of gettin retaliatorily blacklisted unjustly by the perpetrating provider. Somethin one would wanna avoid if youve got a clean+ track record. As far as i know i do :)

Blacklist smacklist. It's not like you are making an untrue accusation and you clearly stated what she said to you when you inquired.

There are plenty of reputable ladies on here that will see you and even some feel sorry for you based on your original post of what happened.  

If you don't feel comfortable then PM people who ask for her identity, so then we at least know who to stay away from.  

Posted By: Geo-rated
Thx man. Yeah was thinkin the same thing but theres always that risk of gettin retaliatorily blacklisted unjustly by the perpetrating provider. Somethin one would wanna avoid if youve got a clean+ track record. As far as i know i do :)

his is really unacceptible Geo..Sorry you wasted your time with her

No way for us to really "out" you...this is a hobby of trust.  All of us needto respect and honor each other's time and commitment to meet.  

Posted By: Geo-rated
I know i know we all get a fair share of being burned on both ends of the client-provider spectrum but when one makes arrangements at the behest of the provider requesting an outcall location, which is reconfirmed by her so that no one wastes each others time.  
 Then at gametime doesnt even have decency to grant me the courtesy of a heads-up or even an apology after no-showing but instead answers with a text saying "dunno what ur talking about got wrong number" well then thats just damn nasty. Emailed and texted repeatedly for a what happened? but no further response.    
 My unerstanding is Gal's independent and got 7 positive reviews dating back to May but Im out valuable time and mundo bucks for the outcall location goodwill.  Maybe somethin spooked her or she scored a better event??? What would you do - out her or not?

& so noone can say it's baseless slander.

The fact that she didn't even offer an explanation ruffles my feathers.

I've noticed in my lifetime that accountability & honesty are the key components of good, reliable people.
Even if it doesn't help in a court case, it'll get you a solid reputation as a solid person.

I'd ask her if she is okay, & if it was something you said, because I know some ladies will check info last minute,
& me personally...
I have a low tolerance for certain personality types.  

But I'll say it outright & upfront.


What she did was underhanded, & unfair, imo

Hmmm thats a good idea hon but ill need to figure how to post without an attachment button. Thanks for vote of confidence and your tip.

It happens to me at least once a year. It is something that you have to plan for. Look at this way you know have money to see an alternative provider

Thanks for the encouragement buddy. Hope it never happens to you again. So maybe outing might take it to less than once every 2 years for you and the other hobbyists at large.

maybe something happens? emergency?  

good thing is that there are several ladies here that would be happy to meet you.  

she said wrong number. wtf?  

better not to say anything than that bullshit.

Just a thought. Maybe she got to the location and saw LE sitting around in unmarked cars and was thinking sting. That would explain why she acted like she had know idea what you were talking about when you called for and explanation. With 7 good reviews, I would have to give her the benefit of the doubt.

As some have said, sometimes stuff happens and you have to bail.  Someone sick in the family, spooked by LE related activities, and so on.  We have all been stiffed by providers.  I personally have made confirmed appointments, driven to the hotel and then nothing.  I just move on and assume that something happened.  It comes with the turf.  I think you have to reconsider ever making a hotel reservation for an outcall because that is a very risky move when it comes to this hobby.  Either do the incall or outcall to a hotel which you are already in for another reason.

Sound advice for considering next time. Still sucks tho but Thx

Don't know about outing. What happened doesn't sound pleasant. Maybe there's and explanation maybe not but I understand the frustration and the extra effort on your part makes it worse. If it happens again to a member then. Doesn't sound right with seven good reviews. Just know if you're in the hobby long enough, you might get caught yourself sometime.

I had to cancel one myself this weekend. Scheduled an appointment and got sick. Stress of the past few weeks got to me and a bug or bad food created a mess so I cancelled. I sent an email to the agency at 4 or 5 in the morning. I had been sitting and praying at the throne. If I could have crawled to the appointment and given her the money I would have. Why, it was the first time in twenty on and off years of hobbying I have had to cancel. I felt very bad about it. The agency was very understanding. I was going to reschedule with the same provider to make it up to her but two days in bed with nothing to do, I was reading and posting here. She who had no reviews when I made the date was reviewed, to the positive, three times after as attractive but not the girl in the picture. Then I figured I didn't owe her anything, I wanted to see the girl in the picture. Oh, feeling better, I did make a date with another of their ladies today and had the best time I've had since I returned to the hobby.  

Review forthcoming in a few days

Yeah but sounds like you had the decency to pass on a heads-up cancellation - i hope you did otherwise for shame. . . i mean how long does it take to message someone to say "i got the runs - sorry i gotta reschedule"
like someone previously said - unexpected shit happens.

I had already seen 4 times.  
How long has it been since appointment was set 1, 2 days?

She doesnt care about you as a customer outing her will do no good. Just do it by PM if anyone asks about her.

Posted By: Geo-rated
I know i know we all get a fair share of being burned on both ends of the client-provider spectrum but when one makes arrangements at the behest of the provider requesting an outcall location, which is reconfirmed by her so that no one wastes each others time.  
 Then at gametime doesnt even have decency to grant me the courtesy of a heads-up or even an apology after no-showing but instead answers with a text saying "dunno what ur talking about got wrong number" well then thats just damn nasty. Emailed and texted repeatedly for a what happened? but no further response.    
 My unerstanding is Gal's independent and got 7 positive reviews dating back to May but Im out valuable time and mundo bucks for the outcall location goodwill.  Maybe somethin spooked her or she scored a better event??? What would you do - out her or not?
-- Modified on 10/11/2016 7:23:19 PM

set 4 or 5 days ahead confirmed at least once after and confirmed day before. I know she said was single mom visiting family nearby for weekend so had no incall location but was eager to meet, had car and requested outcall place to facilitate date. Maybe a family member accidentally got her phone and she had to cover - i dunno who knows???

in my experience, " communication  issues(phone was dead, didn't get your message etc) are either a sign of things going south with a known provider you've seen or that the meeting with someone new ain't happening

Posted By: Geo-rated
set 4 or 5 days ahead confirmed at least once after and confirmed day before. I know she said was single mom visiting family nearby for weekend so had no incall location but was eager to meet, had car and requested outcall place to facilitate date. Maybe a family member accidentally got her phone and she had to cover - i dunno who knows???

You have to earn a good review hon - there are no freebees just as there are no negotiable rates on your end.   If the review was mediocre then that was reflective of unmet expectations. You cant just sit there with your handout and make me do all the work and entertaining. Im there for a reason and expect to leave on a better note than when i arrived. If i feel rushed, on a conveyer, encounter bad attitude, bad hygiene or someone that makes no effort to present favorably, then thatll be reflected in the review. Maybe you had a bad day or something was off. I wont I hold that against you unless it appears to be consistent practice.  I will give great reviews for gals that indeed deserve accolades. Like Megan and Kaylee-becky theyre awesome and will get at least 8s on upcoming reviews. Some folks handout 9s and 10s like candy but that should be reserved for the truly unique n merited.   So what? you expecting a 10 on your end? prove it! i wouldnt even give myself a 10 as a client. . .so lets be real now.

Sherando187 reads

That does not excuse the behavior.  The lady should have cancelled and should have already apologized

This is not to annoy you but it probably will.  
What you experienced is what happens frequently to the ladies. They get a room and for a scheduled date no show and no call. They don't often bring it to the board but you'll find it on their websites and some require deposits or payment if you cancel within 24 hours before, which annoys many. I know you have a chip on your shoulder and I'm not trying to knock it off. You've experienced what the ladies do all too often. Use it as a learning experience. We've heard your side and sympathize with you. We'll probably never hear her side.

Youd hear her side if she surfaces but dont expect to unless maybe i out her. but that may be bad precedent because hard to tell whos lying. Difference is theyre running a business and im not. We just want what we paid for. Yup i can relate with'em which is why i dont do it to others. Not annoying just sharing the wealth of perspectives to learn and avoid future hassles. Reputation counts in this line of hobby for many reasons.

Pretending you must have dialed her as a wrong number??  Not cool.

Verdict is to OUT un-apologetic time-resource wasting provider by PM

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