Washington DC

sidneystar's information
camelas 4 Reviews 2316 reads

does somebody know if her pictures real are? Also I read some reviews about her overweight and bad performance, I talked to her about it and she doesn't care about her reviews and men lie so, I need you wise advise guys

yuppie_guppie2071 reads

I saw her last week.  40 minutes late!!!  Didn't have anything else to do so I stuck around.  Overall it was alright.. certainly not ATF material but got the job done.  Pics aren't upto date, different color hair a few pounds and couple of tattoos earlier.  Performance was mechanical but not rushed, and I had ask her if i could turn the TV off!!!

It has been awhile since I saw Sidney.  She is great as a side kick to Angelina but as a solo act not as impressive.

She left the TV on?  Now THERE'S a first!  Sounds like the sorta' thing that would happen to ME.  Grabbing a box lunch at the Y and hearing all this affirming noise only to find that it is cuming from the TV.  Yeah, that's just about the story of my life...~~~~[{\

Hello everyone. Well we cant please everyone can we. As far as the photos, they are me, my hair is blonde now again, and I will be the first to admit, I have gained a FEW pounds. A FEW not 20. Hey I am a growing woman, all us gals have gained a bit here and there.  But I have started the Atkins and I have actually lost 8 pounds, so you watch and wait and see. Thats why I have been waiting to take new photos in June, cause by then I will be even more of a hottie. I have been working out every day in the gym busting my heiny so remarks like these actually add fuel to my fire.  I stil have a pretty nice figure though.  Now for my tattoos, I have had the same ones for the past 6 years, and the same ones in all the pictures. I have a few pink flowers on my right arm, a tiny pink paw on my hip and a tiny flower with a butterfly on my lower back. They are cute and girly.  I am a girly girl!!!
I have great reviews that I am glad I have to back me up, and I love, love Love being a provider, and I know that plenty of you out there still love me.
Untill my website goes up, I DO have more current photos to email you if anyone is interested in seeing.
I havent had new reviews since Jan, because my Eros ad has been down,havent renewed it, but it will be back up this week sometime. I see great men every day who seen very happy with me, if you dont like me then please just leave, or you dont have to stay.  
I dont leave the TV on with my clients, its on in between, and I will admit sometimes I have forgotten about it, and all a client has to do is ask to turn it off. No biggie. I dont rush my clients at all, I consider myself to be a very nice girl, and I do the best I can. I must be doing something right since I do very well, and I have wonderful clients who come to see me on a regular basis.
I have been late at times, but not because I was just sitting on the couch being lazy. If I am late I let the client know, and every provider has been late.
I am a great provider, I am not mechanical at all, I enjoy what I do. If I am ever mechanical or not up too par, then it is definitely because I am unomfortable with the client or we are just not hitting it off for some reason. Again, I cant please everyone, thats the way it is.
And I never spoke to this camelperson or whatever,I actually am pretty sure I know who it is, and hes been texting me, and I think hes not too happy with me because I wont speak to him for certain reasons. I NEVER said I dont care about my reviews. I do, I dont read them often because I will get the same reaction that I got from reading this.
I do the best I can, I love my job, I am not perfect I am only human. And if someone has a problem that they couldnt reach me by phone, its because I cant answer! I call people back, sometimes if alot of time has passed I dont want to call the gentleman because I dont want to get him in trouble with wifey if thats the case. I dont just sit there and watch the phone ringing and ignore it.  
I dont rip clients off, I think I am a great provider, and I know many great men think so out there as well.  I guess the ones that posted here werent my big fans? :)
But yes, I never said i didnt care. I will be honest reading these things do get to me. I am very sensitive, and comments like some of the comments made really do affect me. I didnt think that these all needed to be all out on the board like this. Isnt this sorta thing better off done by back channeling?  When it stands a chance of hurting someones feelings? Sorry I am just very sensitive and things like this do make me tear up.
So I do respect what everyone had to say, I have just recently moved and things have been stressful on me. STP and to the other nice gentleman, I am not disorganized, I check my messages, check my emails and reply to them EVERY day unless I am sick, and I amke my appointments and I do them the best I can. I just try to have fun with my cients and I do the best to show them a wonderful time.
So from reading all of these comments, I will make sure to turn tv off before my client steps foot into the room, I will do whatever it takes to be on time, even though thats not really a problem of mine anymore, I have learned to give myself at least 30minutes in between appointments, and it has been working out perfect for me.  I am even available more then I used to be. I start as early as 10am, and I will even stay on really late. I understand that when the gentlemen makes an appointment  its on his time. I certaibly dont take advantage of this fact. This is my job, and I take it very seriously. Last thing I want to do is to make you unhappy with me. Make love not war, right??
Okay take care all,

This shall pass, don't get down on a few bad posts. I think your pictures are great and looking forward to meeting you one day.

I do have newer pictures that are very representative of me. I am blonde, my hair is not a different color, again, all the SAME cute, little tattoos that are in places not really visible to people, and my performance, hney is anything butnot mechanical!! I cant recall who you are, but I KNOW for a fact that I am FUN in the SACK, because I LOVE IT!!! Sadly you and I just didnt hit it off for whatever reason. I think the men on this board are smart enough to know, that if a lady has OVERALL pretty darn good reviews that the lady must be doing something right, and that I am.  Even the most popular of providers get someone here and there that will be unhappy with them, and sometimes  we get a bad apple in the bunch and they like to say what they can cause they just want to be mean. Not saying this goes for you hon.  All I can say is that we cant please everyone, most but not all:)

I have seen Sidney several times.  The pics are correct, but she has gained weight in her thighs..She is a naturally busty " baby doll" type.  Very playful..somewhat chatty. She has had a recent history of being late for appointments but I am not aware if she has ever been a "no show". No complaints about performance ...always a sexy good time.  Very energetic..very vocal..very engaged.  I do not keep up on reviews but last time I checked most were pretty affirming.  Sidney needs to work on organization and consistency...but she is still someone I can recommend.

Have seen Sidney a couple of times lately. My reviews would have been similar to the others already posted so I did not do them. FWIW, not late either time with me; and I would recommend also.

I am sorry to say that I have to confirm the disorganization aspect and I did fall victim to getting to her incall only to have to call repeatedly and get voice mail. Bailed after 20 minutes so I never got to see whether she looked like the pics or not.
She looks cute and I would have liked to try but oh well.

I have wonderful reviews. Everyone knows that I am not a twig, I am an attractive curvy woman.  I do care about my reviews, and I never talked to camelas about this stuff.
I know exactely who this person. He is being a poor sport because he wants to pay 100.00 for an hour with me, and ge isnt getting his way, and now he wont leave me alone.

Well I used to visit Sidney about once or twice a month for a whole year while she was at Bluegems. I always had a great time.  When she went Indy it took me a while to see her but I did and I had a great time.  What was great was she remembered me even after not seeing her for a long time when she went Indy. She's always fun to be around and it what makes me come back to see her everytime.

I've only seen Sidney once, but I remember them with great reverence.  The rest is a blur because  Angelina was working her magic on something else -- and I got distracted.  It's my fault I haven't been back.   And if she HAS gained a couple of pounds (which her recent pics don't suggest), those tits are just going to be bigger and better.  Can we say "tits" on this board!?  LOL

and one important thing to remember.....I have many great reviews, and the FEW that are not so great???? Then obviously I didnt click with the guy who wrote the review or who posted negatively about me, or maybe the guy that wrote the bad review or posted the negative comment was not what we or anyone would call a nice guy. Wink! Wink!!  Someone mentiond that I was great with my girl Angelina but not hot alone? This is the perfect example of the point I was making above, if I was great with Angelina, I am a fun, sexy provider...period....or maybe the gentleman caught me on a day that was just not my day. Everyone has their OFF days when things just are not quite right.
So boys er men....dont worry you all know that I am alot of fun, and for those of you that I havent met...come on over...show me what you got ...wink!  Love To All..even the gentlemen here who posted the negative remarks.  Hope someone kissed it and made it all better for you.
Peace...xoxoxo..Your Shining Starr :)

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