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wrps07 447 reads

Posted By: essex7477
Posted By: LonelySailor4Fun
I just found this while browsing BP, not sure if it is real but of course a warning of girls robbing fellas with their pimp is no joke so I thought I would pass it on. I have no other information than this.    

I just found this while browsing BP, not sure if it is real but of course a warning of girls robbing fellas with their pimp is no joke so I thought I would pass it on. I have no other information than this

careful if you meet with any girl; especially on BP. Guys can get rolled, because they are not going to call LEO and say they got pinched by a pimp and his girl.  

You are much safer on TER and other similar sites, but you still need to be careful. Part of hobbying.

wise words, don't get why people mess with BP it's just trouble

j-nova527 reads

I only see well reviewed ladies, typically only those with P411 profiles.  Even with P411 providers I search to see if they also advertise on BP and if so cross them off my list.

I know many guys will chime in about the great providers they've met on BP and ladies will say it's just another way to advertise and  
is safe with proper screening.  Good for you if that's your experience, but In my opinion BP is flat out much riskier than more reputable sites and not worth it.

If I were to take your advice, I'd expand upon it and say not to participate in any activity where there is a potential for risk. Actually that would be good advice.

Posted By: j-nova
I only see well reviewed ladies, typically only those with P411 profiles.  Even with P411 providers I search to see if they also advertise on BP and if so cross them off my list.  
 I know many guys will chime in about the great providers they've met on BP and ladies will say it's just another way to advertise and  
 is safe with proper screening.  Good for you if that's your experience, but In my opinion BP is flat out much riskier than more reputable sites and not worth it.

j-nova459 reads

That's silly and not what I was suggesting at all.  There is risk In everything we do, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't be smart and try to minimize those activities that have the greatest potential for negative consequences.

I take some minimal risks when I visit my ATF who is mostly utr here in DC.  That said, she is much less risky than any of the women posting on BP, including the well established providers that advertise on that site.

is less risky to see than the well reviewed ladies who advertise here and else where, and if you think that not participating in behavior which has the potential for risk, to avoid risk is silly. You obviously do not understand the definition of minimize, or even comprehend what you wrote in your own post.

j-nova348 reads

You've managed to write a completely incoherent post while at the same time imagining you've written something profound.

I said nothing profound, I merely took what you said and turned up the safety factor. Are you of the opinion that UTR ladies are unsafe? UTR ladies are probably the safest ladies to see, not to many people know what they do for a living.  

You've truly crossed the threshold of pathetic.

j-nova381 reads

My post pointed out that utr ladies ARE probably the safest in the hobby, with safest being a relative term.

Posted By: LonelySailor4Fun
I just found this while browsing BP, not sure if it is real but of course a warning of girls robbing fellas with their pimp is no joke so I thought I would pass it on. I have no other information than this.  

wrps07448 reads

Posted By: essex7477
Posted By: LonelySailor4Fun
I just found this while browsing BP, not sure if it is real but of course a warning of girls robbing fellas with their pimp is no joke so I thought I would pass it on. I have no other information than this.    

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