Washington DC

Actually, I tend to prefer local indies, myself.
Tigerguy 3383 reads
1 / 20

1)Easy screening - Since agency ladies work in a buddy system to provide security, they require simple ID verifification only.  Inde work alone and need to ask more personal info including reference which is intrusive to me.
2) Easy booking - I can often book agency ladies on the same day with a couple hours notice.  No way with inde and if the appointment is the first time, it can take days.  My need is impulsive and can't wait.
3) One stop shopping - A good agency has many ladies to choose from, and  the ladies come and go that that add to the variety the hobby needs.
4) Younger ladies - In general, agency ladies are younger because it is the place where they start out. Once they learn the biz and decide to stay on, they become inde.
5) Less expensive - I found that agency ladies are often less expensive than inde, because inde have to cover the overhead and won't be able to schedule as many appointments because they have to spend time on scheduling.  

So I don't see any advantage using ide service over agencies.   Other opinion?

Bigjohnny8 11 Reviews 3043 reads
2 / 20

I have used both in the past and agree with you on some issues. if the Agency is first rate and the girls all give incredible service it is hard not to stay with the agency. However I do think overall Independents give better service and are less likely to be clock-watching. again just my two cents.

dcmann 75 Reviews 3435 reads
3 / 20

Yep! I agree with you on all five points! But your point number one is especially key, IMHO....


netmichelle See my TER Reviews 3779 reads
4 / 20

I work for myself, and I earn every dollar I make. It is me that you are meeting, and spending your time with.

If you want to spend time with someone else that is forced to do high volume while shackled to her hotel room, who must answer her phone, might give you a used towel, who will scoot you out the door 10 min early so she can squeeze in her next appt., and who probably gets less than half of the money that you give her, go right ahead.


"Now is the time for me to talk about agencies. It is something that I have been reticent to discuss mainly because they are the reason that I came to be. Nobody is born a whore, they are schooled and groomed for this position. Someone had to teach them how. It wasn’t easy. I wasn’t young or pretty enough. One agency ran by a lady told me that she only takes women that are 18-23 and with long hair. She only gave me the time of day because I wasn’t black. She told me to meet here at a cyber café in Hollywood, but she never showed up. She probably saw me and decided to pass. This café was later to become important to me. There were many ladies that were prostitutes there, all checking their e-mail and chatting on their cell phones getting ready for their dates, and coming in for food. The place was open 24 hours, so for 2 months this café became my second home.

I think working for an agency is like drug running or like bank thievery. It is all a hustle, a scam, a game of smarts, The idea is to not get caught. Play it cool and no one gets get. Make sure that you keep your eye on the ball because the name of the game is money and the name of the ball is more money.  I really don’t know how I ended up in this biz. I am a really good natured person. I have never shop lifted, and I have never scammed someone for money.  Suddenly I was thrust into a business that I had no business being in. Namely smut. Glorified smut. I had to convince them I was worth giving money to. I had to con everyone that I was better than I was. Basically I was a good looking pan handler.

Let me clarify this. It is so crazy that people have to pay for stuff that they do all the time anyway. Pay for sex? People will have sex anyway. Perhaps we, as providers, we help diminish rapes, we help reduce domestic violence. We keep the familial unit intact.  We help keep that big rock of servitude on the wife’s finger.  We keep our mouths shut and we take our payment like every other public servant except we know we may be gone tomorrow.

Agencies.  I thought slavery was over. The sex trade is alive and well and they will keep shackles on you long after your time is done. They take the prettiest and youngest and then they squeeze the best years of your life out like toothpaste: a little here, a little there, and then one day, you wake up and realize that you don’t even have enough for yourself.

When I started I was their darling. Of course I made money. I was new. I didn’t know but I was being auctioned as a new girl, my implied virginal state was plied and angled like a fishing line in the Snake river of Los Angeles. Of course they took the bait, I looked good, smelled good and didn’t know my ass from my mouth.

I was pretty lucky but I got greedy. I started signing up for all the shifts. I was super whore. Better, faster, and more passionate than a politician on a hot campaign trail. I was determined to be, all that I could be, a w-h-o-r-e.  Life was good. Then I started to fuck up. I started looking more ratty, and I had these bags under my eyes that would not go away no matter what I did. I would drive around all night zooming here and there, only to find more often than not, I was not the girl in the picture, and that I would knock on the door and no one would answer.

I started to get upset. I started to bang loudly on those shut doors. I would show up chewing gum because what-the-fuck, I was not giving the fuck, they were paying for my fuck. And fuck them I did. I started to get back at them. I started to give really good service. It was my way of fighting back. Maybe it was my martial arts training but I realized that I was going into the enemy, becoming one with the enemy. It was mind blowing when I turned the tables on them. I was the predator and they were the prey.

I looked deep into their eyes when I went down on them. I grabbed their hair when I fucked them, Occasionally I would lay there in missionary all passive and then I would look at them like a rabid animal and start spanking their ass. I was no longer super whore, I was psycho whore. They would feign to not kiss me and I would suddenly grab them and kiss them, almost violently, this was fun to do as I left them and went out the door. I started making more money. Guys would call up and start asking for me. I was being asked by the agency: “What do you do to these guys, they are crazy for you.”  I shrugged my shoulders. I could care less. I was making money, but more importantly, I was working hard so that I could stay numb. As long as I didn’t look in the mirror, everything would be okay. Or so I thought.

One night my booker wasn’t there. I made little money that night and when that night stretched into three I started to freak out. I was seriously low on cash, and worse yet the agency director started to blame me. “What happened?” He would demand. Nothing. I went out on the two calls and booked them. Not my fault. I knew that my time as an agency girl was coming to an end.

I found out that my booker was working for another escort company. I was thrilled to learn that she was doing well and had a plan to get me in to the company. It was hard for me to get hired in the Los Angeles escort agencies, they would tell me that I was too old, but she knew that I was reliable and not a drug addled flake like the other girls. There was one small problem. I knew the guy who ran the company, and I wanted to go low profile. So she concocted a new name for me and did not put my photo up on the escort website. I was instead the new girl who was saving up money for pictures.  This worked out perfectly. The money was substantially better, and now I started to have confidence. I was getting better clients.  When things are good they only last so long.

My booker was a speed junkie. She would work all hours and chat non-stop to my prospective clients on the phone, making me sound like a movie star, a perfect 30s bimbo, a housewife, a college slut, you name it. The problem was that drugs were clouding her judgement.

Writing ads are tricky. I never did the: here I am now come and fuck me routine. I wanted to stand out. “The thinking man’s sex symbol practices her deep suction on thick creamy vanilla bean malts with a cherry red straw. This heroine fights off angry glares from malnourished wannabe MILFS and fleeting stares from their pussy whipped husbands.  This is a big City, but this gutsy gal has decided to conquer it, one dick at a time, one lick at a time. Remember when the air was clean and sex was dirty? It takes a dirrrty girl. Come on baby, let get dirty.” It works."

--A piece from my book I am working on.

-- Modified on 3/6/2005 7:14:02 AM

someguynamedp 2 Reviews 2979 reads
6 / 20

From your writing, it sounds like you don't want to be in this business.  Am I misinterpreting what you've written?

About half of what you wrote doesn't even apply to the agency/indy issue.. it applies to hobbying in general.. so I'm really not sure I understand.

JT1896 297 Reviews 2834 reads
7 / 20

Most guys like variety.  Some guys thrive on it.  Look at Jeopcon1 for example.  He generally doesn't see someone more that 2 times.  

Most guys won't go back to see someone more than twice, especially if it's the same experience each time.  Finding a local regular is great but they are few and far between.

Local independent women have an inherent disadvantage because there aren't that many new potential clients coming into the area.  Once the indy has run through all the local guys, relying on repeat regulars is tough to do.

It's much easier for a client to choose from all the visiting ladies from the various agencies.  Trying someone new or trying someone well-reviewed is probably first on the choice of decisions rather than repeating with someone who you've already seen.

Here's what I tend to follow:

1.New visiting provider with excellent reviews

2.A new provider with a few reviews but from a well-known and proven agency

3.A returning provider from a well-known agency who you've seen before

4.A known and well-reviewed provider with a local agency

5.A local independent provider who you you've seen and consider a regular

Ponzone 39 Reviews 2833 reads
10 / 20

Great stuff though, net.  Hard to separate truth from fiction.  I guess that is the idea.  Besides, the truth is always stranger than fiction.  Sounds like I would have a hard time even putting that book down for a break.  I guess my bladder would just have to burst, or something.

 Goin' on Oprah?  If so, WE can say we read an early draft, BACK WHEN!  Think we can get free tickets to that show.  Maybe Oprah will give out a free copy of the book, autographed by the author, to EVERYONE in the audience.  Oh yeah, I'm confusing Oprah with Rosie (who has retired from the talk show circuit).  Oh well.

Ponzone 39 Reviews 3490 reads
11 / 20

JT, I think your list is pretty much right on.  However in my case, I would change the order just a bit.  My priority order (in terms of your numbers) would be: 5, 3, 1, 4, 2.  Part of my reasoning could be my penchant for S/M.  A couple really has to get used to each other and work up to the max in S/M.  Constantly getting new dommes (or subs) can be a real bitch.  I especially like some of the particular local indie talent, in these areas.  Good, compatible playmates in S/M can be really hard to find, especially when you are looking for GFE aspects too, as I am.  Seems like you can find pretty good dommes and very good GFE's, but it is very difficult to find someone who is highly adept at BOTH.  That's MY ideal playmate.  Three of my top five ATF's are in this category, and it has taken a long time to get where I am (like my whole life).  Things sure are GOOD now, though.

  As for indies in general, it sure is nice to not have to put up with that dreaded phone call at the end of the hour, or whatever.  I almost always get extra time from the really good indies (and hardly EVER get my full time from agencies).  Indies may charge a bit more, but I feel they are worth it.  Besides, they're experienced.  Frankly, I have had it up to HERE with these teenagers (and low aged 20-somethings) with an overinflated sense of self worth.  From my experience, they really don't have a clue how to please a man that wants more than a "fuck-toy live blow-up doll".  Meanwhile, they are looking for a pile driving man which often requires the youth I know longer have.  So often, I find that is what I get out of agencies.  The inexperience really shows and turns me off.  As a rule, the slightly older gals in agencies tend to be better, IMHO.  Lately, I've been into the 30-somethings.  I find the connection is just better, and many still have looks that are real DYNOOOMITE!!  One notable exception to the low 20-somethings (who also happens to be an indie) is Ashana.  That gal has experience and wisdom WAY beyond her years.  But then, just about EVERYBODY knows that Ashana is a VERY EXECEPTIONAL gal (pretty much in a league of her own--in several more ways than ONE)!

hotanik See my TER Reviews 2824 reads
12 / 20

However, there are good points for using either agencies or indys

1) Screening - I know of many agencies that also require references, and indies who don't...  either way, a simply subscription to Date-Check with just one reference will have you screened anytime within 2 minutes.  Even an agency can verify you.

2) Impulsive needs... again many indies ladies can screen you quite quickly, this usually depends on your references.  How the heck is a reference intrusive?  I guess you guys think we talk about your performance or stuff, most girls simply ask, would you see this guy again or not... simply yes or no.  Many agencies can book you in a few hours and then you get a different girl, or the girl you do see is tired from being over-booked.

3) Cannot argue with you on this one... but there are many independent ladies who can offer you much variety.

4)Younger ladies... possibly, the agency I worked for always passed me for 18 or 19 (I was 25)... never once was my age questioned.  I doubt that age is your concern, I know 18 year olds that look to be 30 and 30 year olds that look to be 18... which would you prefer?

5)From my research, the reliable ladies and reliable agencies charge about the same rate... on average.

Like I noted, there is no better or worse, just make sure you choose a reputable agency, tht treats their ladis with respect, whose ladies enjoy working with them.


dogtrained 2899 reads
13 / 20

i dont know you,dont mean to judge. not my type but to each their own.just curious from what i gather of your writing youve been hurt by people.maybe lots, maybe not more than average.

do u get nice clients? do u put yourself in positions to be jaded?

everybodys got to start somewhere.i know an indy lady who used to work for an agency.while the owner could be a bitch she never made her work more than two or three times a night.she had nothing but positive things to say about her agency.maybe u shouldve found another agency to work for.sounds like you did for awhile but got in a bad situatin.  im curious, howmany times did your agency make you work per day/night.  also why do u like to throw around the word whore.

Derringer 18 Reviews 2901 reads
14 / 20

Net, you are an awesome writer!  Your story is captivating, with such vivid descriptions of a murky life in the profession.  I'm left to wonder how much is autobiographical and how much is fictional.  These are characteristics often associated with a great novel.  If the rest of your book shares the same lurid quality, you might *really* end up with a bestseller on your hands.  I love the small taste you have shared; so you would definitely have at least one sale. :-)

As for the topic of this thread: I have only seen indies thus far.  As a result, I do not feel qualified to offer anything worthwhile to the debate.  But it is very interesting to hear the pros and cons of each side.  

Hmm, maybe I should try an agency gal next time for a change of pace.....

thescout4 18 Reviews 4148 reads
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Slavery is when someone gets the benefits from you productivity because they own you.  When someone says, you do this for me and I'll give you a cut . . . that's business.

A decision by a girl to work at an agency is because, on balance, she thinks its a better deal given her circumstances. Period. If the agency charges too much, the girls would not work for them and the agency would go out of business.

Lex Luethor 2711 reads
16 / 20

"I was naive enough to think I'd seen it all. Then I met 'Lex'. Four and a half gallons of disinfectant later, I still don't feel clean. How did that bozo get through my screening?..."

jc111 65 Reviews 2549 reads
17 / 20

Have to agree with scout. Don't think it is fair to suggest that some of the great ladies working for high quality agencies have any more than a business relationship.

Can argue both sides of this issue and much depends on guys taste, the individual ladies and the agencies involved. But don't think it is right to take a cheap shot at either side.

Theolderguy 6 Reviews 3496 reads
18 / 20

I haven't had terrible luck with agencies, in fact I've had good luck.  But all but one of the women who have blown me away have been indies.  I usually like longer visits.  Indies are much more likely to have a rate structure that favors long visits.  Indies don't have to leave you or kick you out at a certain time.  If indies like you, they can show it by staying a little longer.  Most of the indies I've met are women who have made a decision to be in the profession because they have weighed the advantages against the disadvantages, and found the advantages work for them.  So they are comfortable with what they are doing and it shows in how they relate to their clients.  Indies who have been through agencies and have gone indy are experienced and know how to offer real pleasure.  So I have nothing against agencies, but I prefer indies.

Denise_Belle 2127 reads
19 / 20

1) Re: Screening
Why would less screening make you MORE comfortable? I don't get this. Personally, I'd feel a lot better seeing a lady who had standards beyond say, seeing anyone with the ability to attain an ID card. Careless agencies with sketchy screening are often targeted by LE- why would you put yourself in a potentially bad situation by being associated with that? Why would you want to see a lady who doesn't value her safety as much as possible?
Not to bite your head off, but I think it's a little selfish and ridiculous  to say that a lady asking for a reference is being "intrusive." You're asking a (naturally vulnerable) complete stranger to risk her property, emotional security and LIFE by seeing you- the least you should be comfortable doing is assure her you aren't a psycho! I'm sure you can appreciate that.

2) Re: Easy Booking
There are LOTS of indies who will take short-notice appointments- I find it hard to believe you're finding a shortage of them.
Also, if take a few minutes of your time to become a verified member of a site like date-check.com, that would GREATLY expidite screening and make it convenient for ladies who actually DO screen to see you in a timely fashion!
Alternately, you may consider being screened in advance by a handful of ladies you're interested in, that way you don't have to mess with screening right before you see them. I have had many clients do this with me so they can call me on short notice when it's convenient for THEM- since their schedule is unpredictable.
It seems like the bigger problem may your reluctace to share information about yourself- not the ability of providers to see you without making you wait a long time.

3) Re: Variety
There is a far larger variety of indies than you'll find at one agency. In fact, you are probably MORE likely to find the exact type of quality woman you want just by searching the extensive review database here on TER than by hoping the lady the agency sends you is what you were hoping for.

4) Re: Younger Ladies
I agree that agencies on the whole probably employ a higher percentage of them, but there are a WHOLE lot of quality younger women working as indies- women who may be a tad more empowered and enthusiastic since they're working on their own terms and not those of an agency.

5) Re: Less Expensive
True, but not by much. And it would be advantageous to take into consideration that quite often you get what you pay for. Agency girls tend to only make 50-60% of their fee. Who do you think is going to appreciate her time with you more- a lady making $100, or a lady making $250-300? On the whole, you're only saving maybe $50, right? Wouldn't you say $50 would be worth seeing a lady who values her time a little more?
Personally, because I'm an indie and I keep all of my money earned, I don't NEED to see more than a few clients a week to live comfortably. Indies, on the other hand, have to see THREE TIMES as many clients as I do to earn the same amount of money. I can only imagine how burned out they must feel after a few months of that kind of volume.

Don't get me wrong- there are a lot of awesome agencies AND agency girls out there, and lots of them DO deserve your hard-earned money. But they're not the only fish in the sea, so to speak. There are lots of great indies you're missing out on by having this prejudice against them! ;)


ReaganUS See my TER Reviews 2076 reads
20 / 20
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