Washington DC

Actually, 'Greek' has been a euphemism for homosexuality for two millennia.
Font of All Wisdom 2603 reads

To the Romans, the Greeks were notorious for homosexuality to the extent that the Roman's used the phrase "going Greek" to refer to homosexual sex.

While it might now be used to refer to anal sex between any two people, that is not its origin.

-- Modified on 3/27/2005 9:49:09 PM

We had a thread recently here and the other board about greek. Some of the responses called it ‘homoerotic’ or ‘latent gay tendencies’. Now we have a thread about strap-on but not one comment about this being homoerotic or hidden gay tendencies. So what the hell am I missing here. We stick the lady we’re gay, they stick us we’re not?   WTF?

Not up tight, just confused and that's easy to do.

Greek with a girl is NOT 'homoerotic'...A girl giving a guy Greek is.

I don't see what the confusion is about...

Then you must not have read the threads. Your answer seems logical but that's not the way it was addressed in the two threads.

I find that few are addressing this question very funny. Not trying to call anybody out. Everybody here is a little or a lot out of the ordinary... except me of course...

Abby Normal

Okay, okay, jeep's gonna' tear me a new one for hopping in here, but:

 Greek is a heterosexual act between a man and a woman.  By many, it is considered the "forbidden act" (being the classical form of "sodomy").   Some men want it for a tighter fit, especially with a woman who is not particularly vaginally "tight".  It is said to offer "special delights" for certain women (who are so inclined).  Like in any anal play, the anus has to be prepared/trained for the play.  The proper type of lubricant is necessary as is the bodily positioning for the anus canal to "open up" further.  There is also a part of the anatomy (I believe it is the sphincter) which has to be cleared by Johnson for full insertion.  This can take practice. Fluid transfer is even more an issue in the anus, so a raincoat is VERY necessary.

 Of course, anal intercourse is the primary means of play for homosexual men.  However in that case, it is not termed "greek".

 Strap-on is, of course, accomplished by a dildo connected to a "panty" which is worn.  The lubricated dildo is inserted in the anus simulating "greek".  Although strap-on may be done between homosexuals of either sex, the term typically implies a woman doing it to a man.  In the last case, it is STILL a heterosexual act and is symbolic of the woman "getting even with the man".  In such case, she is in the superior, top, or dominant role (just like a man is in doggy), and the man is in the bottom, submissive role.  The physical "joys" to the man are involved with the prostate stimulation.  It's appeal to sexually submissive men should also be obvious.  

 Strap-on is NOT the only form of female superior sexual activity.  The term: "woman on top" applies to CG, RCG and spinners.  She can, of course, be on top in 69 or BJ as well.
However, strap-on is generally considered more "female superior" than the others, because she is (in effect) fucking the guy.  This is just like greek being somewhat more "male superior" than doggy (just because of its "forbidden" nature).

 That takes care of the "clinical textbook" discussion.  Now I'll put my chastity belt, slicker, and boots on for when jeep and/or bigdaddy come in here....~({

Squat should address the person he has a problem with... Either privately and quit beating around the bush..

I gotta' confess that I had doubts; but that's exactly what I was hoping you would do....

Not going to take the bait tonight Ponzone..

Yeah but you DIDN'T, so you're LEARNING.  See what a little self-control gets ya'?

Well of COURSE it's the same "activity".  I guess I just wasn't keeping up with terminology in the "gay community".  Sounds like I stand corrected.  Notice though that I'm STANDING and NOT bending over....

Font of All Wisdom2604 reads

To the Romans, the Greeks were notorious for homosexuality to the extent that the Roman's used the phrase "going Greek" to refer to homosexual sex.

While it might now be used to refer to anal sex between any two people, that is not its origin.

-- Modified on 3/27/2005 9:49:09 PM

a problem with anyone.

One, I thought it was a little strange to refer to 'greek' as 'gay' and not to bring it up in 'strap-on'. It seems much more in the reverse. I don't care one way or the other...

Two, sometimes I just like to stir the pot.... :-)

I really appreciate the textbook look at what's involve. I'm sure it will help those confused or wondering what's involved. I wasn't. I was a little annoyed with those here and especially on the other board. A few of the ladies that don't provide the service tried to belittle it. And a few guys that don't do it did the same. Didn't find that particularly cool.

This is a hobby out of the mainstream. Its not stamp collecting. You can find just about anything your mind can come up with. Something you think is fun will be bizarre to somebody else. My opinion is don't knock it if you haven't tried it. Look at the post on Lindsey party way back. A lot of guys said they wanted to go but were afraid that some other guy would see their 'pee pee'....LOL . Some guys think that's out of the ordinary.

Enjoy the variety of experiences this hobby can provide.... straight up or with a little bend.

TheDofP5292 reads

I know this thread is rather old, but I thought it might be benefited by a different perspective on this topic. Before I begin, I'll give you a little background about myself since I think it will be helpful in understanding where I'm coming from.

"The sexual continuum" (straight---bi---gay) is frankly inadequate in describing an individual's sexuality, since it reduces something of near infinite potential complexity to a simple set of percentages, but since I need to give you at least some kind of a hint here I will relent just this once and say that I'm male and around 95% straight. Sex with men is not something I entirely rule out, but a man's body and a masculine attitude almost never makes the sparks fly for me in general. A woman's on the other hand, well, in my case there appears to be no limit to the myriad ways in which a woman's physical and mental presence can excite my mind and body. Why am I mentioning this? Because it is important to understand that I *can* be turned on by men. It's very rare, but it's possible. Now, on to the main part of the post:

So, strap-ons and going Greek, and the homo/heteroerotic relative potential of both. Some say that going Greek suggests latent homoerotic tendencies in the male, then again many do not. At the same time, it seems that the vast majority of people regard a woman using a strap-on with a man as *definite* homosexuality on the man's part. I won't speak for how others feel but I could not disagree more for myself. The way I feel about a strap-on used by a woman is *totally* different than the way I feel about receiving anal sex from a man. The latter is homosexual in nature, obviously, and appeals to the very small part of my sexuality that is turned on by men. The turn-on is the masculinity of the individual with whom one is having sex and the expression, through his penis, of that sexuality and the shared experience that results. However, the assumption that a strap-on as used by a woman on a man *must* be merely a stand-in for an actual penis and that the recipient is, in his mind, imagining receiving a real penis, is not at all accurate in my case. In my mind, the strap-on is simply one more object that can be used by a woman as an expression of her own sexuality, a sexuality that I find far more attractive, personally, and one which is not in any way "masculinized" by the presence of an object that resembles something so obviously male. To reject it as specifically male-only in nature and assume homosexuality as a result diminishes sex by needlessly compartmentalizing it. In my view, hetero/homo/bi/etc. are practical terms that are ultimately meaningless. I get turned on by *people*, their personalities and the way those personalities are expressed in their bodies, how they use their bodies and the various items they may use to enhance the experience. Male, female, whatever - when it comes down to actually having sex, gender is not important, only that the person/people I am with stimulate me in a way that I enjoy (and vice-versa). A woman with a strap-on is, for me, no less womanly during its use and the turn-on for me is still to do with her *feminine* sexuality, in all the ways that it is capable of being expressed. When I am the recipient of a strap-on, what is going through my mind is the female sexiness of that individual. At no point do my thoughts drift to images of male penises, chiseled, male abs, or whatever, because none of those things are possessed by the person wearing the strap-on, obviously.

Now, if *you* (the general "you" - I'm not directing this at anyone in particular) regard such strap-on use as "gay" then that's fine: it might be that, were a strap-on to be used on you, the images and feelings going through your head would be homosexual in nature and if you don't get off on that then there's no problem there at all. However, I strongly recommend that you recognize that what you would feel in that situation should not be assumed to be what *everyone* feels in the same situation. The human animal is wondrous in its diversity of feeling and expression. There's no need to limit it by trying to diminish the very real feelings that others experience just because you personally could never imagine yourself feeling that way.

Anyway, if you've got this far, thanks for reading  (this was my first post!) and I hope you can accept my viewpoint with respect, as I do yours.

Stay sexy and stay happy. :)

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