
Vanity, Vanity, do I give it all to Vanity? (confession/discussion, pt1)
LAtenfour 48 Reviews 8341 reads

So again the dilemma. The indubitably gorgeous, famous, well-reviewed Vanity has returned to los angeles and I...well, I don't know what I will do... Do I bite the inevitable  bullet and pay the $$$$ to finally meet this unique beauty? Why not? Well, for one....I could have two or even three, um, epiphanies... with lovely TS's with whom I have previous experience  for the same $$$$. ...  And two: While I don't doubt Vanity's beauty, she isn't the particular physical type which fills my personal fantasies. Her voluptuous femininity is to me less desirable than the angular lean power of, say, Toni Tease, or the petite fragility of, say, Sapphire. So...I'm expounding here by way of encouraging discussion...not to mention maybe getting that final push to commit to the enactment. Or to reinforce my current belief that my hesitation is well-founded. I have little doubt that this Goddess will not want for ardent admirers far beyond her available time...I was just wondering.....and while I'm do you guys feel about the text in her ad....I get a weird "Miss America" vibe there which I don't find sexy at all. OK. That ought to be enough to stimulate something. ;-)
(jeez, i felt like The Answer, Jr. for a minute there! stirring the pot to get something new posted here so I'm not so f***ing bored!! yikes!)

MyFirstAlias8428 reads

Look, I realize that until I get a "real" handle and post some reviews on my now numerous TS experiences, I'm not "long" on credibility.  However, in general, when I have had the kinds of "doubts" you described above - especially when combined with a premium price - I have tended to be dissappointed.  This is not meant to be any negative reflection on Vanity - she just may not be for you.  Treat yourself to two of your favorites in one day (maybe at the same time) - that's got a much better chance of being a memorable experience.  

On the other hand, sometimes trying something "out of the box" can be very rewarding.  If you decide to go that way, try and temper your expectations.

As an aside, thanks to you and The Answer for all your great posts.  Maybe I should see if "The Question" is taken as a handle.  LOL!

Good luck.

Sailil9145 reads

I was readig right along there LA.  But then you said the magic word.  Sapphire.  But she's at large in the world these days is she not?  Anyway she's unforgettable and one who will be ageless.  I'd eat her ass if she was 65 yrs. old.

She is indeed 'at large'  sailil, if something so very tiny could ever actually be 'at large' ;-) and edible as ever -- though clearly not so filling as Vanity would be..and not oft-reviewed lately, i wonder if she's not so oft-seen, at least by ter readers, curious, personally, i'd love to see a recent review (anybody?)..meanwhile...hmmm, two tiny helpings of Sapphire or one big course of Vanity...hmmmmm, i'm  still scoop ice cream or two scoops sorbet... my taste buds are all apucker!

Bro it is VANITY! Go for it! Just think of being able to tell your grandkids about it some day...on second thought maybe you shouldn't tell them :) But do it anyway. I know if she were to ever come to Houston, $$$$ or not I would be there!
She has been reviewed a few times on another board (to remain nameless) an most if not all were positive. $$$$ is a lot to spend, and yes you have a valid argument of seeing 2-3 other girls, but again it's VANITY! It is like ordering a very expensive btl. of wine every once in a while. You just have to do it. Most times the wine is/was worht it.

negativeion6870 reads

... save up for a ticket to NOLA to see Toni?  A little birdie told me that Southwest Airlines is running a special on flights booked by tonight at midnight.

Looks like you have a few hours to decide!! 2 cents....I've seen her....she's 4 bills for a reason...if one TS had to break the 4 bill barrier, she's a good candidate...she's hot...and my time with her was hot...

deseo728706 reads

You seem to be expecting a disappointment and  no one needs disappointment for 4 bills.   However,  I would say that your expectations have been  lowered to the point where you might be pleasantly surprised if she's anything like her reviews say.  If anything you ought to see her to quell your curiosity.  Also there is the, "I had her" factor...with so many notches on the headboard, wouldn't it be nice to add hers?

imarkie16876 reads

Ok I agree and have thought several times about speending the $$$ to see her. I ever talked to her last time she was in town but our days didn't mesh. Yeah for the same money you cound see two providers and have double the fun???? maybe.I't always a crap shoot if you are going to "hit it off" with a provider, when you's awesome, when you don't it leaves you (well at least leaves me) kinda empty and dissapointed. But I guess the answer would never know until you try. I think it's a YMMV kinda thing with any lady, I've had great times with girls that are not well reviewed and so so times with girls that guys rave about, and don't forget not everyone is looking for the same thing..but I think i will call her again!

I don't submit very often to this board.  Yet LAtenfour's reviews have been instrumental in my selection of who I’ve called and my indebtedness requires that I post in response to his plea.  I am a great fan of the penguin principal which works this way.  A bunch of penguins gather along the cliffs when it’s time to eat.  As more and more penguins gather one then two then three are finally pushed into the water as the others remain watching to see if the waters are shark-free and it is safe to enter. I see and relate to the benefit of this principal especially after having taking the plunge so many times before knowing about TER and getting bitten.  So go for it LAtenfour.  The waters appear safe and after $$$$ lighter give us your feedback.  If you go I’m willing to follow.  The price is high yet her reviews are too numerous to dispute.  RE her ad, she seems to have the goods and the titles to substantiate the print.  Good for her!  Enjoy!

thanks for the kind words outlook -- though your reviews tell no tale of your following any of MY advice, albeit isabella rose is high on my do-after-the-lottery list -- but i'm afraid i have a real fear of sharks and prefer to know they've been well-fed before i venture too close. especially at the going rate for scubatours in the Sea of Vanity. maybe i'll impulsively make one call with an 'if she says come over i will and if she's busy i can say i tried' attitude. i confess i get laid a lot with that attitude. but if i do, will you return the favor and go first with the new 'tia' in l.a. and report back for me?

I have had similar reservations about the $$$$, when I have a couple $$'s who probably put her to shame as far as delivering the goods. And I can do without the resume, just post some slutty pics please. However, after seeing one of her recent videos my mind is made up to see her as soon as she gets back home. Vanity is damn fine when she smiles and those dimples come out, pretty cute actually. Her shape looks good to me, especially my favorite part = the butt. Nice fair skin too. She has a sexy voice and gets a mischievious gleam in her eye when she whips it out for action. If you look over on the porn star board, those boys are shelling out 1,500 plus for babes. So  I've convinced myself that Vanity is a bargain. I sense some detachment on her part, but the reviews aren't bad. I just pray that she's not going to have fantasies about Donald Trump when I bend her over.

Danger Mouse8243 reads

I don't know anything from the providing perspective, but all the porno directors I know have recently said they would never shoot her again, as her better days are long gone.

'long gone' as in looks or attitude? or both? i'd heard she wanted out of pornos altogether  (but then i'd heard she quit providing too, so what the hell do i know) and referring back to her ad copy it's clear she has 'other' aspirations.  curious if you could mention any disappointed directors by name or, hell,  now i'm all queasy and sappy thinking i just wish she were happier.  and i've never even spoken to the girl!  now  who was it suggested i fly to nola for toni?   ;-)

cruiser18629 reads

    Watch one of her videos and if that's not enough to push you over the edge(penguin analogy) then she is not for you.  It might be the "farewell tour",.  She is a "superstar" in the TS world.  Good Luck!

Having been with Vanity several times in the past month I can say, yes she is expensive but she is worth every penny and then some. Total GFE, not a clock watcher, multiple pops, totaly sexy and sweet and BEAUTIFUL!! Considering her fame, fantastic body, beautiful face, great personality and the outstanding quality of "the time" we spend together, she is a BARGIN!!!

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