
TS Tempted® good effort
howellthurston 1593 reads

TS Tempted® good effort making this place more informative but it looks likes all these new posters are only concerned about themselves and don't read previous posts. All too often they ask their question never to post again or atleast say thanks for any replies.

While your observations are correct, we all have to keep in mind that everyone is a newbie at one time or another.  

Some newbies are so excited to find that there are others out there who share a common interest that they shoot off multiple posts looking for instant gratification.  This can be frustrating to those who have been around for any length of time.

Ideally, everyone would take the time to get to know the board and all of the TER features before posting ISO this and ISO that.  Many of the "old-timers" on the board have been patient in trying their best to teach the newer folks how to use the search features that are available to us.

Then there are other newbies that may have lurked around for a while and gotten to know the site.  They recognize who the veterans are and respect their efforts.  Alas, sometimes those same newbies charge onto the board with their first posts and criticize others for not doing the same.  They would make a better first impression by following the lead of the other veterans and participating as a positive contributor rather than an enforcer.

Posts that are simply mean or rude are not approved and do not appear here on the board.  I have unmoderated several people around here that have shown a track record of being helpful and considerate and I think the board has been doing very well lately because of it.  I'd like to keep it that way.


TS Tempted2258 reads


Thanks for your post – I see that it is your second under this handle.  BTW I completely agree with LuvEmLong about first time posters.  I also try to consider that most participation here is surreptitious which makes time an even more precious commodity.  It takes time to learn how to use the numerous features of this website, time to do the research and time to compose thoughtful and articulate posts.  

While trying to inform I’ve also poked fun at more than a few first time posters, with any luck it being understood that it was my intention to be good-natured and not denigrating.  I realize that there was a risk of scaring them off, hopefully that hasn’t happened, more participation is good for everybody.  Having said that, posting on these types of boards is not for the faint of heart or mind.  I was a ‘veteran’ lurker long before I ever ventured a post.  Now I worry that I post too much…

Remember “books are like kryptonite”, oh excuse me a minute… [hey, honey, turn down the Mellencamp will ya?]

Give my regards to Lovey and the rest of the gang from the Minnow.  

Happy Holidays!

TS Tempted

P.S.  There is a lot of good information available via the “INFO & POLICIES” button at the top of each page about TER and how it works.  It’s too bad there isn’t more of a primer on how to use the “Search Reviews” or “search messages” features – they may exist but I haven’t found them and they certainly aren’t very obvious.  A more detailed guide on etiquette and useful hints about how to compose a post would be a good a idea too (e.g. some links to more detailed information than what is available on the home page of the discussion boards).  The “Newbie Board” seems pretty good for this but since the link to it is titled “FAQ for Newbies” how many realize that it is a bonafide discussion board too?  Because it is a discussion board it can also be a little tedious to wade through which is why I have just never spent much of my time there.  Just my two cents worth, but I would recommend that TER consider a “Hall of Fame” board for posts, or links to posts, that offer good universal advice or explanations such as the one below for newbies.

Sailil1957 reads

Ain't that large a deal.  As long as you got manners and you're not a blowhard.

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