
timotl 200 Reviews 572 reads

Ok, I actually did read this and you bring up some good points Angela. Reviews are subjective. Everyone knows that. I don't think anyone uses reviews thinking they'll get exactly the same experience as the last person. I think what most of us look for in reviews is:

1. The girl is actually the girl in the ad. Verification is probably the most useful service reviews provide to a guy.
2. She doesn't have a string of bad reviews or rip offs. With reviews being subjective, a few bad ones aren't a big deal, but only bad ones...? That's trouble.
3. Actual services provided. DOes she do BB, rim, cum, etc. The stuff that can make the difference between a decent session and an outstanding one.

To me, that's it. I rarely read all the reviews of a girl and always throw out her highest and lowest score.

To be fair, this is the second time, that I know of, that you have complained to the forum about a bad review. Maybe you should grow some thicker skin or up your game. I'm not trying to be a dick but your customer is under no obligation to tell you anything to your face or to tell you he's reviewing you. That kinda defeats the whole purpose of a reveiw in my opinion... Just assume every session is being reviewed and you'll be alright. Most sales businesses are like only get the sale if you do your best at your job. You girls get paid up front, so the possibility to be terrible at your job is very real. Reviews help mitigate that a bit...

"If you don't have something nice to say about someone, then why say it at all, have a darned good reason to do otherwise"....

So...Good reasons to review:

1.) You had the most incredible experience with someone, and you know that A.) it helps that person,  B.) it also makes you look good for sharing that positive information with others, and C.) it feels good to do that for someone else, & everyone here that looks for good solid companions, as opposed to the HUGE morass of fakes, flakes, ripoffs, or worse.

2.) You had either a VERY bad, or horrible experience, and you feel ABSOLUTELY obligated to the community and the world at large, to quickly expose that fake photo publishing, hairy chested, deep voiced, foul smelling, clock-watching, rushed, coldly rude, gorilla in a wig or worse, plus a friend hiding behind the hotel room door.... to better serve everyone else....

OR - You had an OK experience, but - disappointed in some way - You felt the gift was too high for your tastes, or just not good chemistry between two people, or maybe it will make you feel better about the time & $$$ you spent, to vent a bit to the rest of the world,... especially if you look like a good solid reviewer that could *not possibly* be questioned in either accuracy or motivation - the poor girl (oh, but even though she looked like a dog, she was so nice, honest, and so kind, etc... you felt sorry for her, & didn't want to "hurt her feelings"....  

SO - you never said one SINGLE word to her of your dislikes or concerns - treated her as if everything was just fine for more than 2 HOURS, including an EXCEPTIONAL massage)...and of course...(being the polite, considerate, experienced reviewer you are,  never also mentioning that you review, of course).... you made even thanked her in a return text, after the date, telling her it was wonderful to finally meet her.... and then you slam her face down in a review that was motivated by...what, exactly?

You read her profile, saw many photos (very discreet & private) - yet have been repeatedly verified as accurate. You knew her age (a mature woman),  her general demeanor, spoke in person very pleasantly via phone, and many times via very positive texts,  and heck,  you maybe even read that she might smoke occasionally (LISTED IN PROFILE PAGE) as well (but NEVER, not ever) during an appointment, of course...  

....she shows up, on a chilly early May evening, a *nice* dress, cardigan, sheer lace top underneath, NICE lace top stockings, stone cold sexy crotch-less undies, elegant flat shoes (she obviously wished to be very considerate & discreet at your nice Townhome in an affluent suburban neighborhood in the mid-evening, clearly more conservative than say, a mini-dress & 6 inch heels).. but that never seemed to penetrate, either...  

...and then outright lied to her face by demeanor of ONLY being 100% positive, pleasant, and welcoming, even  so far as to offer a glass of wine. Tell her she looks just fine, showed not ONE single sign of displeasure or dissatisfaction, allowed her to spend totally NON-RUSHED time, over and above what many would do, gave her her gift (lower than listed on her sites, or her TER profile, of course), & sent her on her way, with a warm goodbye & a "kind" text, after she sent one to you, thanking you for the nice time & generous welcome to your home that evening...

then....give her one of the worst reviews she has ever received, yet, even so far (which was actually very sweet) as to write a preamble of how decent, honest, genuine, and how honorable a woman she is, and that you would never wish to say anything harmful about her... but yet...

Sounds like much more than any truly honest objective motivation to write reviews that actually serve the community (and a good provider with above average looks in her mid 40's, *obvious* fitness, true kindness, real love ethic for her arts, and above all else, has NOT EVER been one of the many fakes, flakes, or ripoffs.... yet...the P.S.A. was absolutely necessary?.... the diatribe about breath, looks, on & on & on - the diatribe just went if they couldn't tell everyone just enough, how bad it REALLY was for them....  

So... if one person's (SUBJECTIVE OPINION), counts so much, yet in my own opinion, falls entirely short of the truth on several critical key areas, just how well does this site & some of it's reviewers actually serve the community, reward the good, and very necessarily of course, punish the bad...?     and to me, as much as i love and respect my arts, is a bit stunning, frustrating, and challenging... So... what to do....  

My answer... QUESTION the validity of the review, question the honesty of the reviewer, point out the mass of contradictions between what i saw & felt that evening & what they actually wrote, which makes me sound like a barely passable inconsiderately smoke tasting half-waste that he should feel sorry for... wow.

'i don't want to hurt her feelings, i should have just offered her *half the gift* and asked her to leave but - she's SO KIND and *honest* and *genuine* - i just couldn't do that to her.... W.T.F???!!!    

YES - I ACTUALLY AM a giving, loving, kind, genuine, honest, honorable, generous woman to my last will of breath & effort, and have no problem sharing my deepest passions & genuine nature with anyone that treats me with the respect i have *Earned*, in more than a decade in very passionate erotic arts... but this sickeningly sweet tone of PITY??!!  Just before figuratively slamming my head into the pavement ?  wow... that's even more insulting than the review itself in light of what i give & have always given, at every opportunity...  

Interesting that evening, I just happened to stop a mile from the house, deodorize my car, clothes, hands, take two kinds of gum (trident white and orbit bubblemint...and an extra tiny shot of perfume on my already squeaky clean nice-smelling other parts - yet never even mentioned my exceptional hygiene, of course)....

As there is no real way (other than whitelist or blacklist) for me, as a provider, to review a reviewer, what i have just shared is *my* review of that experience.  

If a good or even "just decent" provider cannot defend our own honor and our reputation, then how can that possibly create objectivity, fairness, accuracy..?  If only ONE side is EVER given in a forum as largely respected as this one, & many people treat the information here literally as Gospel, then how can that possibly be fair benefit to both ?

If there is one thing i will never do - and it felt like a thief in the night, a stab in the back  thru to the heart, in total contradiction of every bit of that person's demeanor towards me, & then simply accept that? Allow it to dishonor me? Make me look like to be pitied or worse?

No, that is NOT fair, nor accurate, nor objective info sharing, and I challenge that with all my heart, mind, & being, because i KNOW i am better than that, and thought for sure, that he was also.

I wish no ill, and can only say i would revisit with them 10 more times if that's what it took me to make it better, or ease whatever it was in my nature that evening that struck them so poorly... lessons i cannot complain of having learned no matter how painful, but i also hope that writing this "Reverse-review", helps others as well, lends food for thought, discussion, debate, or anything that serves to challenge people to stop, think, feel, and really ask themselves  - "WHY am i writing this review right now?... for good, for bad, to serve others, or is it only to serve yourself ?

To be, or not to be, that IS the question... in writing this, i choose "BE".

Most sincerely & kindly to all,




-- Modified on 6/22/2016 1:43:14 AM

Why you venting so about someone that wasn't pleased. Can't please everyone. So what if it seemed like he was so over joyed when he left or when you left. You've never faked it before? Girl as long as their not asking for that implausible fee back,Whaaat? Or you have to say"I drove all this way now your not plz' with what you see"? Or "Im never coming here again,but give me my overweight envelope. Or "you didn't need to see my face,just read my reviews! Really?                        Nothing personnel.Its Just Business ! SMILE AN RUN TO THE BANK. No matter what the reviews say,there's always another lonely heart out there looking for a dream.                                                                                     Did you?  lol

willowind519 reads

Now that was Funny!  
[qu"I drove all this way" & "you don't need to see my face but give me that overweight envelope" Funny stuff,but True!

Why you venting so about someone that wasn't pleased. Can't please everyone. So what if it seemed like he was so over joyed when he left or when you left. You've never faked it before? Girl as long as their not asking for that implausible fee back,Whaaat? Or you have to say"I drove all this way now your not plz' with what you see"? Or "Im never coming here again,but give me my overweight envelope. Or "you didn't need to see my face,just read my reviews! Really?                        Nothing personnel.Its Just Business ! SMILE AN RUN TO THE BANK. No matter what the reviews say,there's always another lonely heart out there looking for a dream.                                                                                     Did you?  lol

Ok, I actually did read this and you bring up some good points Angela. Reviews are subjective. Everyone knows that. I don't think anyone uses reviews thinking they'll get exactly the same experience as the last person. I think what most of us look for in reviews is:

1. The girl is actually the girl in the ad. Verification is probably the most useful service reviews provide to a guy.
2. She doesn't have a string of bad reviews or rip offs. With reviews being subjective, a few bad ones aren't a big deal, but only bad ones...? That's trouble.
3. Actual services provided. DOes she do BB, rim, cum, etc. The stuff that can make the difference between a decent session and an outstanding one.

To me, that's it. I rarely read all the reviews of a girl and always throw out her highest and lowest score.

To be fair, this is the second time, that I know of, that you have complained to the forum about a bad review. Maybe you should grow some thicker skin or up your game. I'm not trying to be a dick but your customer is under no obligation to tell you anything to your face or to tell you he's reviewing you. That kinda defeats the whole purpose of a reveiw in my opinion... Just assume every session is being reviewed and you'll be alright. Most sales businesses are like only get the sale if you do your best at your job. You girls get paid up front, so the possibility to be terrible at your job is very real. Reviews help mitigate that a bit...

Dear T.

You rock.

Your honesty and objectivity to me, have always been of great value. I have made additional responses down the line of this thread which, as you know, are typical of me and my unusually open nature.... so... i take big risks to challenge accepted statuses, and know full well there are consequences for being more of a controversial voice of deep and genuine emotional passion, than simply being a "take it on the nose compliant type".... but trust me, i have taken plenty on the nose in my two or 3 extraordinary lives, in this one life already.... more than most could ever imagine.  

i wish to be good, be honorable, be aware, be kind, be my best, not do ill or harm to another, and always say i still have many ways to go... but i will never hesitate to defend myself, if i think unfairness comes into play in any regard, especially when such things may affect a life, a repute, a life's path, and while others may seem to me to be immune to having such consequential thoughts, of how their own personal motivations, good, ill, bad, selfish, unselfish, or better, impact others' lives.  

Keep bein' the straightforward you that i warmly respect,



Ladyinwaiting603 reads

Word travels , and it's not cute. Can't even bother reading more than a paragraph of that post.
You can't please everyone . And maybe don't smoke enroute to an appointment? Or wash your hands and buy some gum? keep mouthwash in the car?

-- Modified on 6/22/2016 12:26:18 PM

Posted By: Ladyinwaiting
Word travels , and it's not cute. Can't even bother reading more than a paragraph of that post.  
 You can't please everyone . And maybe don't smoke enroute to an appointment? Or wash your hands and buy some gum? keep mouthwash in the car?

-- Modified on 6/22/2016 12:26:18 PM

Was trying to be fair... as possible....given that i think a gentleman could have the courage, decency, or the courtesy to not act one way, and then represent another way entirely different than what I WAS LED TO BELIEVE by their own behavior in person... sorry, but I just don't believe in those kinds of games as an acceptable form of kindness or real human communication under circumstances of extreme intimacy.

So...maybe honesty, and honor of honest communication between people sharing potentially very intimate connections seems impossible, or an unrealistically high standard to expect or uphold to some, but not to me... it's one of the things I can say for surety I have always accomplished with at least 90% of the hundreds of connections I've made over a period of many years....  

So...of course I'm both intelligent and experienced enough to realize that everyone can't please everyone else... but don't skew the truth, omit positive information, or act like I'm doing just great when that obviously was not the case. .. i'd rather know that up front, even if it hurts, and not waste either of our valuable time...

But accuracy, fairness, and honesty of communication counts, at least to me, because I know that is almost 100% of what I do, how I do it, and why I still love my erotic arts... I try to avoid transactional connections at ALL COSTS, and if I have to fake my passions or real personality, I would rather not even be there, no matter what the gift is.

...and questioning someones' honesty, motivations, or accuracy does not equate to harassment in my book.... especially if I have asked politely for a second chance, offered free services, attempted really open dialogue, and feel I was not treated fairly. If I KNOW that I have treated someone fairly,  which I ALWAYS HAVE DONE to the fullest extent of my passion and ability,  but don't recieve the same in return,  I question that.

This was as much food for thought, as anything else.  I'm not perfect nor is anyone else here that I know of... I made mistakes, and I will own them.  

If you had read more, you would see not only do i carry gum and deodorizers in my car (I'm just not that shallow or stupidly unaware as you implied I might be) and yet point more clearly before snap judgment. How can you know the full context without even assessing all the information provided?

I treat people with kindness and fairness and real passion, no exceptions. If I don't get the same in return, I don't believe that's right. But that's just me as another individual finding my way in a place where such things are either rare, faked, unwelcome, or unheard of...  

Wishing you well, always,


-- Modified on 6/22/2016 12:24:53 PM

-- Modified on 6/22/2016 12:27:59 PM

Ladyinwaiting517 reads

if they can smell it- it's ain't working!
not being nasty. just stating the facts

-- Modified on 6/22/2016 4:27:10 PM

in this moment, you must be correct.... it was a long day, i was not at my very very best, i even said as much, but usually i do take good care with those things, and try always to be my best, even if i think i am not 100% on my game.  

as i said, ive also made mistakes and will always own them if dead spot on. My main point though was people's motivations behind what they write, how, when, or why.... and why accuracy, fairness, and honesty can mean so much, especially in light of very real life impacts that something as important as reviews can have on another person's life, reputation, and work.

I will never hesitate to take real risks to share feelings, perspectives, challenge status quos, or try to offer thoughts that make people think in new directions if they can or wish to.  

Thank you,

most kindly, always,



After reading ur long posts I think I can help you.  

In previous posts you mentioned all the things you bring to your sessions: honor, kindness, honesty.... And so on. May I suggest you ditch all those unnecessary things you bring and just bring the following 4 items and u will be fine:

1) Look as hot as possible
2) bring hot sex
3) be ready to please
4) be very clean and smell good (No smoke breathe).  

Keep conversation to a minimum and fuck his brains out. It works for me :-)

Sweet Sasha, you know i love and respect you... so to be absolutely honest with you, here's my reply to that very sensible post:

I have ALWAYS brought those 4 things, AS WELL AS everything else you mentioned, which for the kinds of people I have generally wished to attract,  and mostly succeeded in doing after more than 10 years and literally hundreds upon hundreds of incredibly hot and/or amazing experiences I've shared with others (sadly not published here)....(should be very evident from my "better" reviews...

That said, I bring ALL of me into my connections...most of the time that is *exactly* why a certain type of man or couple will pick me, what i aim for, and is a big and very much up front part of my screening and initial contact...

age, maturity, experience, kindness, intellect, and YES hot raw kinky wild open sweet smelling plus plus plus.

Clearly I failed to make that happen in this case, my deepest respect to Fog nonetheless for his obvious ecperience and efforts, as well as the few truly nice things he had to say, i clearly made mistakes, wasn't at my best, but, i think the negatives were very much overstated and the positives very mych understated....if anyone thinks that would be normal/ typical for me, think again... I wouldn't have stayed in this for this long,  much less still have deep love and respect for what I do, if that were true, or typical of me.




-- Modified on 6/23/2016 8:50:53 AM

When you bring all those other qualities to your sessions which trust me I commend and respect. You are also making yourself vulnerable. Remember, this is a business. Some people will not connect you on the same level as others. I have had terrible experiences that made me question many things about myself, including my gender and sexual identity. Being told I'm a man, being told I'm not a real woman, etc... It's when you stop opening yourself to people when you can be more objective and focus in what you provide.  

The fact that my reviews don't reflect bad sessions doesn't mean I haven't had them. And some people know how wound you where it hurts the most. I just decided this is all part of the business I embarked myself in. But to dwell on those bad sessions is just counterproductive. Little less to use this board as a way to vent. Remember this is a site by hobbyists, for hobbyists. What you refer to as dishonest from the hobbyist in question who pretended everything was fine, I read as being a true gentleman. Some of his words on the review were rude that is true, and unnecessary. When I suggest you don't being all the other qualities to the table it's just to protect yourself. When you expose yourself to the fullest on every session, you're just making it tougher when they decide to write a bad review. I never expose myself specially on the first visit. Yes I'm nice and open... To a degree. Only if they eventually become regulars I'll open up more.  

Reviews are a double edge sword. We benefit from them when they're good. They hurt when they're bad. I have noticed some people review equally and some only when the experience is outstanding, and some only when the review is bad. Not long ago I met a nice gentleman from DC. Nice and somewhat charming. His reviews of providers he had met weren't stellar. By any way to measure his reviews were rather unflattering to providers. I decided to see him. I thought the session went great and I was feeling pretty good about that encounter, yet he never wrote a review. It was then that I understood that some people use reviews in many different ways. You should probably not take reviews too seriously. Ur reviews are good for the most part. And some people take note that some providers rant every single time they get a bad one. Is that the rep u wanna have?

Posted By: AngelaMarie
Sweet Sasha, you know i love and respect you... so to be absolutely honest with you, here's my reply to that very sensible post:  
 I have ALWAYS brought those 4 things, AS WELL AS everything else you mentioned, which for the kinds of people I have generally wished to attract,  and mostly succeeded in doing after more than 10 years and literally hundreds upon hundreds of incredibly hot and/or amazing experiences I've shared with others (sadly not published here)....(should be very evident from my "better" reviews...  
 That said, I bring ALL of me into my connections...most of the time that is exactly why a certain type of man or couple will pick me and is a big and vetynup front part of my screening and initial contact...  
 age, maturity, experience, kindness, intellect, and YES hot raw kinky wild open sweet smelling plus plus plus.  
 Clearly in this case, I have failed to make that happen in this case, my deepest respect to Fog nonetheless for his efforts, as well as the few truly nice things he had to say, but i clearly made mistakes, wasn't at my best, but, if anyone thinks that would be normal/ typical for me, think again...  

-- Modified on 6/23/2016 8:18:15 AM

Just read Foggarty's review. What a complete jackass. If I were in that situation, I would've been polite, but wouldn't have bothered leaving a review. I've actually had several encounters like that. If the provider isn't a con-artist and lack of chemistry is the only problem with the session, I move on and forget about it. I'll definitely leave a negative review when warranted, but not under circumstances like the ones Foggarty is describing.

Ladyinwaiting403 reads

The cigarettes are mentioned in other reviews. It even says it on her profile. So you know what, it's a non issue. And I think she knows to be more aware of it.
 I'm not a TS provider. But have many TS friends in this community. They don't get as many reviews as us GG's. So a so-so review is hard to bury.
 Just don't leave a review what there's no chemistry. He said he did his research. So they didn't have chemistry. He knew about her. She knew nothing about him. It's essentially a client reviewing himself.
 However , I don't think coming on the board and whining about a so-so review is the best idea. It makes people think twice about seeing you. Just let it go and move on.
 But I hope other gents get your message.

As per your advice, Sasha... and i adore you even more now, after your kind honesty with me on all of this.....


"When you bring all those other qualities to your sessions which trust me I commend and respect. You are also making yourself vulnerable. Remember, this is a business".  

So -  * * *  - - - You know, the funniest thing about this, and it's one of the reasons why most of my special friends over the years love me as much as i have seen, and felt, that they do.... and this is going to sound just plain crazy to some, maybe idiotic to others, but maybe a few people out there will relate... Not only have i never related to it "As a business" per-se, i have Also never treated it like one, either (at least not whenever possible).  

Now, i know that is simply counter-intuitive to most people, i am sure, and absolutely goes against accepted thinking about all of this by others, and as i said - if not just plain crazy.  But that IS what has worked for ME. I am an individual with unique qualities just like you and everyone else here. But i have found that my ways of relating to this "business" are apparently far, far, different than most, and the levels of conversation, dialogue, sharing, connection, fun, lasting client relations and real-life friendships, at least to me, bear that out as loudly to my own heart and mind, as if it had been burned there with bright green neon-colored paint. I cant answer why i am different, nor would i wish to, i just know that i am, and those people that do "get it", *really* get it, and continue to connect and explore, and expand fun and trust and new adventures with me, even for years, after we first met.  

I have never used the word "Client". I deeply dislike the term "Session". I don't ever use the word "Business". I consider those terms disrespectful to both the Gentleman and the entire process, by "transactional-izing" it even further, and therefore dehumanizing ALL of us even more, both "Client" and companion alike.  

That may seem insanely dangerous to some, and i am sure some would like to see me gone or laughed off after me questioning the entire setup or people's honesty, or motivations, as to why they may review for example - but that also was NOT just for me, and was not JUST to bitch about one review or another.  I call into question the ENTIRE mentality, way of doing things, courtesy, respectfulness, LACK of rudeness, or transactionality, honesty of intimate communications, lack of games, lack of faking it, and instead, asked to think about being more real, more accurate, more thoughtful, more kind, more considerate, on both sides of the coin.  

For those that think this is an insane way of looking at it, well, that's an individual decision. You're not me and you have not traveled my journey, just as i have not traveled yours. I believe that Not everyone should be expected to be just another Lemming, and just go along off the cliff with everyone else stuck with the "status quo" of what is "normally expected from escorts", just because you are one.  

BIG POINT: The main difference i see here is that a "Hobbyist" (That word also always rather disgusted me, to be honest), has *Little* or virtually *Nothing* to lose, when posting a review for example. They won't likely lose their job, their marriage, their safety, their security, their reputation, or their house or car or apartment or their means of living safely and securely in this world.  They can just sit back at the keyboard afterwards, and for whatever personally motivated reasons they may have - good, bad, generous, selfish, mean, wanting to look like the best lover or the girl like just another piece of meat - - some people even publish because they cant reconcile their OWN desires, and have no other way to vent it than take it out on a forum like this.

HOWEVER, what i question is THIS:  All that's just fine and dandy for the "hobbyist", but, for any girl that has ever had their repute, image, or life and living affected by the potentially VERY CAVALIER way in which we may be treated online, after the fact for example, EVERYTHING we have in this life, ESPECIALLY as TS women, ***IS*** at stake, especially if you are really struggling to just survive the impossible odds of transition.  

As we are STILL living in what is a very hostile and ignorant culture, which by it's very nature of survival, brings more women like us into it by percentage of population, than any other kind of woman, GG or otherwise, So therefore, at that level of thinking - YES it matters, whether emotions or passion or honor or intellect are involved or not.    

I Cant be a machine - that is not who i am, that is NOT what works for me, & that is *not* how i derive positive energy from this, and give positive energy back to others in so doing.  Being that way is NOT how i have often succeeded in making unbelievably fun, graceful, intellectual, rewarding, and sometimes deeply emotional sharing kinds of connections, and yes, i am also very aware of the potential of risk or hurt, as well as real friendships, as part of my OWN growth and evolvement as a human being, a woman, and a lifetime committed sensualist and companion. BUT that will not ever stop me from being the real human being and the real woman i know i am, be even more of, if i allow myself to grow further in this regard.  

YOU WROTE: "Some people will not connect you on the same level as others." "Little less to use this board as a way to vent. Remember this is a site by hobbyists, for hobbyists. What you refer to as dishonest from the hobbyist in question who pretended everything was fine, I read as being a true gentleman".

- - - * * * (And i read that as as absolutely inconsiderate and un-gentlemanly as it gets, by what i consider real honest standards of intimate communication with another human being, ESPECIALLY when given the review, *after the fact) - - -***  

You also wrote:  "Some of his words on the review were rude that is true, and unnecessary. When I suggest you don't bring all the other qualities to the table it's just to protect yourself. When you expose yourself to the fullest on every session, you're just making it tougher when they decide to write a bad review. I never expose myself specially on the first visit. Yes I'm nice and open... To a degree. Only if they eventually become regulars I'll open up more."

Many parts of that last statement i actually agree with, and i definitely have limits, boundaries, internal and external barriers, none of which i let down 100% the first time i see people as well. Trust comes with time, as do continued awesome explorations and adventures and real sharing and deeper rewards, as we see someone more than once, more than twice, and so on.  

To Fog - i say - you could have done better by me, especially as kind and fair and completely non-transactional as i was to you. ...and, conversely, it seems, you feel i could have done better by you... nonetheless...

To Everyone else, this was partially about me, but also about everyone else here too - to just stop, to think, to take a second longer before making a self-motivated or self serving keystroke, that can actually have a real impact on the life of another very real human being, that might have much more at stake in it than you could ever imagine, and not just the next best, or next worse, piece of ass by the "numbers".  

To the Hobbyists, it is that and sometimes much more. To any decent woman that either gives her all, or stakes everything in her life on what she does and how she does it, one single keystroke can change a life, for better or worse.  

Safe Travels Always,




Reluctant to weigh in on this one..but I feel compelled..
So, I check the ads in my area probably four times a week. From what I see, about 40% of the ads are legit - as in the girl is representing herself, her services and her appearance factually. The other 60% are either misleading or downright bogus. With these odds, I am very cautious of seeing anyone who doesn't have reviews. To your point about whether or not to review... writing a positive review has never won me favor with a provider. Quite the contrary. What I usually hear is, "why did you have to say that?"  "why were you so honest?" "Can you edit or delete that review?" ....  
What is the saying?...No good deed goes unpunished. Sigh...but,  I will persist because honest reviews help keep providers (and clients) honest.

tomf301263 reads

I know I told you I'm not the typical "hobbyist" and I have only seen a handful of TE women in my life.  I occasionally read the Discussion Boards, for information if I'm looking or just plain entertainment. I'm not even a paid member right now so I cannot read the review in question, but from reading this thread I get the gist of things. It sounds like the guy either A) had regrets, or B) didn't like you and in either case wasn't man enough to send you on your way and be honest with you. If it were me I would have just said I'm sorry I changed my mind. As a globetrotting IT Professional I have had my share of beautiful and very talented women, and my share of disappointments. I just got back from work/vacation in the far east and was doing some "catching up" and noticed this Post from you about reviewing. All I can say is the one time I saw you you were lovely, down to earth and very friendly and as far as smelling like smoke, it says right in all of your profiles that you smoke but not during a session - I don't recall a smoke smell from our time together (and I'm an ex-smoker and can smell that a mile away). Anyway I thought our time together was amazing and that you were an excellent companion in every way and I would see you again if the urge ever strikes m

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