
crutsinger 13 Reviews 686 reads

One of the hardest things for any parent to accept is that their children have to live their own lives and not the life that the parents want them to lead. Aleksandra give your parents time and perhaps they will come around to see what a wonderful caring child that they have raised and accept you for the person that you are today. It may not be easy but please don't get discouraged.

Someone dear to me...and to a bunch of us...showed up at her parents home recently as she really is,hoping
for the best. It did not go well. Depressed is where I would start to describe her disappointment...she's questioning
everything. It's sad to see. It made me think, how brave transsexuals are to show their families and the world their
true identity. I admire that greatly

LATSDog1269 reads

I just sent her a note of encouragement.  I told her to hang in there, she is a very nice and real person.  

As hard as it may be, chin up girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

Although I don't know who you are talking about and can't even begin to know what it's like, I have an enormous amount of respect for someone in this position.

Mine as we'll.  

Posted By: Erotiqua
Although I don't know who you are talking about and can't even begin to know what it's like, I have an enormous amount of respect for someone in this position.

Same here, hang in there. Everything always works out for the best so don't allow yourself to get discouraged.

I just read Aleksandra's blog and I wanted to cry. I can't imagine how difficult that was for her. I don't think I would have the courage to do what she did. I admire her strength to do what she did, and to continue to be who she is in the face of adversity. The pressure that family can put on us to do what THEY want, and not what is RIGHT can be very strong.  

Keep being strong and reach out to the friends you know you can trust when you need them, they are there for you Aleksa!

I'm always heartbroken when I learn that family members have either intentionally, or inadvertently, caused their transgender loved ones pain and anguish. I just read Aleksandra's heart felt blog post, and my heart is heavy for her. My sincere hope is that time will repair this rift, and that this lovely young woman will once again know, with confidence, and with the full support of her family, who she is.  

Please take care of yourself Aleksandra. Guard against the sadness and doubt with the help of your friends in the community.  


  I was unaware of who they were talking about until right now. I am so sorry to hear things are difficult for you with your family. You know I think you are smart, funny, beautiful, sexy as hell; as well as an all around awesome human being.
 Maybe in some small way those of us who love you will balance out those who don't. To quote one of your favorite people..
   "...and in the end, the love we take is equal to the love we make."

  all my best always...your friend "down the shore" :-)


Posted By: serguei
I'm always heartbroken when I learn that family members have either intentionally, or inadvertently, caused their transgender loved ones pain and anguish. I just read Aleksandra's heart felt blog post, and my heart is heavy for her. My sincere hope is that time will repair this rift, and that this lovely young woman will once again know, with confidence, and with the full support of her family, who she is.  
 Please take care of yourself Aleksandra. Guard against the sadness and doubt with the help of your friends in the community.  

One of the hardest things for any parent to accept is that their children have to live their own lives and not the life that the parents want them to lead. Aleksandra give your parents time and perhaps they will come around to see what a wonderful caring child that they have raised and accept you for the person that you are today. It may not be easy but please don't get discouraged.

Aleksa shows me a lot as far as family values go and overall personal strength. I suggest you read her touching blog on her site whether you know her or not.  

Those of us that do know her are surely better off for it. She is a rock star in so many ways.

Aleksa you are a brave and courageous person. You are  a bright shining light in this world. I know you well and my prayers are always with you wherever you go. You made the right decision. Just remember we don't always get the reaction's we wish for unfortunately but you must look into yourself and realize how brave and strong you truly are. You've come such a long way and there is so much more in life to enjoy

We have shared many intimate thoughts together. I feel honored to know you and call you my friend

Tom8to724 reads

Your family situation no doubt is common, and immensely hurtful. Maybe your folk will work through to acceptance and maybe they won't. But remember this:  You cannot change the past, there are some things in the present that can never be changed, but you can direct your future. There is a whole world that benefits from and appreciates you and your art. You are loved and will find more love. Please accept and love yourself, you have a beautiful soul.

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