
so how big are you?
TheAviator 2 Reviews 4162 reads
1 / 11

I feel that the intellectual content of this board has gone DOWN of late.

There used to be lively discussions here of how to
work with a TS escort, how to select a regular provider, and the relative merits of many of our favorite and esteemed TS lovelies, among other topics.

Now, it's nothing more than "411" requests from the clueless and lazy, endlessly in search of equally undistinguished providers no one has ever heard of...

Despite the patient instruction of many "senior"
board residents, it seems to me it's always the same people who have trouble using the very basic
and intuitive search features of this board.

Further, if you really require "the whole megillah" on a particular provider, spend the $$
and get a VIP membership.

Trust me, it's a whole lot cheaper than a bad experience with an indifferent, mediocre provider.

Let's TRY to keep this board a source of shared wisdom, wit, information and discussion...NOT a
bulletin board for those too lazy or unmotivated
to do what they should do for themselves...

Just a few thoughts... discuss.


Sailil 2603 reads
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And actually the reviews are helpful even without the VIP membership.

richpumper 2 Reviews 2269 reads
3 / 11

As a relatively new-comer, I concur with Aviator.

Felicia_Katt 2374 reads
4 / 11

no, its not just you.  I don't feel like its worthwhile to participate here anymore.  When you start a thread and get no responses, or when you see that your posts are viewed less than the generic "how big is she" ones, its very discouraging.


Plueger 1 Reviews 3441 reads
5 / 11

I agree!  Being pretty much a looker and a reader, since my area sees little or no quality TS/TV ladies, I wonder why someone in NY, SF, DC, LA, etc. would be submitting 411 requests for a visiting or obscure lady. A little research on TER and a look at Eros provides so many excellent choices at home.

I'm not saying that it's not okay to ask about a new lady, but please don't post a 411 when reviews are available.

If someone can't afford a $20 VIP membership, he's probably penny wise and pound foolish, anyway.

larrygochanour 8 Reviews 3317 reads
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It comes and goes in cycles. Part of the problem is that this is a country wide site and most questions are about a girl in a specific city. I can't give much in the way of an intelligent response to an inquiry about someone in Detroit when I live in the SF bay area. Plus we must learn not to let the little stuff bug us. I can forgive ignorance but flames irritate the hell out of me.

TheAviator 2 Reviews 3205 reads
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In retrospect, I suppose I may have been a bit too harsh on the newbies or those who DO live "off the beaten path" and don't get the traffic that you get in NY, LA, Chicago, or here in Las Vegas for that matter.

Assistance asked for respectfully should be given.

But the "411's" clutter up the board and don't add value or content or meaningful information. Plus, the questions that people ask re: clubs etc. when they don't say WHERE they live or WHAT   specifically they are looking for tend to drive me up a wall.

I DO want to see some genuine intellectual content here..and there is no end of topics to discuss..
for example, the impact of "TransAmerica"  and "Brokeback Mountain" on popular culture, and is society moving in a more accepting direction for the TS and TS admirer community?

While this isn't intended to be an online seminar
on popular culture surely we can do better than what I have seen lately....

Thanks to all who participated....more "discussion topics" from TA will be forthcoming...


LAtenfour 48 Reviews 3169 reads
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sorry, fk! i couldn't resist. gotta maintain that sense of humor. plus i was wondering if that 'popular' subject line would boost the views on this otherwise serious subject. let's wait and see. ;-)
meanwhile, i do agree with aviator (of course) although sometimes after thorough research (i am sometimes vip, sometimes not, but either way ter can clue the user in to whether a particular girl has been reviewed for better or worse or not at all) - sometimes, with nothing forthcoming, i will post a rational 411, along with specific note of city and request for some poor soul to toftt. i hope that meets with scholarly approval. we are, after all, here to have fun.

M-n-M 9 Reviews 3633 reads
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I agree!  While some of the posts maybe sexually titillating, much of the subject matter has been dull and dreary.  I try and do my part with such hits as the recent studies on the increased probability of contracting and spreading HIV for the uncircumcised, etc.  I try and make my posts both informative and sexually stimulating. Being a senior member....well, ok just a senior, lol I will do my best to post material that is intellectual in nature.  BTW does anyone know how big FK is?  ;->

TheAviator 2 Reviews 2788 reads
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Thanks for your input. Your posts are both intellectually stimulating and, if I may say, titillating as well.

My friend, you have been absent from the board far too long. Let's hear more from you!

Anyone else?......;->


Sylynce 12 Reviews 2626 reads
11 / 11

Quote: "I feel that the intellectual content of this board has gone DOWN of late."

I for one have never questioned the intellect of those I have never met IRL. And I suspect most here are quite capable of holding intelligent conversations. I do however KNOW  from experience here, there are among the populace those who judge others and make snide,rude remarks about people THEY have never met. I have been judged by one here based on the typing habits I so choose to use. With that said, I seldom come here because I cannot tolerate bigotry from cowards who feel safe behind their anonymous computer screens. They leave messages designed  to insult and belittle while in reality then know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they would get their rearends totally annihilated IRL to run that mouth to the same person(s) they choose to have issue with. I come here for information and to communicate with those who share a common interest. Not to be chastised because of what SYMBOLS my fingers type on screen.

I do agree, I see the same pattern of asking about providers and it can be monotonous. I take it with a grain of salt.

I once knew a guy that no matter when I ever saw him, he would repeat the same story every time. How many times can one hear about the great birthday party he had back in 1994 and how he got lucky with some obsolete chick no one knew? "HEY MAN remember that birthday party when I got laid by that chick with the tattoos" ?  Next time I see the guy, guess what he will talk about?.It gets tiresome. Sigh @!@  Life goes on!! LOL!

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