
Re:What Day Are You Going?
dazedandslightlyconfused 6611 reads

It may seem inconsistent but I've seen a lot of guys get shot down by some of the working ladies at Jacques...The ratio between looker and lookee isn't so great...In any event, I'm sure the fat wallett look transcends most issues.

So I'm going to venture back to Jacques in Boston this coming weekend...last time I was there I had a bad experience but what the hell...any other like minded Bostonians going to hit Jacques this Saturday?

Jacques is nothing like the LA clubs (I guess I don't really know - just seems better out there) but can be a good time any way...If anyone knows of any other clubs in Boston/RI please let me know...


The club in LA is called Peanuts (7969 Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood). There is also another club starting up in Santa Monica which I have yet to go to but it will be Tuesday nights...

The reports I have gotten back from my friend Christy Delight (she has been to Jacques) is that Jacques is a fairly good place though..

DO come out here to LA if you can and she and I would be delighted to show you around....Piqued, perhaps you might join us?


I'd take you up on your offer in a heartbeat.  A couple of years ago I was out there fairly regularly but haven't been back since...Thanks for the offer!

I have a morbid curiousity about Jacques.  Is there any entertainment excepting bar hustlers and drinking liquor?

I'm thinking saturday night...I don't consider most of the ladies there to be hustlers in the common have to approach them, they have to "like" you...I don't know how many non working girls are there but I think the majority are of the working variety..

I find when my wallet is fat, girls "like" me.  For some reason when it is slender they no longer "like" me.  The degree of "like" often is in direct porportion to the fatness of my wallet.  I may pop my head in Saturday, though I am on call to work.  Do they have a karaoke machine?  I'll woo the lassies with my seranade.

negativeion6620 reads

Some alternatives to the trebly, ear-bleed noize of Peanuts would be nice.

A karaoke machine, perhaps a sports bar, would be a nice feature to a T-Girl club. TG Girls can be as articulate and intelligent as they are beautiful; it's time that a club allows for "getting to know them" in more ways than the usual.

It may seem inconsistent but I've seen a lot of guys get shot down by some of the working ladies at Jacques...The ratio between looker and lookee isn't so great...In any event, I'm sure the fat wallett look transcends most issues.

First we were talking about LA, and then Jacques pops up. The only one club by that name I know is in Boston.  The club caters to GG bachelorette parties. They used to have the best looking TS performers. The last time I was there they had mostly overweight female impersonators and one hot TS performer.I guess the gg's were intimidated so they went for humor, rather than sexy. As for the bar area. It is a hustle club, you get approached and you can approach the girls. Go outside near the end of the night (cigarette area) and there are other girls out there to be had.

I'm there!  Saturday night...  TER Boston Boy's Night Out!

Tired old scened, tired old performances, by the same tired old drag queens I can see at AXIS on Mondays for an $8 cover instead of a $10 cover.  I hear the drinks are cheap though.  Too bad I do not drink.  What's with all the pussy sitting in the cabaret section?  Where do you score a set of those fuzzy pastel antennae they wore?

-- Modified on 9/25/2005 1:07:25 PM

They used to have hot performers years ago. I really think the bachelorette parties run the place because they spend more money in the cabaret section. These GG's prefer the fat and ugly impersonators; they are  threatened by gorgeous TS's who look much better than they do. Even the bar area used to have good looking TS's, years ago. Now you are lucky if two or three show up and they are surrounded by guys as soon as they walk in. I haven't been impressed with the place the last three times I've been there. Heather was the best looking girl there the last time I was there. None of the hot girls from eros,visiting or home town girls, are there any more. I hear there is an after hours place nearby that's hot, but couldn't find it.

Are you talking about the afterhours club, 'Rise'?   It's on that triangular piece of real estate where Stuart, Columbus, and Arlington meet.  I thought the impersonator doing the Gwen Stafani schtick was pretty.

The night I was there I saw only one cute Asian chick and three or four laughable and interchangeable fat impersonators. Sorry I missed the Gwen Stafai schtick. I would have dug that. I am not sure of the name, but it is upstairs and walking distance from the club. One of the TS's I know, who by the way doesn't go there anymore, told me about it last year and I forgot the name. She asked me to go with her; I should have just to  find the place. My reluctance I guess was because it was a gay club that a few TS's visit.  I would prefer a TS club that a few gays visit. What do you know about "Rise"?  Have you visited the place?

Upstairs nearby sounds like, 'Rise'.  It is at 306 Stuart Street, upstairs.  

I visited 'Rise' with the first tranny I ever played with.  'Rise' is like most Boston clubs:  low class, so you need to meet people or like the music to have fun.  When I went, you also needed to be a 'member', vouched by a 'member', or have special passes to get in.  I do not know if that still is the policy.  

-- Modified on 9/30/2005 6:46:22 PM

Campervan4880 reads

Has the climate down at Jacques changed at all in the past month or two? I haven't been down there in a while and it was really dead.
Are they all down in the Fenway now?

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