
Re:The only GG's who are more feminine than many Tgirls
Sailil 3693 reads
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For myself,  if my t-girl friend is hard or soft,  it doesn't matter to me. I love hard,  I love soft.  I just love her face and legs and her ass and the main thing that turns me on the most is that she's feminine. That's what does it for me.  She's being a girl.  Turns me on like nothing else.  
    What feels good to a transsexual girl who isn't functional? Are the sensations without coming satisfying for her?  Anal stimulation?  
 Here's what I think.  I think that transsexual gals get their most sexual pleasure and satisfaction not from ejaculating,  but from just being made love to.  I bet I'm right.  
    Which is one of the reasons I really like 'em.

TheAviator 2 Reviews 3701 reads
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I think you're right. Those who remember my
"World-class TS provider former girlfriend" know
that what turned me me on most about her was her
open, unabashed femininity. MUCH greater than
most GG's. She was (and is) a wonderful GIRL...
not a hormonally-created imitation.

Now if my current GF (a GG) would just get that message, that it's OK to be "feminine" (she's
one of these "making it in a man's world" business types), things would be working out much better for this aging flyer....


negativeion 3273 reads
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Are either devout Catholics, Mormons, or became married right out of high school or college.

Thus, T-Girls are where it's at for an older single man who's looking for a more feminine lady. Every other mid-thirties or forties single lady I meet is a man in every aspect save genitalia.

TheAviator 2 Reviews 3877 reads
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Can't disagree with you. Having now racked up sufficient "hours" in T-Girls to know what I am talking about, I concur.

If youth, beauty, and healthy sexuality are your things, a very feminine T-Girl is just the ticket.
The ones I have dated have been wonderful lovers and great social companions as well. Plus,
they seem to me to be more appreciative of  
gentlemanly attention and courtesies than most
GG's I have lately come in contact with.

Quite frankly, the "30-to-40 something" single
GG women I have met lately are harder and tougher than most career escorts, let alone most men.
I'm not up for drama or mindgames at this stage of my life .... and the T-Girls I have met have been
a true breath of fresh air to me ... a wonderful restorative!

Topic for discussion.... has anyone out there
considered a TS wife?  


kyliesd See my TER Reviews 3422 reads
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Post-Op TS wife, or just take a Pre-op TS as a long term GF? I mean it appears in here that so many of you guys are looking for the tabo of a pre-op. And if your TS girl friend had SRS, and was able to be married legaly, would you still want her?
Just wondering here? I have lots of questions about all this stuff, and I love to read what you guys and girls have to say.


okabra99 3445 reads
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Good topic, but odd for this forum, since many tgirls here are (happily or not) somewhat trapped in the working world and don't wish to settle for a lower paying non-escort job to have an emotionally (and sexually) committed relationship.  I admit that this is not true for all ts escorts out there, so please don't flame me.  Personally, I've had 2 long term relationships with incredibly beautiful and sexy asian tgirls that were never escorts.  My current tgirlfriend of 6 years has been my soul mate and I think I lover her more that I could any gg.  She is so passable that we've never had to come "out" to friends, family and co-workers.  These girls are out there.

The down side is that you cannot legally "marry" them and make them your "wife", at least not in the sense of traditional marriage.  Therefore, you may run into into confused family members inquiring about marriage, citizinship issues, insurance coverage matters, adoption problems, etc.

Male/TS relationships are much more difficult than gay relationships, due to the lack of a large supporting community and the general str8 population's opinion that transgendered people are dirty or dangerous.  What we really need is case law supporting tg issues and defining M/TG relationships as unique.  That would be a start.  But good luck ot any guy who decides to try.

sensual1bodywork 1 Reviews 2921 reads
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Hello Kylie:
I have totally lost touch with you and have not seen you in about a year and a half. answer your questions. As for me...if I had a pre op or post op ts girl friend and really loved her, I would marry her irregardless of the surgery.

My experience with post op ts is very you...and while I am not a kiss and tell kind of guy...were you my girlfriend, well I would certainly consider marriage. No pressure:>))

I am still fumbling my way through life trying to figure this all out and making ts friends along the way. But one ts friend and I had a lot of conversations about this and my perspective to her was, that "it's not about the parts".  For me it is always about the person.

That's my two cents. Hope you are well. I have moved to S.D. and would love to see you again if you are still here.


TheAviator 2 Reviews 3398 reads
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Good points.

I have only had one relationship with a t-girl (although many dalliances), and if I were asked if
I would marry her, my answer would be a resounding, unqualified YES. The relationship I had ended because of MY issues, not hers, and had nothing at all to do with the fact that she was a t-girl. Through it all, she was a great lover and companion,adviser and confidante and remains a close and trusted friend.  

If she were a GG, my answer would be the same.

You raise some interesting points. Many tgirls I have met in the "working" world are reluctant to leave it, because of the money, even if they have
an education and marketable non-escort skills. Many of these same girls have bemoaned the fact that, in exchange, they have to forgo a committed and emotionally satisfying relationship. This same  issue applies to GG escorts as well.

However, the situation may be changing. I have met a few very brave and courageous men (and their t-sweethearts) who are determined that those who choose to enter into M/TG relationships have their rightful place in society. A big part of the problem is, as you have stated, that the "str8"
community tends to ostracize men who enter into these relationships, and the gay community, which should be a natural ally, is more tolerant but not
much more "accepting".

Many gay men in fact see t-girl admirers as gay men lacking the courage and the will to step firmly out of the closet,ignoring the fact that we admire and are attracted to the feminine aesthetic (as distinct from the male) in all its many forms, including the transgendered.

I feel, in fact, that anyone who truly admires and desires femininity in a lover or companion should take that final, logical step and accept that he may willingly and knowingly choose a transgendered mate, lover or companion without casting doubt
on his masculinity, his sexual orientation, or
his identity or sense of self-worth as a man.

In the end, "it's the person, stupid", not the equipment they were born with....


kyliesd See my TER Reviews 3137 reads
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First of all Hi Chuck! Nice to see ya still kickin! ;)
But to correct okabra99. Post-Op TSs can get married in 48 states. The Two states that will not alow it (or to let a TS change her birth certificate) are Texas and Ohio. Here in CA, my birth certificate actually states that I was born female now. The only thing I can not change is my medical records (for good reason too). But I can legaly get married here in CA. Kinda cool huh?
Now back to our thread.


okabra99 3374 reads
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Yup, I stand corrected Kylie.  I was speaking with blinders on, relating my personal accounts with pre-operative girls over the past 10 years or so.  But to add to this interesting thread, an out-of-country birth certificate is also a problem in many cases, regardless of the pre or post operative situation.

houndog 231 Reviews 3529 reads
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You are absolutely on target.  The attractive thing about TS girls is that they work hard on their femininity and do not take themselves for granted.  Nothing is worse than a gg who has attitude and thinks you "owe her" for being a girl.  Of course there are TS's with attitude,  but most really enjoy being treated like one.

richpumper 2 Reviews 3557 reads
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I've found virtually every TS I've spent time with is actually a fun person - witty, loves to laugh, enjoyable to be with. Cerainly can't say that about all the GG's I've benn with.

Sailil 3492 reads
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I'd definitely marry a transsexual girl who had done srs.  For the same reason I would a t-girl who had not or a gg.
    Houndog's right.  Transsexual girls work hard at it.  And they sincerely like guys to be gentleman towards them.  It's really enjoyable being nice to them.  Nothing condescending about it at all.  They deserve nice treatment.
    I hope these replies are informative Kylie.  It's clear everyone here holds you in high regard.

royb404 3541 reads
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Kylie, this is Roy in dallas and your are wrong about Texas.  I personally have legally married a post-op in Texas, also divorced her.  Also I have helped many a girl change her name, gender-before SRS-and birthcertificate. So that may help someone.
By the way you still are a beautiful lady.
Love ya   Roy

vibemaker 3659 reads
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All this talk about a relationship with a transsexual or shemale seems rediculous to me.  Providers usually do not want to stop being providers and it seems that the only way one is going to ever come in contact with a shemales is if she is a provider since genuine shemales are so rare.  I did not know they even existed untill in saw a foto of one in 1980.

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