
Re:The Aviator Crashes and Burns
cruiser1 9102 reads

Yeah, that "spatial and emotional disorientation" will get you everytime!(even on ole' terra firma!):o)

Well, it had to happen sometime.

The Aviator has Crashed and Burned in beautiful West LA.

My relationship with TS "The Fabulous Christy Delight" is now over.

Basic cause (and why I'm throwing this open for discussion) was a persistent feeling on her part
that a relationship that began as one of "provider and client" would never last in the long run.

Besides that, she has a new "civilian" love interest in Boca Raton FL. who apparently wants to move her there...

After a brief hiatus (lick my wounds, etc.) I
will be at the hangar preparing to fly again...

Comments anyone?


TS Star7153 reads

No words of wisdom, no analyzing the "black box" right now.  I'm just very sorry to hear that. Having your heart broken is never a pleasant experience.

Even under the best of circumstances, relationships are difficult.  

All the best,


Thank you for your words of wisdom.

We are clearing the crash site now and will have everything analysed in due course.

Breaking up is very hard to do.... but I am convinced that, regrettably, this may be the best course for both of us.

Like many in the TS world, she needed acceptance and validation as a true woman...she is all that and more, IMHO.

I have written her encouraging her in this new potential relationship, and that while I must let go, she is not to give up on love or on is, after all, the one thing that makes us human.

I truly believe that I did all I could, and under conditions I beleive to be both honorable and sincere...

She will love again, and in due course so will I.

TA (still picking up the pieces)

OBWANK9235 reads

When you get thrown of one horse, get back on or you are ruined for life. Life is "now" not yesterday not tomorrow. Enjoy!

cruiser16561 reads

Hey Aviator!  Don't "they" say any landing that you walk away from is a good landing?

That they do...walked away with only a few injuries, this time.

The plane was wrecked, though... proximate cause of the accident was bad cockpit procedure compounded by failure to monitor instruments
or other visual cues in a low visibility (IMC)

I do not blame Christy ... I was at the controls when this happened.


cruiser18395 reads

"I was at the controls when this happened."...  That you were.  A position many here would envy.  Ultimately her feelings that a relationship that started out as "business" could not suceed.  I've read that more than once...
When will the FAA investigation be done?

-- Modified on 4/17/2005 8:44:11 PM

Never miss the opportunity to love someone no matter how many times we crash and burn. It is all that we have to give so give it freely my friend.

Felicia Katt7042 reads

I hope your ego is restored to its upright and locked position soon :)


Sailil8826 reads

The same thing happened to thousands of other people today.


My heart is with you, my friend. You'll be fine. All relationships are crapshoots.

Dear Everyone:

Especially, Star, OBWANK, cruiser, Felicia, wantats, Sailil, and Piqued:

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your responses and assistance. Further, my PM and EM boxes have been full of good will messages and offers of assistance.

I will be posting the results of the NTSB and FAA
investigation when I get it...


cruiser16891 reads

The Aviator;
    Thanks for your generousity in sharing your feelings.  Your clarity of expression is providing much insight to those of us who may choose a similar path.

-- Modified on 4/18/2005 6:02:04 PM


Thanks for your reply. This thread seems to have touched off a similar thread further up the board by Star.

I would never say to anyone "don't do this" if they come across a similar opportunity. My
relationship with Christy began by accident, not design. We found we liked and enjoyed each other's company and things just rolled on from there.

In truth, I don't know what I would do differently if I were to do things over again.
I believe that both of us sincerely tried to make it work but it was just not to be.

I'll have a full report later to the community.


cruiser16836 reads

So you feel flying by the seat of your pants is prefferable to instruments?  Seriously..time will hopefully heal this wound, you be ready to take to the air again!

Not at all!  Proximate cause of the "accident"
appears to be Pilot Error cause by failure to
monitor instruments and external visual cues owing to spatial and emotional disorientation.

This disorientation during a CATII ILS Approach
in light rain and haze and reduced RVR visibility
caused impact with the ground 1nm short of threshold to runway 03L and 100 ft left of the localizer centerline. The aircraft was destroyed
by impact and subsequent fire. Fatalities =
Relationship Between Christy Delight and The Aviator. Injuries = Minor to Aviator(Pilot In Command) and Christy (Co-pilot).

Investigation continues up the board. Hearing Examiner: Star. Investigators: Cruiser1, and Horizononfire.  


cruiser19103 reads

Yeah, that "spatial and emotional disorientation" will get you everytime!(even on ole' terra firma!):o)

loverofts6199 reads

Sorry to hear it.  Good luck, Aviator.

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