
BAD review ....and Lies.sad_smile
JasminNYC 10399 reads

Hi Guys,

My name is Ts Jasmin from newyork, i have read my review from reviewer screen name "cojo1255" on May which I am sure i never met the guy and i got my his email on June 12, so this per is a Lier.I would not and never do something like this.Please ignore this review.

thank you

Ts Jasmin

TsNadiaUSA8387 reads

Hi Jasmin, this is TS Nadia from Los Angeles, I just got a false review last week from "birk8" in New York. I can tell he hasn't seen me by the desription of the review and even my stats are wrong. TER makes it easy to give all the false reviews guys or other girls want. If you notice they don't have other reviews under the same alias or screen name. It's a hit and run. If another girl thinks your competition all he or she has to do is slander you for a week and hurt your tour if you rely on TER. My own personal website had 1,564,488 Hits last month and I am considering what I am going to do about the false review on TER.

I just had a great idea to help both of you. I live in LA and what I can do is spend a couple hours with each of you. After that I will write a review about our time together. The best part is I will not charge for this service!! You are both very attractive Ladies and I'm sure I can find the time to help both of you with this situation.

TsNadiaUSA7836 reads

Great news Allen, you dont need to see us to start writing those rave reviews. Actually, I can even give you a review.

I hate it when I run into someone smarter than me!!

The industry standard for male escort reviews,, allows rebuttals from escorts when poorly or falsely reviewed.   The rebuttals are contained after the review.  I'm suprised this site does not have a similar process.

Horizon, that is an excellent idea, However, this discussion board seems to be quite effective as a rebuttal tool in itself. LOL!!! Plus more readily available to read!!!

JasminNYC8666 reads

Hi there,

Every gentlemen who's has a pleasure spent time with me.They're knew how i am.



As the former moderator here, let me give you some advice....

TER does what it can to try to ensure that the reviews are real.  It helps good providers like you and the customers as well.  Bad reviews not only hurt you but hurt clients.  And, there are probably just as many vindictive reviews from false clients as there are fake positive reviews submitted by providers themselves.

So, what to do?  First, report any suspicious reviews to "staff" at TER or LuvEmLong, the moderator here.  Second, just ignore them.  If you have 10 great reviews and one bad one, your prospettive clients (or, at least the good ones) will realize what's going on.  Even if they're not fake, we also realize that some bad experiences are more about the client than the provider.

So, don't let this bother you too much and report what you think is false to TER and we'll do our best to act accordingly.

TsNadiaUSA7147 reads

In response to your advice "So, don't let this bother you too much and...", I think I should expect better service from a paid membership. Also, if you spent alot of money flying to a city and paid a weeks hotel you would not take it lightly for a popular service like this to have a carless attitude when allowing non paid menbers to post.

I have been contacted by a few providers here regarding suspicious reviews.  My response to all of them has been to send a PM to STAFF, not to this message board.  I, personally, do not have access to any more information than other VIP members regarding reviews or the members who post them, but STAFF does.  STAFF also has the responsibility to remove reviews they determine are fake.  

One unfortunate fact is that many providers that post here are not VIPs, so they cannot view the PMs I have sent to them.  In some cases, I was able to find their e-mail address on one of their ads to contact them.  

If you are not a VIP member, I strongly suggest that you contact STAFF by sending an e-mail to [email protected].  This way, they will be able to reply to you if they need additional info.  If you have done this, and have not received a reply after a week or so or the review has not been removed, you can contact me and I will try to contact STAFF on your behalf, but please include an e-mail address so I can get back to you if you are not a VIP member.  



The reviewing system here is gravely flawed.  Unscrupulous members can post false reviews to maintain a free VIP membership.   Simultaneously the girls who are responsible for creating demand for the site's content are not rewarded for generating cash flow for the site as the site admninistrators do not allow them a rebuttal process or even a paltry free VIP membership. While the site profits off of falsified reviews, they damage the reputation of providers from which this site directly profits.  This not only applies to 'bad' reviews, but false positive reviews as it places a certain potential expectation on the provider to render services which they do not.  For example if I give a glowing, yet false review claiming a provider allowed me to bareback her, then readers of the review are apt to believe that is a potential service.  You are essentially asking someone in the customer service industry to ignore a customer service issue claiming that falsified reviews will be buried by force of truthful reviews which is not the case.  A standout review whether it be negative or positive will carry more weight as a singular entity than a review typical for the provider.  As a site posing as a source of reliable information, the administrators have an intellectual responsibility to provide it's members with accurate information and that goes beyond merely uploading user submitted content and when mistakes are brought to forum throwing their hands in the air and claiming that positive lies will counterbalance negative lies.  Again I advocate providers be allowed to rebut reviews they feel untruthful.

TS Star6782 reads

BRAVO Horizon!!!

Excellent, excellent post!!!

But I have a sad feeling that the people that run this site just really don't care.  

Bonerowner8205 reads

Hey, come on folks! People don't exactly use this board to swap recipes or rate their favorie vacation sites.  Stop and think about what this site really is, which is one of two things - 1)a place for customers of prostitutes to give the rest of us the details of the probable criminal acts they have committed, or 2)A pornographic site for lurkers like me who have outgrown Penthouse Forum and visit here to find good material for my fantasies as well as continued inspiration to muster the courage to someday take the TS plunge. As far as reviews go for information's sake, where else can you go and find this type of information or free publicity for those entrepenuers who's services are discussed here? I don't know of any site that provides information about the quality of drugs your neighborhood dealer sells or if he is going to rip you off when you try to buy from him.  I think we should appreciate this site for what it is  and realize that some of the elements we're dealing with have a greater probability than the rest of the population to lack integrity and values, and you're more likely to get a fake review here from a customer or provider.  But, at least its something and it's done professionally, and whether the info posted is real or not, some of us find it worth the cost  of the VIP admission fee.

TS Star7419 reads

"But, at least its something and it's done professionally, and whether the info posted is real or not, some of us find it worth the cost  of the VIP admission fee."

If it was done professionally, the information would be real, not fake.

Bonerowner6842 reads

You mean kinda like the 38D's on a Tgirl?

TS Star7143 reads

"You mean kinda like the 38D's on a Tgirl?"

No.  Because breast implants are real things.  They are real procedures done by a real doctor.

How can you even try to compare the two?  A false review can hurt a girls reputation, "false" breasts don't hurt you or a girls reputation.

tsluver2478925 reads

Like TheAnswer said one bad review for every 10 reviews is not bad.  I can understand why a false review would upset you.  Like the moderator said report it to the staff.  

As someone who looks at reviews and analyzes them, one bad review does not detour me from a provider.  A series of bad reviews is a different story.  I look at reviews for details of what I am interested in and weigh my own judgement accordingly.

TsNadiaUSA7086 reads

I am seriously considering an effort to inform the viewers on my website, which receives about 1,564,488 hits per month, how entertaining it is to post false reviews with full easy instructions. Plus, for the ladies out there, remember all those free computers you can use in the hotels, you can use those to create free yahoo mail accounts and post your own complementary or spiteful reviews. Just 10 or 20 girls doing this every hotel will add up to making this review site much more entertaining and functionally useless.

Just the opinion of someone who has seen this many times in different situations. When a hand full of people write bad things or untrue things about you it is easy to try and get even. When you put your energy into getting even you lose focus on what is important. Follow the steps that those who work with The Review have suggested and put everything else you have into your business. Always hold yourself above those who would use lies and deceit to hurt you and you will come out ahead. Fight back and lash out at everyone you disagree with and the first person that wrote a bad review about you will have won.

JasminNYC6075 reads

Hi everyone,
Frist ! I don't want to talk about my badreview any more.Because it was removed already.But i would like to say 1 morething.ok! That's badreview was said I did bareback anal with that's person.And i never met that's person before.So Its not about how good or bad score.I swear .I never done bareback anal with anyone.And never will.I want people to know.That i always safe sex.

hope you guys understand.

Thak you,

Ts Jasmin.

TsNadiaUSA6323 reads

Jasmin, I hope you know TER does not care about your health as they endorse ecoli bactrial contamintion from bareback BJ and Oral herpes from toung kissing. They would have girls rate higher if they risk it. I see why they allow false reviews, as long as it makes for a jucier reviw they will make more money. See the following TER policy: "In order to keep our performance ratings consistent, we set up the following system: An escort provider may only earn up to a 7, unless she also performs the following during a session: Kisses With Tongue, Bare-Back Blow Job, Really Bi, Anal Sex, or More than One Guy. The addition of each offering will raise her score by one point."

Ecstatic6263 reads

I have known Jasmin for a while and I know she is very health conscious. I can't imagine why someone would malign her that way. She is a beautiful and friendly girl who is one of my three favorite providers.

Nadia, I agree with you, as I don't think high points should be given--let alone reserved--for unsafe practices. Yet I also see the benefit of attempting to qualify the reviews more effectively than I've seen on other sites which just allow a 1-10 range with only personal subjectivity as the guide. So I think the intent is sound, but the examples of what qualifies for high points is off. Personally, I would only give high points to someone who goes above and beyond in quality of service (e.g., the full hour or more, showing real interest in me as a person and not just a meal ticket, setting a nice environment, being a gracious hostess, etc.). I'm not sure what "really bi" means, but while I have been known to indulge in BBBJ (I know, a risk), I would not assign high points to a girl who did.

I read the FAQ a little differently though: "Again, please try to save the 8 and 9 ranks for situations where out of the ordinary services are provided (i.e.  Blow Job - without condom, Kissing with tongue, Really Bi, More than one guy). Each of these, beyond-the-call-of-duty talents count for one hard earned point.  Of course, the 10 rating should be reserved for an experience that is really worth a million!" This sets a suggested guideline, not an actual point scale (which would require a yay or nay response to a series of questions matching the assigned point value).

tshard17153 reads

Nadia, in my last post I quoted the FAQ, but now I found the quote you used in the Submit a Review Guidelines. These are stricter sounding, and I quite agree with you. High points to me should reflect quality of service, not type of service (I've had oral only sessions that blew away--pardon the pun--anal sessions; to me, it's not the type of service but the quality that counts).

Ecstatic4960 reads

P.S. I am tshard1 - my username - I didn't realize that you have to select an alias every time you post, so my first reply to Nadia was as alias Ecstatic and the second as tshard1. (Is there a way to change your username?)

I think everyone has had their chance to express themselves on this topic.  Now that it has come full circle, I think it is time for everyone to move on.


I agree, send me a newbie so I can advise him who to see and the rest of the guys can crawl up my @$#%& for it!!!!!

tsluver2475335 reads

It is always easy to critize TER, it is another to make suggestions to improve how TER identifies false reviews that either damage or hypes a provider.  

I would recommend a weighted system.  Members with more reviews should receive more weight towards a person's review ratings.  If cojo1255 gave Jasmin a bad review or birk8 had a bad review on Nadia (each with 1 review), I would tend not to believe them.  If wantats, who has 99 reviews, had a bad review on someone, I would tend to believe wantats over that someone else.  

I would recommend a multiple factor (suggestion):
1-3 reviews = a multiple of 1
4-6 reviews = a multiple of 2
7+ reviews = a multiple of 3

I believe this will help make factor out false reviews.  Thoughts?

In the past I have offered my services as a Certified (or certifiable) reviewer. I offered it to new providers who wanted to get a review on this site or older providers who wanted to renew their visibility. I wasn't even going to charge anything for my service but alas no offers.
I feel for anyone who may feel hurt by this site. It is not fair that anyone can post such a derogatory review with no checks and balances. It is unfair that a provider self reviews on here with no checks and balances (I realize that this does not impact income like the negative review.)
I have found this site useful and I have talked with many providers who have found this site helpful (some with 15 pages of reviews and sometimes not a bad review among them.) Most know my handle here on TER and don't seem to mind.
On another note I am coming up to my centennial review and looking for suggestions. I will post a new thread if this gets buried. I want this centennial and possibly last review to be special. I don't want it to be someone I have already seen which eliminates alot of people. I have even thought about throwing my cheap ass attitudes out the window and seeing someone like Ivy. Any suggestions? Any offers?

-- Modified on 7/4/2005 7:35:32 AM

Your last review? I hope not. You're a great resource here on the board and your reviews have become like a Fodor's Guide. But I understand the symbolism of going out at 100.

How about going out BIG time? Like a threesome with Angelica & Danielle Foxxx? Or Vanity and Ivy? Make it a night to remember and a review that all of us will read with massive jealousy for years.

hormone buster6679 reads

What about all night long with mistress fit Terry
and her partner and may be world model Marla Arden could join you or ts Valerie, she loves to kiss and takes 50% off for good looking guys !
this is an offer you can`t refuse....yeah some DFK with Valerie, we will love to see it on tape!
Don`t torture yourself !..that is Sylvana`s Pleasure!!!

But if money is not a problem Seren Love will be perfect!

-- Modified on 7/4/2005 8:53:20 PM

-- Modified on 7/4/2005 8:56:21 PM

You happily admit the generosity of your ratings, openly barter good words for fun times and still, due to the forthright and fun-loving nature of your being and your reviews, the legions remain loyal!  So here's my suggestion for your 100th review:
The whold damn country, brother.
You will NOT regret it.
Peace and love on your centennial, sir.

Thank you for your kind words and I wear the title proudly. I do have to comment regarding the generousity of my ratings. I will give an extra point on appearance for the way a provider carries herself. In the same vein I think I subtract for a person who may not be so pretty on the inside. Concerning performance I do try to stick by the guidelines although, over time, I do seem to be more understanding. I have never come out and offered a good review for a good time. (Although I still offer my services as a certified reviewer.) I tell them I will be honest about the review. If the lady is smart enough to know that an active profile on this board will help her business more power to her.
I do like my hobby and I have met alot of wonderful people (hobbyists and providers) through it. I have gotten to know many of the people here on the board either online or realtime. People are people and should be treated the same way you expect to be treated.
Thailand....hmmm. I think my cheap-ass horndog budget will only allow Mexico. I will leave Thailand for you to conquer.
I still think we need to get together and share all the stories we can't share on the board. Anybody down with that?

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 10:06:34 AM

I have the solution to all this. I agree there`s always a high chance of false reviews and in this case someone was caught redhanded by the lady. AllenP proposes to offer his services and relay a true review. Wonderful and chivalrous! I second this motion and add this as well. I shall for a small negotiable fee, come along to any future 'dates' and video the event for documentation purposes only. The customer and the provider will both be given DVDs freshly burned on location. Both now possess evidence of the event. When a review shows up that is questionable, a group of *cough cough* PEERS will gather together and examine the evidence. I say a small group of 3 should be fair enough. They will decide by the evidence provided if the reviewer was accurate or flat out lying. Cross examining shall be allowed. As for legalities, this not being a court,the legal guidelines of arbitration shall apply.

-- Modified on 7/3/2005 10:10:43 PM

TS Star6404 reads

I've never seen so many nervous guys wanting this topic to go away so fast.

When a topic is done, it will die out by itself.  No need to pull the plug on it or push it.  I've never seen anyone worry about how long a topic goes when people talk about "How big is she".

As always, it seems all the girls are guilty until proven, and all "johns" are angels.

highendts5155 reads

That means we have the right to remain silent?

runnymede8863 reads

We're the ones who have to pony up the cash Star.

In a way you can say that I publicly ignore problems. All of my reviews are good and they are real. I have been with Ladies I did not like being with and I told them why. I will not see someone again that I did not like, but I will not ruin their reputation based on one visit. The only time I will write something bad about one of the ladies is if they have committed a crime (tried to rob me) or were a real rip off. Yes, we are here to have fun. Always keep in mind that there is a serious side to all of this with serious money and commitment made by the ladies. The only thing we have to balance the unfair review is the other reviews written by clients and this E-mail forum.

I think it is a disservice to not write a review of a girl you didn't like.  You can write a review without slamming her.  Just calmly describe your experience and what it was like for you.  Then everyone can assess the situation as it may apply to them.  
Maybe it was a YMMV situation or, as reviews accumulate, she is revealed as a girl who does not provide value to her clients.  This site is partly here to bring that information to light so we don't give "money for nothing".  This type of review reveals an honest assessment of a situation and is a far cry from the deplorable false reviews being discussed here.

If you got a rogue review, contact TER and they will remove it.

I can't tell you how many times I've been ripped off by TS providers (and straight woman providers also) who promise the moon and then give nothing in return for my hard earned money.  Bait and switch, hourly rates for 25 minutes of disinterested service were typical.  One cup limits when I want another.  What a nightmare!

TER is the greatest invention of all time for us hobbyists . After all it IS our money that gets us in the door.  This just insures that you ladies who practice the art well are rewarded and those who don't get what they deserve...less business!  

I always consider the body of reviews posted for a provider, not just the occasional mope who doesn't like anyone.  If all the reveiws for a TS provider are poor then she must be a poor service provider.  If they are mostly good then enjoy the good publicity and make a nice living.

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