
Peanuts & The Lodge
TS Star 10144 reads

I was just wondering... How many guys who read these boards go to these clubs?

Do you go often?   Do you lurk at the clubs?  Do you go up to us girls?  Do you go just to hook up or to meet us and have hang out?

Do you always go to the Yukon afterwards?

I go to 7969 at least once a week just to mainly people watch and listen to the DJ.  I used to try to make conversation with some of the girls but heres my problem:  The girls don't show until about midnight and by the time it takes to hook up and go somewhere it's way too late for me.  I have to work the next day.  Sometimes a girl gets pissed off because you come off as a time waster to them rather than someone who justs wants to say hi and maybe compliment a good look.  It's true you can just go there to exchange info and meet at a later date but most of the girls live over the hill in Hollywood or Orange County and I don't have the time for a 3 hour appointment including travel time.  Conclusion:  I don't even try anything, hook up or info exchange because the girls only get pissed off at you if you don't eventually hook up.  One of the problems is that even if you do get a phone number from one of the girls that does not mean you can contact them right away.  I left messages for a week to one girl and she never answered me back.  Then when I saw her at the club she was pissed off at me (and she lightly pushed me in the face....I let it go that time, never again) because she thought I never called.......ok, I give up.  Besides, I have had much better luck hooking up thru the net with sites like this one.  Club L is a different story.  It's much eaiser to hook there, the only problem is that the ratio between drag queens and t-girls suck.  We need many more t-girls there.  On the plus side for L, the t-girls show up earlier.  On the down side, many of the guys there are the cheapest fk's that ever walked the planet.  If more t-girls showed up, more guys with bucks (like me....heh heh) would show.

I used to go to the Queen Mary quite a bit.  I felt like it was friendly, I knew some people, and the bartenders were great to talk to.  Many of the people I knew there go to the Lodge now.  I can go have a couple drinks, chat with my friends and not feel any pressure to hook up.

Peanuts is more of a hardcore scene.  I have had varying results with different pro girls I have picked up there.  Once in a blue moon I will go to just hang out and watch.

I have been to the Yukon once in my life, I bought breakfast for Prue and a friend of hers.  She was quite charming even though it turned out that I could not afford a date with her.


Prue(Brandy) sucked my dick about 10 years ago for 25 bucks......times change

It been a long time since I have been in Peanuts. Where is the Lodge and is it a club like Peanuts?

Just went there last night.....not a complete waste of time but close.  Sometimes it's fun to watch the girls work the guys for free drinks and there was alot of that going on.  Some poor bastard wearing a blue suit got hit up for about 6 to 8 drinks and came up with nothing.  Also, 7969 is great for checking out what the girls that place the ads really look like.  Oh yeah, that camera can create one hell of an illusion if done right.  Someone should clue some of those girls in as to how to apply make-up.  Some of them are wearing so much "impact" they could start a cement factory on the side.....ok, so if you have bad skin go see a doctor.  Don't paint over it with some cheap shit because when you get hit with some light you  look like the bride of Frankenstein.  Believe it or not, I still had a good time.  There are still some really nice girls that hang there.

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