
Re:My Solution/ Just Hear Me Out
TS KIKI 6427 reads
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Hi i feel really really stupid to post this here since this is way out of topic here but since this is a very popular forum so i might get what i looking for here.  A little introduction about myself i am 26 y/o Asian ts and i have been full time for many years and i have dated many guys but one thing i found out there are so few of them are seriouly looking for a long term relationship.  I've cried, broke my heart many times. But i believe that one day i will find the right one.  However, after each fail try i gradually frustrated and unmotivated.  I honestly don't know what went wrong.  I am honest(i believe that if you can't be true to yourself how can you be true to other), easy going,nice, and i am very confident about my apperance so i know it's not that.  Even my friends are surprised that i don't have a bf.  It seems to me i would never find someone i can love who can also love me for me regardless i am a ts or a gg.  I am so lost and frustrated i don't know where to look for, i tried craiglist, msn group. yahoo and other website but i always have no luck finding the right one.  So i was wondering if there are ANY GUYS would seriously get in a relationship with a ts or are in relationship with one?? And girls do you believe there are true love for ts??? I think i have seen two but they are so few.  Also where is a good dating site for a ts??   Honestly i used to be a escort but after few months later i found out that is not what i want so i quit that why i know this website.    
Maybe one day when my hopes are gone i will come back and work.  Plz plz don't laugh at me as i am getting old i am getting scared that no one would wants me anymore.  So i want to  look hard now or never.  Am i really really naive or what??   Anyways thanx for reading.

vegasguybdsm 9 Reviews 6132 reads
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At one time I seriously entertained the idea of having a TS GF but that was before I started my own company and became totally enslaved in my time and commitment to keeping things going.If I ever do get my life back a TS GF would be my first choice.

Horizononfire 3 Reviews 4849 reads
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I fell head over heels for a TS not long ago.  Several men on this board chronical there incipient love and dashed hopes courting  TGirls.  I assume our numbers, though not legion, do exist.  

Don't get desperate.  You'll compromise your standards.

highendts 4942 reads
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I know what you are talking about
I have posted on craiglist as a TS and as a GG,
the guys who responded to the TS postings only
wanted sex right there and then

The guys who responded to the GG postings were nicer,kinder and more respectful
and usually included a contact number........
as a TS they do not want to give any contact number
Altough i have  two TS friends who are in serious relationships...

don`t give up....especially if you are not an escort....good luck

fjbicrf 2 Reviews 4872 reads
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Hi TS Kiki  Yes, there are guys out there that are looking for a TS girlfriend.  I know as I am one of them.  Tell me more about you and I will tell you about me.  Hope to hear back from you.

LaWanderer 6130 reads
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If it's any consolation it's a problem for guys trying to find a nice TS girl too.  I think the problem is that both groups are not exactly common and people in those groups that are looking for a serious long term relationship are a subset of that so we're not talking about a lot of people.  Add to that the extra complexities of top, bottom, pre-op, post-op, etc. and I think it gets pretty hard to find a mate.  Plus there aren't a lot of places for each group to meet aside from the meat markets.

BUT that said, there are guys out there who want relationships with TS girls.

dazedandslightlyconfused 5826 reads
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As has already been posted it is a daunting task trying to meet a TS that is looking for the same thing.  I don't even really know where to look.  I tried craigslist but I found that most of the ladies were actually more cd's or looking for a sugar daddy/escort type relationship.  I found one woman on craiglist that was interested and we met for a drink and she told me that she has a live in boyfriend but is looking for a hook up on the side.  Not an althogether bad scene - we did end up playing around, but not really what I was looking for either.  

bottom line is there really doesn't seem to be a place where people can lose their anxieties about meeting a TS woman or a man that likes TS's...all too often the men are looking just for sex and the TS women automatically think the same thing.  
Maybe there is a good business opportunity for someone with the skills and inclination to arrange a reputable TS dating service that vets people and makes connections...

[email protected]

Autumn666 5387 reads
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TS KIKI 4733 reads
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First, thank you for many wonderful and thoughtful responses.  I do fully understand it's difficult for anyone to find a relationship regardless one's gender, sexual preference.  I do also understand this is not a place to look for relationship.  I have never intend to look for a relationship here or else i will try here long time ago.   But i do realize this board has wide range of audience, so i just want to know your thought about it and maybe a real place to meet gentlemen.  I have to say it's defintely harder for us and the gentlemen to get into a relationship due to lack of helpful resources.  For instant, i wouldn't go into a tg bar and look for MR. RIght.  THat's even worse than here. Also the straigh guys i met i would never get close with them since i am a pre-op.  Even i am post -op i wouldn't want to lie. It's funny that i used to chat with a first timer and I told him i am a ts.  But after he sees me on webcam several times he was accusing me for being a fake a gg trying to be a ts.  I don't know i should laugh or cry.  Despite of that, I used to have crushes on straight guys but finds out later i would never get into a relationship with them due to many reasons.  One of the problem which many the gentlemen here have is that we are their fantasy and secret, so often their friends or family don't know about it.  THus making the few guys who are interested in a relationship impossible.  I also tend to notice one thing that differ us from GG.  Our relationship usually starts with intimacy first whereas, the relationship of gg usually starts of getting know each other first.  Again, i just like to point out that it's harder to find a relationship for both ts and gentlemen who are looking for one.  I know this is obvious and my point for posting is just to hear what other ppl thought on this topic and maybe a better place to look for gentlemen.  (i used to think when loves comes it comes but now i think i should pursuit it instead of waiting for it.

larrygochanour 8 Reviews 5974 reads
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Dear Kiki,
  Please, don't be so hard on yourself. At twenty six you are not old. I guess the first thing to ask is where are you located; some place rural or in the big city? Here in the S.F. area there are a lot of places for a girl to go to meet people. But what are you looking for? I've found that the most receptive men are the ones that are old(er) and have had a chance to see life as it really is. They are more friendly and willing to let you live your own life. Personally I got myself caught in a marriage I didn't want but I'm still looking for a companion who understands me and with whom I would be compatible. But back to your situation, what are you looking for? A friend is nice but a lover is even nicer. Just because he isn't Brad Pitt doesn't mean he can't love you for who you are, not just what you are. And find out what interests you have in common. If you are a top, find a bottom. But it is best to go with someone with whom you can share your life. Best of luck in your search.

fjbicrf 2 Reviews 4884 reads
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Hi Kiki

I sent you a private e-mail message regarding your post.

Horizononfire 3 Reviews 5735 reads
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larrygochanour suggests looking into older guys.  My wild hunch is that larrygochanour is an older guy who of course understands you unlike us younger guys.  fjbicrf has taken to the stalker approach and will incessantly e-mail you to prove his sensitivity to your cause.  

My solution:  A TER Battle Royal.  All guys on the board genuinely interested in getting to know Kiki will meet in a wrestling ring to battle in a steel cage match with highendts as the referee.  No holds barred, no way out, last man standing wins.  The winner gets to treat Kiki to a daytime walk along the riverside followed by a night out on the town.  If she finds the gentleman to her standards by evenings end, phone numbers will be exchanged.  Kiki can then come on the board and post a dating success story, thus washing away all the tales of lovelorn and broken dreams that litter this message board by providing all TS's and the men who admire them with a warm ray of sun drenched hope.  

    Men of TER:  LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!

-- Modified on 9/30/2005 11:24:14 PM

fjbicrf 2 Reviews 4706 reads
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Hey Horizononfire...... "stalker approach"  whoa there pardner.  I feel that is rather severe.  You don't know me.  If you did, you would know that I sincerely care about people.  I am an older guy and have been looking for a TS girl for a long term relationship but have run in to the same dilema.  Where to meet a TS that is looking for an LTR....  Escorts, no.  TG bar, no.
Personal ads (most TG's there are also escorts).
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  It's just not right to make characterizations about people that you do not know.  Nuf said?

iWantMyTgLove 5039 reads
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Hey Highendts,
Just curious regarding your postings to Craigsllist -- did you post as TS and GG in the SAME categories? i.e., both under 'casual encounters' versus 'erotic services' and "woman ISO man"?
I ask because I did a similar thing -- seeking a GG and seeking a TS -- and the (few) responses I got included pro and non-pro in both cases.

Horizononfire 3 Reviews 4481 reads
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I never said you do not care about people.  I'm sure you're a very caring man.  

My question to you is, "How bad do you want to care for this woman?'.  Are you ready to bleed for her in the steel cage?  Will you have fortitude to press on amid the chaos, anguish, pain, and violence enveloping you for this dream?

BAAAH!!  Escorts, bars, personals...  Surely you jest.  Real men do combat in a steel cage for the affections of women.  

-- Modified on 10/1/2005 9:15:34 AM

TheAviator 2 Reviews 4189 reads
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Not a bad idea. I've in fact been thinking about
starting just that kind of a business.

More later...


TheAviator 2 Reviews 6262 reads
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Thank you for your thoughtful contribution to the board. Don't give up hope..there ARE decent guys out there who are looking for a decent ts to be in a relationship with.

I did it (been in a serious relationship with a ts)and would do it again...and I wish you all the best.

if you want to talk further, please don't hesitate to e-mail me at [email protected]

All the best


larrygochanour 8 Reviews 6440 reads
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Your last sentence says it all. By my definition I'm not a 'real' man. The testosterone just doesn't flow as freely in me. Besides if my guess is right you are on the east coast while I'm here out west. If I were to fly out east it would be to see Venus, not for some stupid fight. I hope Kiki succeeds in her endevour.

Iluvwomen 5536 reads
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Dear Kiki,
         It is not a silly question and it does exsist because I'm one of those guys looking for that and cn't find it. I undestand how you feel. I've tried websites and chat groups also and they always lead to disappointment.
All I can say is don't quit. Have faith. You are special if you say who you are and the ones you have been involved with are not worthy of you.

Horizononfire 3 Reviews 4863 reads
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This board easily could serve a secondary purpose of providing a way for TS's and the men who admire them to meet socially.  The existence of this thread certifies that concept.  The biggest problem or biggest relief for the guys depending upon perspective is that we would have to either assume seperate aliases to insulate a perspective mate from the knowledge of our escortly exploits or let this truth stare them directly in the face.  

We morally condone the girls escorting.  I wonder if any view us as morally inferior for visiting.

Horizononfire 3 Reviews 6541 reads
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"Your last sentence says it all. By my definition I'm not a 'real' man. The testosterone just doesn't flow as freely in me. Besides if my guess is right you are on the east coast while I'm here out west. If I were to fly out east it would be to see Venus, not for some stupid fight. I hope Kiki succeeds in her endevour."

So what you are saying is you would fight in the TER steel cage battle royal if a date with Venus was the prize.

-- Modified on 10/1/2005 10:58:26 PM

TheAviator 2 Reviews 4717 reads
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Count me in. I am an Octagon fan, and am current in both Hapkido and Tae Kwan Do (2nd degree black belt), as well as hand weapons (shuriken, etc).

I will gladly enter the lists, and fight gallantly for the hand of the lovely Kiki...

Christy, don't get jealous...I'm out to prove a point. The point is..that Ts girls are every bit as good in quality, beauty, sexuality, AND long-term relationship potential as ANY GG...and,
escorting (or an escorting past)is not and  should not be a barrier to love and happiness.

Horizon my friend, you have thrown down a worthy and honorable challenge....I will answer. Anyone else?


megamany 5000 reads
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Hi Kiki,

If your still looking please contact me. I cant email because I'm not VIP but I'd like to chat with you if your serious :-).

fjbicrf 2 Reviews 6861 reads
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I fight my own battles in my own way based on strength of character.  And yes, I do have the fortitude to press on amid the chaos, anguish and pain.  As to real men doing combat in a steel cage for the affections of a woman - only if they are neandrethals.  I am more of the Prince Valiant type.  I believe in romance and winning the heart of a woman.

fjbicrf 2 Reviews 6676 reads
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Horizononfire 3 Reviews 4409 reads
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Ugh.  While you Prince Valiant pansies whif flowers and recite poetry to wildlife, King Warrior types live Aviator and I forge empires.  We kings are responsible for raising mankind to the level of civilization.   History's pen is our iron; the pen's ink our blood and sweat.  You merely are the embarrasing, limp wristed by-product of the civilization we create.  Left to your types, humans would still be sucking grubs from tree stumps and shivering in the caves by fire light.  Who is the true neanderthal I ask.


TS KIKI 3961 reads
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First of all, i would like to thank you guys for give me wonderful responses.  Second of all, i would like to say really sorry for taking your time from reading on my irrelavant topic.  The last thing i want to see is ppl arguing.  I feel i start this topic i should as well as finish it.  I don't think it's stupid thing to post this topic here since it definitely let me know this is a big concerns for many ppl.  (Thank you guys alhtough not too many put her thoughts into this one).  I feel that everyone has their own Mr. Mrs right just the matter of being the right place and right time to meet him or her.  Many of you probably wonder how i look, what i am like, if i have six toes or 5 toes :)  but one thing i can be sure of is that some will think i am pretty, some will think i am cute, some will think i am so-so, some will not ever pay attention to me.  Beauty is in eye of beholder and i truly believe you will know it by your heart.  Even the lifeless, but gentle word can touch the deepest of your heart.  Well i will keep searching/waiting and i wish you the best.  THere may be some of you think this topic is interesting while others think it's completly boring.  For those of you think it's interesting at least we are on the same boat, and hopefully you will find the angel light some day.

Horizononfire 3 Reviews 4221 reads
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Though I would rather fight by your side as an ally, I would be honored to have you fall to my prowess in battle.  Men of our mettle know life is stamped with an expiration date and we must grip life by the throat to choke from it what is ours.  If there could only be two victors for every battle and enough spoils for all!  Perhaps that is what awaits the brave in Valhalla!

wykkedwilly 5878 reads
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To Kiki and everyone wanting LTR, become a member of and there are plenty of TS dating groups, one specifically called Men who only want LTR with Transsexuals.  There are a lot of members, both male and TG, so good luck to everyone out there in their search for love and romance.

TheAviator 2 Reviews 6410 reads
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Well said. You GET IT. All progress, all change, all advance of civilization is dependent on WARRIORS who will gladly risk all, fortune, honor...for that in which they believe.

Take a good look around you. In every occupation, every walk of life those who are most SUCCESSFUL share three traits:

1) They will FIGHT and COMPETE for that in which they believe on the least provocation;

2) They are RISK-TAKERS;


In short, they are WARRIORS.

In contrast, AVERAGE performers focus on:

1) Staying under they radar;
2) Avoiding Conflict;
3) Finding out what the "crowd" is doing,
  going along to "get along", "fitting in",
  "not rocking the boat", "thinking INSIDE the
   box", etc. etc.  
Vigorous, advancing nations and civilaztions
award to WARRIORS the leadership positions, the
bulk of the wealth, and the most beautiful women.
Even today, business empires are forged and made prosperous by WARRIOR CEO's ...not bean counters, scribes and bureaucrats.

O Christy Delight, weep not for me. I go forth  
to do battle for you and all who seek a better life. Should I fall, let me die gloriously ...
that I may enter Valhalla and be remembered by you as Warrior and Samurai....



fjbicrf 2 Reviews 5266 reads
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Hey Horizon, since you are all gung-ho and bluster - they need you over in Iraq.

Just remember that kings don't do it alone.  Who fights their battles for them?

Horizononfire 3 Reviews 4699 reads
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A good King will only fight for a cause.  Warriors with belief in a cause make the most committed fighters.  

The catalyst for all war in the splintered middle east is a bunch of old men who like arguing that convince young men to do the dying.  There is no real cause.  Just petty tribal squabbles and petrolium.

babydoll42978 6021 reads
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TS Kiki, I'm really very sorry for all your misfortune. Noone has good luck all the time. It is life I think.  Just keep dating. I've never had bad luck with men except for one . He turned out to be gay, into crossdressing prostitutes,into having unprotected sex w/ 300lb hookers, obsessed with porn as he has 20 boxes, obssessively in love with his straight male married friend, etc.I also had to get back together with the fool to pour vinegar into his computer so I could successfully destroy photos he had taken of me that he wouldn't delete because he needed "insurance". What an fool he is!That was the easiest thing I ever did. I wish my college exams and dissertations were so easy.  It was an endless saga. Quite honestly I don't have the energy to list all his subhuman flaws and mental illnesses. My advice to you is not to see a big hairy ape named garo in Boston area that talks with a lisp.Even if you forget all this if you come to Boston or if you go anywhere and meet a crazy man that looks like an ape w/ a lisp chances r it's my former gay roomate. so my advice to u is turn around and run like hell..Anyway when I cheated on him 4 or 5 yrs ago or something like that I met this young Serb who was the greatest fantasy come true for anyone. I still can't believe I had sex with somebody so good looking , so sexy, such a gentleman ,and so good in bed who could last so long. I realized I had been missing out on so much..The Serb was a better lover of course than my gay roomate. I would be a liar if I said I didn't imagine that the gay guy was the serb when we would have sex. Unfortunately I lost contact with Serb because I was living with ape boy.Then right before I stopped seeing ape boy I met this fantastic looking Turk with the most flawless body. He was so masculine and he was hot..Everything he did was so graceful. He too was a good lover. He was so good in fact that after I stopped seeing my gay roomate I realized I wasn't missing much. Now that I have my freedom I can't get over how sweet , ,passionate,charming,heterosexual,polite, and smart men truly are. I think all men in the world are great.I have had 3 marriage proposals in one year . The attention is overwhelming I find although it is flattering. So honestly, Ts Kiki, keep looking. I'm sure he is right around the corner, sweetie.

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