
Re:It's WHO you know, Felicia ...
Felicia Katt 7897 reads

sorry, Santa, it just won't work for me.  you only come once a year!!



Sailil7446 reads

I'm outta here 'til Jan.  Merry Christmas and every holiday dear to anyone and Happy New Year to everybody too.
    I always think Star and Felicia make this joint better.
    Okay Answer.  At CBS sports .com they list the NFL standings with the AFC all bordered in red and the NFC bordered in blue.  Does that mean one's a red conference and one's a blue conference?  I'm in Illinois so do I have to root for the AFC in the Super Bowl?  Because I might not want to.  
    Of course in the end who you pull for depends on the bet.  Or if you need a number in a square pool.
    Never mind Answer.  I don't think there is an answer.  Or Answer.  Do we have to capitalize when it's not you?

Felicia Katt6885 reads

thank you Sailil.  all I want for christmas is for my posts to not be delayed.  I don't post here very often because its frustrating to post something and not have it show up for a day or more

Felicia Katt4899 reads

I guess there is a Santa Clause after all.  my last post went straight online, without delay. :)

Had I know Santa was so accomodating, I would have asked for more!!!!



This is Santa, Felicia. I read your heartbreaking letter (This girl's got some serious SERIOUS issues by the way, guys!), became temporarily despondent, decided to take some action, and well, I was able to yank, er, um, I mean, pull some strings there for you. I hope the moderators take a liking to Siberia, by the way. Post away, my darling, until your little heart is content. After all, what good is yelling "fire" in a place if it won't be heard until the place is in ashes, right ?

... So what day after Christmas is our surreptitious little rendezvous near the chimney to take place again ? ;)


Felicia Katt7898 reads

sorry, Santa, it just won't work for me.  you only come once a year!!



Yes, but look how much I put out for that one time ? Besides, I've got an elf or two who have the hots for you, so they can join in too.


Felicia Katt6908 reads

sorry, Elfs, read the warnings, you must be at least this tall to ride this attraction



My elfs are the best -- straight from third world countries and resourceful as all get out. Trust me, they'll find a way to please ya. After all, they are experienced at putting smiles on recipient's faces worldwide.


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