
I had an altercation with a guy at Las Vegas Lounge
luv la tgirls 8927 reads

I was at the Las Vegas Lounge on election night.  The guy sitting next to me was really upset because at the time he thought Bush was losing.  In fact there were a few guys in there pulling for Bush.

The guy asked me who I voted for and I said Kerry. He asked why and I said that why would I vote for a guy that wants to close this club down.  Anyway I asked him how can he vote for a guy who hates gays.  This guy then said that he also hates gays and I said so you hate yourself?  Well he freaked and he asked me to go outside.  He was much bigger than me but I wasn't afraid.

He said make your move.  I said why, you are the one who wants to fight.  He than said he would just kick my ass becuase I am older and small.  I replied, maybe but I have a carry permit.  Do you still want  to fight.  Well he hightailed it out of there.

The next night I see him with a crossdresser who looked like Leon Spinks.  Why just not admit when you are gay?

I've wrestled with this one a lot and am yet to come up with an answer.Yes I do find a stiff cock exciting and yes I do like receiving both orally and anally......BUT..... only when the girl is totally passable.It seems I like the taboo thrill of what I do but not really attracted to guys.So I'm not gay,just a deviant,I feel so much better now. LOL!

Bush was already in office for 4 years and he didnt close down the Vegas club, Peanuts or Club L. Like most Kerry supporters I have met your Ignorant. I love hot cock on a hot chick but have no lust for men. If you have to carry a gun with you somethings wrong with you.

Taviator7873 reads

Can't we all just get along? My GF is a "T" what? Different equipment, different general arrangement...but that's no one's business but ours. She's a WOMAN ( and a beautiful, loving and caring one at that) in every important respect that I understand and I treat her accordingly...take a look at her and she is most definitely NOT A GUY..

Just my .02 worth..

The Aviator (had to change my handle a bit)

This is the end8728 reads

If you like a girl with a cock, you are a homosexual.  Deal with it!

transexpert4704 reads

Just wondering if you have pics of your girlfriend.  Thanks for sharing!

Bush had to spend his first 4 years concentrating on why he wasted billions chasing WMD that didn't exist and an enemy that wasn't the real threat.Now that he thinks he has "political capitol"(his words)from his re-election wait for him to begin repaying the religious right by pandering to their intolerance of anyone they consider unacceptable. They are already pushing for widespread legislation banning gay marriages and expect more gay bashing to follow.

Another fool, I hope you peeps are reading this bullshit. Watch after Bush leaves Office in 4 years we will still have Peanuts (7969), Club "L" and the Las vegas Lounge for TS lovers. Like 1 million gay bars will still exist and 1 milion strip clubs.
Your such a pathetic piece of crap with the scare tactics. Bill Clinton a Democrat was President for 8 fucking years did he legalize gay marriage? For idiots the answer is no.

Im not gay rofl, read my reviews all girls and girls with cock. I have nothing against gay men, Im just not attracted to them.

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