
Re:C'mon, wake up!
ritchie 4613 reads

My post is directed as a response to hers thats why it is directly under hers not yours. Maybe you should look at where the posts are?

highendts6907 reads

I was a bit surprised when i opened the door
he was drop dead gorgeous!! when he got undressed
he looked like an underwear model!!!
He smelled great all over, he had a gentle touch and a warm radiance that made having sex feel like making love, i was so glad we were together.... CLEAN , GORGEOUS , GENEROUS AND A BEAUTIFUL ATTITUD!!!
in my book he is one in a life time!!!

Seeriously, I understand the satire.... as a provider, you would love to experience this situation (much more than once in a lifetime).... I can promise you the cleanliness and beautiful attitude.... and respect.... I have read your postings on TER and would love to meet you sometime... do you go to the famous Peanuts club?

Which model of underwear did he smell like?  Haynes, Fruit of the Loom, Calvin Kline possibly?

I for one am intrigued, I shot you a pm after you post down below, but still no are a mysterious one!

iWantMyTgLove7441 reads

She (She? I dunno) ASKS for a PM, gets it, but then, nada. Zip. Who is this self-proclaimed 'high-end' ts? Perhaps another alias for a regular who likes to read about herself? I hope I'm wrong. All it will take is a name and an invitation and I'll report the good news. But meantime, I'm bored. Fantasy only goes so far. I want CONTACT.

sizemore696265 reads

Sounds like she's hiding behind the "high-end TS" facade to generate demand for herself.

When she doesn't respond to your messages, you're supposed to think, "Hmmm...well, she IS 'high-end' so I guess she can be very selective. I must not measure up to her lofty standards."

Do yourself a favor, fellas, and stop wasting your time with this pretender.

She's selling you a pipe dream and so far many of you have bought it...hook, line and sinker.

Her repeated posts got me so curious, I came out of hibernation and PM'd her to ask if I'd seen her before and have yet to hear back. So what does that mean? I have seen her and didn't like her or I haven't and she doesn't want me to see her and accurately review her? Maybe I should bump up my review scores a few knotches and she'll step forward to grab an easy 9! LOL
I guess I'll stay semi-retired.
Prime and the Answer know I've been too spoiled already to put up with any crap anyway! ;-)

xadnoouy6429 reads

Thank you, you are theone who should get the applause and curtain call.

Grevious6911 reads

You are to kind I will keep your secret!

ritchie7206 reads

Tattoo points his finger in the air and says "the plane, the plane" then Mr Rourke greets his guest and says "welcome to Fantasy Island"

sizemore696591 reads

Hey, are you knuckleheads responding to my retort, or that of the "low-end TS"?

It sounds like you're agreeing with me, but you're responding to "her" subject line.

Make up your minds and stop thinking with your dicks.

ritchie4614 reads

My post is directed as a response to hers thats why it is directly under hers not yours. Maybe you should look at where the posts are?

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