
Re:all men are transsexuals
SULLY 24 Reviews 8485 reads

Thanks guys-  I thought it might be , but I am not au fait with all ther lingo...

Many of my BEST friends like to suck cock!  But it does not appeal to ME.  No "hard" feelings tho'.  Just different habits for different nuns!

I do hope you boys who like boys or she-boys or he-girls or whatever non insulting terms are in favour right now will be safe as I still cry to think of all the good people we lost in my home city in the 80-90s!  But if you are safe, you can still have all the fun you want!  I say it as I say travel safe to all who brave the skies post 9/11, not as an insult.

Mark Bingham was a friend of my closest friends, and a hero to all of us.  How could I hate who he was?

Sailil11056 reads

I've always been thrilled by a feminine male being a girl.  
    I really don't care about her size.  I either like her dick or I don't.  I always loved Lilienne Li's because I just liked it.  It rarely got hard at all but maybe a couple times in her vids,  I only saw her come once,  in "She-Nanigans,"  and she was soft then,  but I could spend all day between her legs and also between her cheeks.
    Lots of it is attitude.  Looks too sure.
    Am I the only guy that looks for Star's posts first?  I got a crush on her.

I was going to chime in on the other post, but there were so many good points made I just felt that anything I said would be kinda moot anyways. But there is something that was not talked about.

The Post-Op factor

OK more than once I have seen some of the regular posters here say something to the effect of "To bad she is post-op now" And moreover anyone I have ever spoken to that has had Sexual Reasignment Surgery (SRS), and has been in the Adult entertainment industry, well Her income drops drasticly. I know that I could never make the money that the preops do just because I do not have the blingaling ding down there. I receive calls all the time from men who don't either bother to read the "Post-OP" title on my Eros ad or they just are not educated to the term. But when I tell them what it means.........they are bummed out and do not book? Gawd!
So do I see these men as gay? well first thought......would be YES, but the whole TG thing is so varied with titles and people that I could never you put a label on the guys that like us too? There is no way to label anyone, and I know that even the guys that are the largest Homophobes, still have some inkling of homosexual thoughts. It is simple human nature. wether one cops to it or not. Like I have said many times before. When I was working at this Adult Store/Showgirl place here in San Diego, the hottest videos and magazines were the ones with TSs (Shemales, GOD I hate that term) but I know that you men that vocalize your thoughts here are not alone. Many others in the privacy of an adult movie theater, or in other ways looks at these publications, and videos. Many of these guys will never venture out of their Vanilla physical world, but think about such things.

So where am I going with this? Hmmm not sure? But the Post-Op thing is kinda weird. I mean the straight guys don't usualy want women like myself because of my jaded past (not being a GG), and lots of trannie chasers don't want Post-Ops because we have had SRS. WOW! well I went off on a tangent I rekon, but I never heard anyone say anything about all this stuff. So there it is...........New thread?

Kylie x0x0x

-- Modified on 7/15/2004 10:21:52 AM

I've been pretty silent on this topic other than the occasional smart-ass remark.  Here's my take.

IMHO, Kylie and TS Star are absolutely right.  Weather or it its hottie super-feminine poorly hung tgirls or borderline cd's with huge cocks, there is something decidedly not completely "straight" about otherwise straight guys who chase trannies.  I've been with the whole gamut.  Sometimes I do like the well hung girls.  I generally find though, that a gorgeous passable face and sweet fem personality are most important.  And, I still love GG's even more.  Either way, I'll face facts: I am attracted, in some way, at some level (even if its just a little) to girls who have a penis.

As for post-ops, I never really considered seeing one until recently - and it was because I was in the mood for a GFE GG and the girl I was considering was amazingly passable and, as i knew from a prior pre-op experience, very hot.  I saw this as a desire to see a gg rather than an extension of my tgirl "hobby".

I've considered many times whether I was really bi.  I even tried to explore that side with hilariously unsuccessful results that confirmed I have zero interest in guys or cds.  For now, I know I'm not bi but I've yet to totally reconcile why an otherwise straight guy likes trannies.  Appropriate or not, I've now just gotten comfortable with the fact that I'm not sure why, and may never know.  But, who really cares if I'm otherwise stable in my mental state?

One thing I can share is that I do have this sorta fascination with tgirls.  I seem to be on this quest to find the ultimate passable transformed girl - its just so amazing how close some of the girls get.  Not unlike the fire in my belly around shooting a hole in one or sweepting my fantasy football.  I know that sorta objectifies tgirls but that's sorta how i feel.

-- Modified on 7/15/2004 10:41:50 AM

TS Star8096 reads

"Every time I try to leave, they pull me back in!!!"

Sailil, thank you!  You made me smile and made my day.  But how can you have a crush on me when you don't even know me or what I look like?  LOL  But I appriciate the thought!!!

Kylie, I think no matter if you are pre-op or post-op, both have their unique challenges.  Being a TS ain't for sissies.  lol  I think we all feel like we are trapped in a sort of "nowhere land".  Darned if you do have SRS, and darned if you don't.  I don't have an answer, but if anyone does, I'll bet you'll find it girl !!!  We just have to keep looking for that 1 in a billion guy.

For me, I am going to *try* to ween myself away from these boards for a bit.  I didn't like who I was in the last few posts.  I need to take some of my own advice and go to the beach, hang out with friends, do my yoga, go to some concerts, etc.  I'm not saying I won't be around, but as Buddha said, you learn more by listening than you do by speaking.


luvhetaerae6995 reads

I really do respect you ladies. You have it tough. I can not imagine how awful it would be growing up in a body that in most basic sense your mind is telling you is the wrong one. And when you realize this and try to correct it, costly in both money and pysche, you are pushed to the fringes of society becoming "demi-mondes" in the most literal meaning of the phrase.

To end this post on literary note (hey, I go to be true to my handle). Here is a poem I keep thinking about when I read this forum. This is for the ladies who post and those who lurk. You have my respect and admiration.

Rober Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

-- Modified on 7/15/2004 8:59:58 PM

What is a GG- girl-girl?  I try to keep up with the argot, but you all are always a head of me!

beeevis7729 reads

i'll bet you did not know that.

no human fetus starts out male. you can look it up :-)

anyway, sully, a gg is a "genetic girl" with xx chromosomes as opposed to a tg - "transsexual girl" with the good old xy.

the presence of the H-Y antigen in a "genetic" (y chromosome) male causes the production of testosterone and the development of the gomads into testicles instead of into ovaries (did you know that testicles and ovaries were basically the same thing?)

although a fetus may be genetically (xy) male, a variety of occurences may, and often do, cause changes in testosterone / estrogen levels which in turn seriously affect the development of the child. many genetic males who "choose" to be homosexual, bi-sexual, or trans-sexual are simply choosing to follow the instructions that their bodies are giving them.

you know, sully, you have annoyed the living shit out of me with some of your posts in the past but after reading you for a while on different boards, i have a feeling we would be friends in real life (if you could get past the fact that every ONCE in a while, i like to suck a .... oh, never mind :-)

Thanks guys-  I thought it might be , but I am not au fait with all ther lingo...

Many of my BEST friends like to suck cock!  But it does not appeal to ME.  No "hard" feelings tho'.  Just different habits for different nuns!

I do hope you boys who like boys or she-boys or he-girls or whatever non insulting terms are in favour right now will be safe as I still cry to think of all the good people we lost in my home city in the 80-90s!  But if you are safe, you can still have all the fun you want!  I say it as I say travel safe to all who brave the skies post 9/11, not as an insult.

Mark Bingham was a friend of my closest friends, and a hero to all of us.  How could I hate who he was?

One of the things which I think has been left out of the discussion(s) here is the context of this board. That is, we're talking about prostitution, not relationships. So, in the same way that there's a lot of "intersting" food that you'd go to some restuarant to eat, but wouldn't think of making it at home as part of your daily diet, there are lots of guys who want to pull a Lou Reed and ocassionally "walk on the wild side".

One of the complaints which I have heard over and over again from TS's is that while there are lots of guys who want to fuck them (or be fucked by them), they find it difficult to find guys who want to have serious relationships. Gay guys want guys for relationships, and straight guys want GFs (yeah, I know you guys use GG's, but " "grew up" using "Genetic Females").

As such, I think it's got to be tough for post ops, because if the "big thrill" for a guy is to every once in a while see a "girl with something extra", and you don't have the "something extra"...............  

What I will say I that I have known pre-ops who had more of "arrangements" (i.e. more mistress than PPV), who found it much easier transistioning to post-op life, since by the time they "lost it", their relationships with the men they were seeing were the reason the guys came back, not the dick. (Although I know of one who is in the postion of being a post-op who ends up wearing a strap-on in most of her sessions; a fact which I am always teasing her about. what she tells me is that she's better with a strap-on than any GF, because she knows what it's like to use "the real thing", so she's "more convincing", which has ended up being our private little joke every time the words "she's convincing" comes up, considering the context we're talking about here).

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