
Re: Yup. Think about the name he chose, really trying to prove something.
SuperLuv 26 Reviews 1536 reads

To answer your question, I enjoy educating dumb ass like you.

A sex change operation only change the sex of a person "anatomically" but NOT "biologically".  So for example if a man wants to become a woman, he would get the sex change operation.  After the operation, this man becomes a woman anatomically, but biologically s/he is still a man.  So what good is the sex change operation if biologically the person is still the same sex as before the operation?

Sex change is for those who feel that they are belong to the opposite gender, for example if a transgender women want to have her penis removed it's because she feel like she is women inside and she doesn't want a penis attached to her body, whether she is biologically male or female it's not up to people's opinion, it's what inside her brain.

We are all know we were born a man, we can't change 100% into women, but some of us want to have women part ( I don't, maybe not yet ), we want to look like women, act like women and as passable as we can, doesn't have to look like supermodel, just a women. Thats why we call them transgender/transexual.

If we could change biologically there would be no Transexual, it would be Man or Women.

Are you trying to have an opinion before your sex change?

-- Modified on 1/27/2015 8:22:39 PM

Just curious about the mindset behind transsexualism.  If I wanted a sex change, I would only do it if it can be done  BOTH anatomically AND biologically.  If the sex is changed anatomically but cannot be done biologically, is it really a true "sex change operation"?  Why not call it a "sex disguise operation" instead?

The world is already complicated why make it even more complicated, the politically correct word is "Sex Reassignment Surgery", what's important is, the person who have gone through that is happy and be herself.

LATSDog1778 reads

are u from Iowa?    Don't try to figure it out, just eat more corn :)!

I was so serious about this until i saw Dog's respond LOL

i wasted 2 minutes of my life lol

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 7:35:47 AM

I think that it comes down to how you define your life; simply in what exists physically and can be defined by science or on the emotional/spiritual/creative level. 120 years ago would you be saying that human beings cannot fly because we do not have wings? Who's to say what reality is? You? Doctors who write definitions? Or an individual with a sould and a mind? I favor the latter. Trans women are ALREADY women, regardless of their bodies

I am just quoting what science has shown; I'm just the messenger. It does you no good to attack the messenger. If you have problem with the facts, go attack the science, not the messenger.  A trans woman may be a woman in anatomy but "still a man" in biology.  You like to have sex with men disguised as women which is cool if it works for you.  So I am NOT criticizing about your preference.  I had plenty of gay friends while in college. You are being emotional, but science is factual. If you do an autopsy on a trans woman's body, everything beneath the skin or body shell will still show that it is a man. Don't take my word for it; you can go ask a doctor who is a medical examiner; he or she will tell you exactly what is being stated here.

Thank you for the message. I can stop worrying about an unwanted pregnancy now. What a relief.  

Posted By: ILoveToFuck
I am just quoting what science has shown; I'm just the messenger. It does you no good to attack the messenger. If you have problem with the facts, go attack the science, not the messenger.  A trans woman may be a woman in anatomy but "still a man" in biology.  You like to have sex with men disguised as women which is cool if it works for you.  So I am NOT criticizing about your preference.  I had plenty of gay friends while in college. You are being emotional, but science is factual. If you do an autopsy on a trans woman's body, everything beneath the skin or body shell will still show that it is a man. Don't take my word for it; you can go ask a doctor who is a medical examiner; he or she will tell you exactly what is being stated here.

You do not need to worry about getting pregnant. A man cannot get pregnant but a woman can.  You are a man, NOT a woman, so your getting pregnant will "never" happen. So you can relax and not worry about getting pregnant.

Posted By: TS Aleksandra
Thank you for the message. I can stop worrying about an unwanted pregnancy now. What a relief.  
Posted By: ILoveToFuck
I am just quoting what science has shown; I'm just the messenger. It does you no good to attack the messenger. If you have problem with the facts, go attack the science, not the messenger.  A trans woman may be a woman in anatomy but "still a man" in biology.  You like to have sex with men disguised as women which is cool if it works for you.  So I am NOT criticizing about your preference.  I had plenty of gay friends while in college. You are being emotional, but science is factual. If you do an autopsy on a trans woman's body, everything beneath the skin or body shell will still show that it is a man. Don't take my word for it; you can go ask a doctor who is a medical examiner; he or she will tell you exactly what is being stated here.

Of course a lobotomy would help. You should take your own advise.

Here is a different picture. I've been transitioning since i was about 16. Now I am 30 and I believe I'm fairly pretty though I've never focused in looking perfect but simply passable (because most genetic women arent flawless looking.)  
Because of my ongoing HRT (hormonal replace therapy) i fall under the transsexual category. However i was born with ambiguous genitalia. Unfortunately i was also born with a rather large phallus which IMO is aesthetically wrong. Luckily, I'm now finally awaiting for my SRS even though I do have extra complications because i'm not entirely male internally.  
I have had sex with men and couples for financial help but I definitely don't like sex with men nor i have I ever been attracted to them. To me genital surgery is a biological and emotional necessity and not based on a sexual attraction to a certain gender.  
Perhaps 'fully transitioning' is something much more profound than just liking sex with males. I personally don't understand why someone would try to transition into a woman and eventually stop half way... No offense meant to anyone.
I've also noticed that the prettiest transwomen i know of have never done escort and arent necessarily or uniquely attracted to men...  
Just something to think about ;

I think in your case, it is called "hermaphrodite" if I'm not mistaken. That is very different from what this thread is talking about.

... choose how you self identify and we'll let the other HUMAN BEINGS have that very same RIGHT.

-- Modified on 1/28/2015 12:49:33 PM

Just saying that if you are going to have a sex change, it would be nice to be able to change the biology to the opposite sex also, not just the anatomy. What is wrong with that ?  For example, if a man were to have a sex change, it makes no sense to become a woman in anatomy but still stay a man in biology. Shouldn't the biology be changed to that of a woman also ?  Shouldn't the biology match the anatomy?

LATSDog1644 reads

It sounds like you have it all figured out.  How cool would it be if we could take it a step further and people could transition into a body part???  Pretty cool idea if I do say so myself.    You could be my widdle cocoon that eventually becomes a butterfly that flies away.

The only difference here is you are going to be turned into a very hairy, stinky pussy with menstrual cramps.  From there,  you will transition into a used tampon and be flushed to sea.  

Wow, just think of the fascinating journey you will take flowing from the sewers of Le Roy, Iowa to the Gulf of Mexico.  

Sound good?  One day.......

Until then, I recommend maybe you go troll elsewhere.


-- Modified on 1/28/2015 8:00:13 PM

I can troll anywhere I want. I am an American, practicing my first amendment rights.  Science has shown that a person's sex cannot be changed, only disguised.  You can go to a medical library to confirm this. A "sex change operation" is technically, medically, biologically, scientifically and factually speaking a "sex disguise", NOT a "sex change".  You don't have to take my word for it; just go to the medical library and refute it if you can.

Tom8to1438 reads

and has nothing to do with your hate speech on a private website.  Now go pee in a cup, we need a hormone sample to see where you fit in the sexual spectrum today.

The term ignoramus fits you very nicely. You seem be uneducated on what the first amendment is.  My message is backed up by science, NOT hate speech. Your message seems to be backed up by ignorance and denials.

Tom8to1352 reads

Stop being so embarrassed.  Why don't we try to find someone willing to pop your cherry? You will feel a lot better. Until you lose that nasty attitude, you'll have to bottom only, but I think that's what you're gunning for anyway, isn't it?  Some serious bondage would be your style, eh darling? Ladies, do we have any volunteers (for a price, of course, and yes you can gag him).

Tom8to1582 reads

So why is he hanging out on this page, I wonder?  Just us chickens............

-- Modified on 1/29/2015 7:14:24 PM

ILoveToFuck1497 reads

No need to pardon; indiscretion is part of your nature, no ?

Okay, so you are into gay sex. You did not need a video to express your desire for a cock instead of a pussy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with letting people know you are a cock lover.  I tell people that I am a pussy lover; I did not need a video to do that.

I have a nasty attitude?  LOL.  If a nasty attitude is defined as someone who pays attention to facts, then so be it.  You do not pay attention to facts so that must make you a good attitude, or should we say an attitude of denial.

Tom8to1489 reads

TS sex is really exciting, as you obviously realize. What porn sites got you so interested? Or do you just jerk off to the ads? Whatever, its ok, no one will judge you as harshly as you currently are judging yourself.  :-)

Dear LTF,

After having read this thread and the rather strong reactions it has garnered, I am curious.

You portend to be educated and intelligent, and granted - you write reasonably well - I say *reasonably* but, to be honest, not well...  
However, your tone and style of discourse carries a note of two things: both simplicity, and a biased pointedness that clearly belies your underlying desire to draw others into a personal issue that YOU obviously seem to have, yet - you have not once yet *specifically* stated a **clear **reason** for your "sharing", on a Transsexual Discussions Board, in a worldwide Erotic reviews forum.

Since your initial questions, you continued with each response to devolve further and further into rhetorical tones and adolescent style insult, as if you feel compelled to "preach", yet respond with nothing more substantive than rude coarseness and further vulgarity, as opposed to teach or genuinely inquire to seek truths for yourself or others...  

Remember, you are talking on a **Transsexual** discussion board, where lots of women like myself also will see and respond, as well as many of our male friends and seekers.... knowing this, you decided just out of the clear blue, on what, a whim? to just "educate" the entire forum?, even though you are doing so from what clearly seems a total outsiders' point of view.... interesting, but not nearly as transparent as you -wish- it to seem.

Actually, it's quite insulting that you somehow believed that you could just come on here, presume stupidity on the part of the forum members - both men, genetic women, and TS women alike, and "disguise" your intentions in asking/sharing what becomes obviously and pointedly rhetorical in your responses, as it goes along.

Really rather pathetic, and also extremely pedantic as well, like a small child that just found something in the world that he personally doesn't like, thinks he knows everything about it based on that singularly personal perspective, science or emotion regardless, and decides to try to change the world's view and beliefs, yet without real genuine forethought, obviously very little true kindness, nor genuinely compassionate consideration of others, in so doing.  

Really quite nasty, to be honest.

So - Just say it plain out - if you have the courage, honesty, or decency that on one hand you wish to project the image of,  but yet on the other,  is actually about as backhanded and slimy in indirectness and misdirection as it gets.

If you had the courage, for one day of your life, to walk the within the shoes of a single one of any TS women like myself here, that would be different,  but my thought is that you either wish to transition yourself, and are grasping for "devil's advocate" style rebuttals for your own internal struggle (most unlikely, but at least remotely possible),  or,  you are in fact, deeply opposed to any part of the process,  either medically,  socially,  theologically,  or sociologically,  that would ever validate the equal existence of a woman like myself in the same society as yourself, for instance,  and this is YOUR very thinly veiled way of trying to either  A.) save us from ourselves or  B.) save gentlemen seekers from us and themselves, because of deeply held beliefs in total opposition to the existence of Transsexual people in the world, in general.  

Please clearly and kindly state your point, or respectfully piss off of this track, because you are in the wrong place to presume that everyone here, will fall for the kinds of games, you are obviously attempting to play.

Either have the courage to be honest here and state your intention, as well as your point and your own personal needs in so doing this, or....

...get the f*** out of my house, and stop behaving like a diabetic priest on a strict belief-based diet in a candy store where, everything is free for the taking, but he cannot allow himself to have one single piece, and yet backlashes his own beliefs and frustrations back onto the store keepers and fellow customers for both creating the store to begin with, or for even shopping there in the first place as well.  

Your honest response required, or end this garbage and preach elsewhere,

Most kindly and respectfully,



-- Modified on 1/29/2015 9:28:49 PM

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