
Re: yes eom
crutsinger 13 Reviews 499 reads

Yes, I'd move on.

hobbyists, would you stop seeing your ATF if she went post op?

That's a goal I'd love to achieve one day.  So, big congrats..!

That's a goal I'd love to achieve one day.  So, big congrats..!  
-- Modified on 5/10/2016 11:22:12 PM

Posted By: sasha2cute
That's a goal I'd love to achieve one day.  So, big congrats..!  
-- Modified on 5/10/2016 11:22:12 PM

E.T.A.Hoffmann579 reads

If she were my all time favorite, that means we would have had developed a relationship.  And, if a relationship had developed, we would have fun with whatever she had, however we could.  I would most definitely continue to see her if she were to have the full SRS.

I saw a post-op girl once.  However, I had never seen her before.  She advertised as a post-op, and I decided to see her based on that and the fact that she was really hot.  The session went fine.

Also, one time I saw a girl who was on her "final tour before the big surgery."  We had a great time.  She was quite excited about the surgery, talked a lot about it.  I told her I would be interested in seeing her again after the surgery.  Well, when that tour was over, her ads/website went down and her TER profile was removed.  But, she did reappear later on as a post-op in one review: a review of a doubles session with another girl.  As far as I can remember, she never had ads/website or a TER profile as a post-op.

Oh, one more thing.  Sasha, Congratulations!!!

I agree.  There is a gal in the Valley in LA.  Seen her both ways, best sex ever.  If you didn't know you would have no clue.

Posted By: E.T.A.Hoffmann
If she were my all time favorite, that means we would have had developed a relationship.  And, if a relationship had developed, we would have fun with whatever she had, however we could.  I would most definitely continue to see her if she were to have the full SRS.  
 I saw a post-op girl once.  However, I had never seen her before.  She advertised as a post-op, and I decided to see her based on that and the fact that she was really hot.  The session went fine.  
 Also, one time I saw a girl who was on her "final tour before the big surgery."  We had a great time.  She was quite excited about the surgery, talked a lot about it.  I told her I would be interested in seeing her again after the surgery.  Well, when that tour was over, her ads/website went down and her TER profile was removed.  But, she did reappear later on as a post-op in one review: a review of a doubles session with another girl.  As far as I can remember, she never had ads/website or a TER profile as a post-op.  
 Oh, one more thing.  Sasha, Congratulations!!!

So I've only seen one post-op, and only saw her once. Her surgery is very convincing but has left her with one major issue: she can no longer do anal. There is a risk that anal penetration will damage her vaginal wall.  I rarely see gg providers advertise third input is available. Part of my interest in TG ladies is that anal play is on the menu. If it's not on the menu, I probably wouldn't be interested unless the provider was super intelligent and unique in terms of look and personality. Sasha - If you enjoy the butt sex, I'd make sure you research how often this SRS result occurs.

Yes.  Why else would I be seeing a TG escort ?  If she was my girlfriend that might be different

... there's no in between.
What do you do when you wake up in the morning ---  
flip a coin?
Heads it's hairpie; tails -- balls across the nose !


either SUCK DICK
you do NOT

... a dream of a new gender of women, superior to genetic girls, open flaunting their shemale status, wearing clothing and underwear designed to flatter their bulges top, backside and crotch, bought from a new avant guard boutique store, Shemale Chic!  Slogan: "It's a new world ... if you've got it, show it babe!" also selling T-shirts saying "Telling me to tuck it?  Tuck you!"  It's now in all upscale shopping malls....  I have a dream today!!

OK, OK forget about my dream for the moment.  Let's look at the entire market.  Based on the number of trannie ads that feature cock size, the proportion stating big dick vs. small dick is basically 100% big to 0% small.  In fact those that have average to smaller sizes hardly mention size stats at all.  Furthermore we've all noticed that the market seems to want more descriptive information --- cock stats are not unidimensional, that is, simply stating length.  No, everyone has seen stats such as 9" x 5", "big girth" circumcised, etc. and some mates have even gone further in reviews stating important features such as the "head was big and bulbous" or "fat at the base" or "smooth and hard".

So I ask.  Given the assessment of trannies in the market (whose income is dependent on knowing what attracts customers) that big is better for making $$$, why would anyone think that cutting off such an effective selling tool :-) would not result in a decline in customers?

In agreement with the majority here, I'd stop and find another. That's what makes you ladies unique and desirable (and fun!).

Taylor, hope you're not in a rush 'cause you're on my short list!

It's a pretty big financial goal.  I'm focusing on my schooling at the moment.  Will be a long while.

And I would find a new pre-op ATF.  Variety is the spice of life!

topthis424 reads


Interesting question here as I think the unique nature of transgender women, combining the femininity of women, with the biology of men is the primary attraction for us hobbyists.  You ladies are like sexual unicorns and I do mean that in a positive way, so sorry if that sounds crass or disrespectful.  I know that your sexuality is only part of who you are and that there is much more to you, just like there is for anyone else.  My post here is in the spirit of trying to further understand, so please know that if I offend, it is not intentional.

The challenge here is that our initial introduction to you is sexual in nature.  I think for us, we see you as these unique people who exist in somewhat of a different place on the spectrum of gender.  We find this interesting, even if we do not fully understand it.  For clarity, I don't think anyone who has not gone through what you have can truly understand.  As a society we are just now coming to terms with issues related to gender and on a more individual level, I think it's more difficult to understand gender issues than sexual attraction.  Gay is easier to get your mind around than being born in the wrong body.

I think to us, going post-op is like a unicorn telling you "I'm gonna cut off my horn".  We hear that and wonder "Holy shit, why would you want to do that?  Then you will just be another horse!"  However, to you women, that just means that you will be more in line with what you feel you really are.  You just want to be a be a beautiful horse and we are thinking "but you're a unicorn - why would you give that up?"

The other part of this that I don't think many of us guys understand what you might go through in terms of hormone therapy.  If your penis is not functional, I imagine that you may not be very concerned about keeping it, while us guys are looking at removing it as similar to having your leg cut off.

An honest and serious question related to your original question - if you cannot achieve an erection, can your sexual partners provide you with an orgasm?  For me, being sexual with a person is a two way street - it's very important to me to be able to make my partner feel good.  I think I would choose a post-op woman who I could make feel good vs. a pre-op woman who is frustrated.  

I don't know if this really answers your original question, but hopefully it provides some perspective.

I'm not into the club scene so encounter very few transgender women in my day-to-day life.  There is little opportunity for me to meet and get to know them.  That is why I must resort to providers for such experiences.

Although I enjoy GGs nearly as much as transgender women, I encounter enough in my day-to-day life that I rarely have to resort to seeing providers.

I once saw a transsexual women who suckered me into also seeing her friend, who had gone through SRS.  Although her "vagina" looked real, it neither performed like nor felt like one.  Real vaginas aren't just a passive orifice.  They have muscles that contract and expand, a unique scent/taste, secrete various fluids and are much more sensitive than a penis with many more nerve endings.  When excited they get juicy, squeeze, quiver and sometimes even squirt. It is a very visceral, interactive experience that simple visual aesthetics and utility can't mimic.

... is my advice to trannies considering SRS.  Do the hormones as needed and the breast & butt enhancements but keep the unique attribute that makes TSs the special people they are!

By the way mate, thanks for the information on man made vaginas

Posted By: sasha2cute
hobbyists, would you stop seeing your ATF if she went post op?
I think if we've seen each other enough times to call you my ATF then yeah I'd keep seeing you.  At the risk of sounding crude, post-ops are a different experience but can be just as much fun.  But like I said if we had gotten to know each other a little then I'd support you.

In truth, I've seen many post-ops leave the hobby after their transition is completed....

LATSDog500 reads

I myself would stop seeing that provider too.  With that being said, you have to respect the individuals decision to go all the way.  They did not get into the escort business to make it a life long career.  From my experience, most are escorting to finalize what they have been wanting all their life, a complete and final transition to a female.  While I've seen many providers advertise as their "final tour" before the surgery, I have seen very few advertise after as a post op TS provider.  
Most of the comments above support the fact that once post op, there is little to almost no interest in seeing the provider again.  

Considering that the large majority of clients visiting TS providers are supposedly married, I would expect that the return rate for them once the provider goes post op is minimal.  They can get the standard vagina sex at home, once a month on a Saturday morning if they are good boys :).  Selfish it may be, its reality.  

Also, and only an assumption on my part, I think the reason providers go poof after having SRS is because they have an exit plan.  AKA - another career is waiting for them that does not involve escorting.

Just my two cents.  Laters..

Oh I agree.  I was inartfully expressing my surprise that sasha would want to stay in the hobby after her transition.

But my original point was more of support as well.  doing the final step can be anxiety-driven.  They don't all turn out like Danielle Foxx's did.  And think about how Sasha feels when she reads that 90% of this thread says that they'd drop her like a bad habit once the member is gone.

I may be in the minority here, but visiting a TS is a more than the member.  But I'm a top-only kind of guy...

Dayum!   Is it really that bad?

In recent years, I've been hearing this or similar statements alot about married life, and beginning to wonder if it's actually true.

Just commenting here.

The fantastic lady's I've met that went for SRS all quit escorting too as far as I knew, but even if they had continued, my deal I think would have not been the same, and I most likely would not have seen them again. With the exception of one or two who I had some great dates with.

LATSDog424 reads

I had sex w/ a post op once but did not know it until I was in the act itself in Amsterdam.  I'm not sure if all man made vaginas are the same, and I'd assume not.  Probably depends on the surgeon.   Hers was more of a cavity vs. a cock gripping biological vagina :)

Dfusethesituation492 reads

I have seen 4 girls that have rocked.  I'm not a bottom, nor do I perform fellatio, I'm mainly there for the physique, boobs etc.  Appearance wise, I love all of their bodies, and I am a huge fan of Greek.  I am very interested in having a session with a post-op, just haven't had the opportunity to.

If it were a girl I was seeing at a play party situation or in other non transactional situation, definitely.  If it were with a provider, depends on who it is.  I know that with one provider, the connection was so strong that it would be a no biggie.  What we did together went far beyond any parts or acts.  But with others who preceded her as ATFs, the situation would be different.  I'm just not sure.  It would depend on who it was, how the connection felt, and how we clicked after.  

Posted By: sasha2cute
hobbyists, would you stop seeing your ATF if she went post op?

TSSiren69441 reads

Con grats girlie, if that is what you truly without a doubt there comes a moment n a lot of girls lives where its simply time for a *Change* another great topic to bring up. We have two options though 1. being join the female crew and stick to a "don't ask, don't tell" policy or 2. still be out and about as a " Post Op T-girl" both come with strong pros and cons.  

On one side you can blend in and "pass" going through life (and entertaining) undetected which comes with a conscious feeling of being deceptive or you can be who you are honestly and more than likely be shunned for it (especially when entertaining this lifestyle)which can wear on your heart as well. Where are all the Top Men and gentlemen who actually still love women as they are.

regardless if they are full post op, castrated or pre op?

-- Modified on 5/25/2016 8:40:54 PM

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