
Re: this or that?
alan327 1959 reads

I am like many. Not into guys but once seen pictures and movies of TV' transsexuals Shemales with nice body's, cocks I went hot for thinking I would like to be with one so I tried it a few times but did not do my home work the first few times and got turned off until later on when got with a great gal so if you are wanting to satisfy your curiosity then get with a top notch gal.  
I think from what I hear that most guys love the tranny scene to admire and not necessarily be with one always. I feel it does not make a guy BI or Gay as I am not no matter what anyone thinks or tells me. Just my spin on this all!

Chicag0Dude3489 reads

I'm asking this because I'm confused as hell right now. I felt like I've always been attracted to women, then I got into transsexual porn about a year ago and now I was thinking about meeting one [if I find one here].  

That confused me because well.... the whole penis thing. How can I be turned on and want to have sex with a transsexual if I'm straight?

Maybe you guys can clear it up for me. Thanks.

likests2446 reads

Yo Dude,
I am with you on your concerns. I am sexually attracted to hot, sexy women. I am not sexually attracted to men, but I am very turned on by sexy, feminine ts girls. The cock thing is intriguing. It's confusing to me too. I would guess that most guys on here are straight. I am not attracted to masculine looking ts girls. I don't know if that helps, but you aren't alone in your confusion/attraction. I am trying to decide if I am going to see a ts.

Posted By: Chicag0Dude
I'm asking this because I'm confused as hell right now. I felt like I've always been attracted to women, then I got into transsexual porn about a year ago and now I was thinking about meeting one [if I find one here].  
 That confused me because well.... the whole penis thing. How can I be turned on and want to have sex with a transsexual if I'm straight?  
 Maybe you guys can clear it up for me. Thanks.

newbie_tgirl_admirer2831 reads

Does it really have to be one or the other? Why get all caught up in labels? I don't view sexuality as a multiple choice questionnaire where you have to fit into only one specific box. If you break out of that mentality, it should help open you to explore and find what you like and what you dislike. And some things you may only like with some partners and don't like it as much with others. Ultimately, don't judge others and label them based on their genitals and put a ceiling on what's possible between you and her based just on that. And don't assume anything about where she's or where she's going. And don't assume that the attitudes that one individual holds is going to be the same as others you meet.

Obviously when you're "shopping" for a provider, the genitals question is one important piece of the equation, but in interacting with people (on phone, in person, in the midst of a passionate scene), be open to possibilities, and go with what feels right. If you're paying a provider for her time and what you thought you want doesn't feel right in the moment, she may give you some encouragement to get past your hesitation, but she's not going to force you into anything you're not comfortable with if you're respectful about it and don't try to stiff her on the fees you committed to when you reserved her time.  

Some girls are going to be happier with the session if you ignore her "penis" (and some prefer you do not refer to it as her "penis"). Communicate. Ask what she prefers. Some girls are going to be willing to talk to you to engage in conversation about their history, as long as you are respectful of them (treat her like a unique and beautiful person, not an object of curiosity) and sensitive to the life journey that brought her to where she is today. Don't assume. Listen. Learn.

alan3271960 reads

I am like many. Not into guys but once seen pictures and movies of TV' transsexuals Shemales with nice body's, cocks I went hot for thinking I would like to be with one so I tried it a few times but did not do my home work the first few times and got turned off until later on when got with a great gal so if you are wanting to satisfy your curiosity then get with a top notch gal.  
I think from what I hear that most guys love the tranny scene to admire and not necessarily be with one always. I feel it does not make a guy BI or Gay as I am not no matter what anyone thinks or tells me. Just my spin on this all!

That's exactly what happened to me, saw some TS porn on the internet, then hemmed and hawwed around about worrying about being gay, etc, etc. Think it took me a couple of years before I finally got up the nerve to make the plunge.  

Still not into guys at all, but a hot TS who knows how to, and more importantly, willing to provide a GFE is a wonderful thing.

but asnlvr's response forces me to. I think he/she watches too much 700 Club. I have been with a guy, hated it, for no other reason that it didn't feel right (I even had trouble getting hard). I'm married and have dalliances on the side with TS girls.

I don't believe you are gay. I know I'm not. Only you can make the determination. There is nothing wrong with exploring.


Posted By: Chicag0Dude
I'm asking this because I'm confused as hell right now. I felt like I've always been attracted to women, then I got into transsexual porn about a year ago and now I was thinking about meeting one [if I find one here].  
 That confused me because well.... the whole penis thing. How can I be turned on and want to have sex with a transsexual if I'm straight?  
 Maybe you guys can clear it up for me. Thanks.

likests2330 reads

I think asnlvr makes it too simplistic. I think the cock with the hot female just makes it more titilating, exciting, intriguing, whatever word you want to use. I am attracted to women, not dudes, so I'm not "a full blown queer." Haha.

FWVEVC1913 reads

I have been really struggling because i am only attracted to women but I find the hot ts irresistable. What steps can I take to deter myself from going down a road that I dont want to travel?

Posted By: likests
I think asnlvr makes it too simplistic. I think the cock with the hot female just makes it more titilating, exciting, intriguing, whatever word you want to use. I am attracted to women, not dudes, so I'm not "a full blown queer." Haha.

Blackwulf2304 reads

Well, I know I am, my cock is never "confused" (LOL). Anyway: Problem Solved. You are "Straight".  Watch this video "The Eroticization of Male to Female transsexuals by straight men" to learn the theories in relation to the concepts. Nina explains the "3rd Woman" concept (as in the TS to the straight male represents merely another type/kind/category of "woman") and other related theories. Although I personally do not agree 100% with what she says (I have training in the subject matter, so I have a higher threshold for detail is all I mean here), it is close enough to the mark to be useful for the uninitiated. The main danger of this type of lecture is that it can inspire false confidence to the public that they now "know" the "T". That is the same as the old saw about how "knowing" a little bit of Karate will end up with getting an ass-kicking (For example, check out some of the chicks in the class paying so much eager attention. Most of the guys here I would easily say would NOT be attracted to these sloppy females who take their sex for granted!. Can you see these types using this knowledge as a weapon against a Man?. Something to keep in mind in case you are ever confronted. I have used this in reverse on occasion. We have all seen beautiful girls who squander their potential with low self-esteem, go out of their way to "ugly" themselves up, where most of our TS go the opposite way to make themselves as beautiful as possible. Yeah, never said this stuff is easy). Keep this stuff in perspective. IMV the straight guys that are a bit overfond of being a bottom may have to do a bit more work on self-evaluation than the rest. Seems that I have to repost this every few months when this subject comes up by knuckleheaded newbs again and again... :-/
Here is the link

Hi there :)

after reading this post, i found the desire to respond to it just too great to resist, and from "This side" point of view, i also think i can be of some help here... so, here goes....  

in all my years in erotic arts & companionships, i have only known 1 or 2 men that even considered themself "bi", much less identified as gay, that have ever expressed any interest whatsoever in girls like us, and even then, i was more inclined to decline them, than accept the invitations... from my point of view, i would generally wish *not* to connect with any man that intimately connects wth other men, for a variety of reasons....

if you think about it, what you are asking about - it's really not all that surprising in some ways... gay men, really only have any interest at all, in other men, and simply no attraction to females, generally at all...    

...and, as any *real* TS woman usually actually identifies as female, in both our internal sense of of our own gender, and so therefore even more so especially in outward expression and appearance, there simply is not any connection on that level at all, for gay fellows....  

so.... to help you understand and define things more clearly, i can offer this - - in the rest of the "TG (transgender)" realm.... for example - **drag performers** are most often gay men, some TS, and also some hetero men that like to protray for a variety of reasons including crossdressing fetishism, but once the dress and wig comes "off at the end of the day", they still KNOW they are, in fact,  male,  and have no driving internal "displacement" of gender whatsoever that real TS people do, that would ever - not ever - motivate them to "transition" in gender, legally, socially, medically, permanently, and irreversibly... and unfortunately TS people are often subject to this kind of stereotype for example, as a predominant negative, and overly "flambouyant" societal perception...  

TS people are the only segment of the entire human population that have ever known such an experience of complete primal core gender sefl perception, that is differing from our biology somehow, ...and NO others should usually be included in this category, especially gay male drag performers, effeminate gay or hetero men, hetero crossdressers, etc... As neither their legal, medical, legislative, or social needs, will *ever* be the same as ours, love...

...and, as i was personally NEVER a gay male, and i knew my gender with full, searing clarity of first conscious awareness at age 4, and have also always been attracted to other females as well, i tend to be pretty far from any of the typical stereotypical boxes as it gets...

as well, i have never believed in the "i was born in the wrong body" statement.... and i do not curse my very unique existence as such...

many people often confuse sexual  'orientation'  with gender... the two are yes - deeply connected, but utterly *not* the same...  sexual 'orientation' is who and what we are NATURALLY attracted to,  just as gay or lesbian people could no more have made a "lifestyle choice",  as to who, or what, that are attracted to,  and the same goes for TS people and our internal sense of GENDER, as a human being, first and foremost, and usually a long, long, time before "orientation" is ever even a consideration...

in most ancient cultures (pre-western judeo-christian) sociology, women like us had already existed before likely written records were even kept...  

conservatively critical and often demagoguing biases in modern theological tenets, lead people to believe we not even be allowed to exist even remotely as equal humans, and that we are some sort of "modern" advent, due to technology and societal degradation and, of course, the "end of the world" ... and so forth.... fun stuff, i have to say... NOT

in native american societies, we were called a variety of names, such as "winkte" meaning essentially "two-spirit" people, often given shamanic social standing, and even considered a great ill to allow harm to befall someone of our kind...  in ancient Hindi/Hindu society, we were the "Hijras", with respectful places in social culture, and even today in some areas there, it's considered the best of luck to have a transsexual present at one's heterosexual marriage...  

there are many examples, and it's quite sad we have been placed now at the very bottom rung of the social ladders of most modern societies, and are more often than not, simply hated, feared, and/or completely mispercieved in many, many ways...

my experience is that there is a VERY large segment of the ONLY hetero male population, that is either attracted to, or erotically curious about women like us... most will never share that publicly with anyone else of course, and i also believe there are very ancient primal roots to some of that....  

it is a very powerful image - am attractive woman, extremely feminine, yet still posessing the prime symbol of male virility and eroticism, combined, with an innate or inherent deep sense of the naturally feminine.... it's just rings bells all over the place for many many men, love.... so not to worry - you are completely *not* alone in your thinking...  :)

...just do a little homework if you decide to try to find a good companion, as Amongst those that call themselves TS, there are also unfortunately a lot of fakes, CD guys in wigs, and ripoffs, or worse, or many that are often extremely rude, or totally "transactional", and only more interested in "turning numbers", so to speak.... and often, someone like yourself clearly does not know where to start looking for legitimate erotic companions, or who and how to trust, love...  this board and others like it, can at least be a good place to start....

Hope this helps, and as always,

Safe Travels &....




...Thank you, Rachel...  : )  

...Truly appreciated...    ,)




For me it is not about being straight or gay, but open to greater sexual possibilities. I am not attracted to men, but ever since a female massaged my ass with her finger while giving me head I quickly graduated to anal sex with dildos and now to TS women.  I still enjoy sex as a top trying go give pleasure, but it is also an incredible feeling to be  a bottom and receive pleasure.  I think if you enjoy or find TS women attractive your just mentally liberated from traditional sex roles and are closer to fully reaching your sexual potential.  

Posted By: Chicag0Dude
I'm asking this because I'm confused as hell right now. I felt like I've always been attracted to women, then I got into transsexual porn about a year ago and now I was thinking about meeting one [if I find one here].  
 That confused me because well.... the whole penis thing. How can I be turned on and want to have sex with a transsexual if I'm straight?  
 Maybe you guys can clear it up for me. Thanks.

Blackwulf1811 reads

Defining acceptance of "bottoming" as "Open to greater sexual possibilities" may be "philosophically correct" for YOU, but just keep a small space in your worldview that those, as you NOW (since you have found yourself "past" this) disparagingly refer to others as somehow "feeble" individuals who are limited to "still enjoy sex as a top trying go give pleasure" , "trying" being the operative word in this case. It is an unknown percentage issue, but I submit that there are many who have no desire to be a "sub" by any means whatsoever, and at least count myself as one of possibly many, maybe it is an "Old Skool" thing, who knows, but I feel someone must stand up for the side, so I take the risk of being abused for doing it. I love my TS as total women and treat them as such (despite a certain dweller here that finds pleasure in attacking me...Brunette "Goddess" that hates me for being a fancier of blondes, she knows who she is and also knows her attacks are illegitimate. Being a Gentleman, I refuse to respond, but this is not to say I am not angry about it).  

OK, So Brickbats ensue...

Posted By: pedroryangooden
For me it is not about being straight or gay, but open to greater sexual possibilities. I am not attracted to men, but ever since a female massaged my ass with her finger while giving me head I quickly graduated to anal sex with dildos and now to TS women.  I still enjoy sex as a top trying go give pleasure, but it is also an incredible feeling to be  a bottom and receive pleasure.  I think if you enjoy or find TS women attractive your just mentally liberated from traditional sex roles and are closer to fully reaching your sexual potential.  
Posted By: Chicag0Dude
I'm asking this because I'm confused as hell right now. I felt like I've always been attracted to women, then I got into transsexual porn about a year ago and now I was thinking about meeting one [if I find one here].    
  That confused me because well.... the whole penis thing. How can I be turned on and want to have sex with a transsexual if I'm straight?  
  Maybe you guys can clear it up for me. Thanks.

I was once told (by a TS) that if you are a man and take it up the ass or suck cock, you're gay.  Well, at that point in my life I wasn't taking it up the ass and I wasn't sucking cock, so that answer satisfied me.  Now, years later I find that I am taking it up the ass with a gurl that I have been with for several years and I love it.  Part of the reason I love it is because of the relationship we have outside of the bedroom but I absolutely love the pure pleasure I get when she is inside of me.

So am I gay?  Quite honestly, I don't know and I don't give a shit.  I just know how I feel when that beautiful and sexy woman is inside me.  

Bottom line: to each his own and live and let live.


Posted By: pedroryangooden
"For me it is not about being straight or gay, but open to greater sexual possibilities. I am not attracted to men, but ever since a female massaged my ass with her finger while giving me head I quickly graduated to anal sex with dildos and now to TS women.  I still enjoy sex as a top trying go give pleasure, but it is also an incredible feeling to be  a bottom and receive pleasure.  I think if you enjoy or find TS women attractive your just mentally liberated from traditional sex roles and are closer to fully reaching your sexual potential. "

So.... trying to make some sense here.... and please - to the BlackWulf :)    ...i also just wished to make sure i can clarify that the  "Brunette Goddess"  that you referred to, was not, in fact, myself...  i like your intellect... and dry, wry, insights... a good deal, i might add... not only that, but i LOVED the fact that you pointed out that:    "that there are many who have no desire to be a "sub"   by any means whatsoever, and at least count myself as one of possibly many..."

i honestly have had to deal with exactly that issue, especially inquiries from newcomers, 1st timers, or those with limited or negative experiences of coming across more aggressive companions that ONLY wish to "top" men, and and be very dominant in that sense.... this would include i think a good many of the CD's and fakes or gay men passing themself off as a TS for profit motive in erotic arts... and i say that from many personal & relaxed conversations with many men, about their prior experiences...

Im also glad you elucidated that point for these reasons as well:  

it's clearly a stereotype, and even sometimes a fear in the minds of men i've spoken with that dont know better, or have had that kind of experience...  

i can't even count the number of times ive been asked, or told things like :  "you're not into aggressive, are you ?"  or,   "i was hoping you weren't the kind of girl that just wants to "do" a man",  or,  "i'm really not into pain",  ...followed by an audible sigh of relief when i say that i'm not into "pain"  either.. and so forth....  

that dosen't mean i don't hold high esteem for those that are truly versatile (& i have been, but only with the right chemistry with someone) ...but that's the exception for me, and not the rule)  or practiced dommes of exceptional versatile talent and study  ( Rachel being a perfect example ) ....but for myself, as a truly feminine girly-girl of a non-flambouyant woman,  that loves truly gentle  (and sometimes wild)  play,  very traditional romance roles and such, and i've never been the hardcore type...  that being said -  just the fact that you (WULF) stated :  "I love my TS as total women and treat them as such",  says all i need to know about you.... my kinda guy, to be quite frank  :-D

so.. i felt as though Wulf needed not have to stand on any "side".  There are so many aspects, (or "sides" to this equation),  and also because your insights for yourself are entirely yours, not subject to anyone being able to take, nor invalidate them...  

You have no need to stand up in this instance for who you are within yourself... just being that which, you already are, is good enough, and in no need of defending, i might argue (or compliment.. :)...  

That said, i took an entirely different perspective from what Pedroryangooden was trying to share... and i think the operative word in his opinion was simply the word  "also"...

... in his statement :  " I still enjoy sex as a top trying go give pleasure, but it is *also* an incredible feeling to be  a bottom and receive pleasure. "  

...the key word here being simply  "also" .  That implies to me in this instance that it was more a matter of personal sharing of individual experience,  not subjectively applying it to all others...  
in using the word  "also"  to connect the two points, it's an admission of self-experience but not stated of what should be applied to all others...  

..and... the thought he expressed :  "I think if you enjoy or find TS women attractive your just mentally liberated from traditional sex roles and are closer to fully reaching your sexual potential. "   ..was very insightful, & open to others as well, because of the use of the word  "just" in this sense, but it was  **not**  harshly thrown at others, & seemed to me opinion of personal perspective... and also because it nails right on the head, a couple of things...  

one - he has already identified himself as  "not attracted to men",  and identifies TS women as "women", just as you do, and is truly appropriate from  "our"  point of view, as TS women...  

...not only that, i also agree, & add my own view on this "aspect",  that the men, women, both, in the world that love, respect, understand, seek, enjoy, or appreciate the intimate company of women like ourselves,  have,  in fact,  become more liberated from  "traditional"  sex roles, and i tend to feel it  *does*  expand at least the possibilities,  if not the  "potential",  at very least...  

So...of course it does :-D  ...we are literally the "third sex", and sexually represent "all possibilities in one being",  kind of situation,  which clearly lends itself to being one, or both gender roles, plus even more,  and,  all at once....  :-D

He said:  " For me it is not about being straight or gay, but open to greater sexual possibilities. "    ...i would have to agree very strongly with this as well.... i took that as a general statement of truth where connecting with TS women is concerned, not a pointed judgement of anyone else, as above...  

The opening term:  "FOR ME,..." is not subjectively attacking, classifying, or degrading to anyone elses' point of view, i feel it was just the opposite... it is sharing his own personal experience without judgement of anothers', i believe...

I think everyone has valid perspectives as all are different, and to the newcomers.... most TS women just wish to be treated with kindness and respect.... most are not to be feared no matter what societal stereotypes you may have heard or learned...(i've seen more big strong strapping fellows, that could easily crush my little frame, them shaking with nervousness, til' the first warm hug, a gentle, proper, old-fashioned kiss on the cheek, & some genuine down to earth conversation which burns those fears and stereotypes to the ground in a short while after meeting).... but, that's just me.... :)  

..if you have an attraction or fascination, then find a good TS companion, make sure it's a good fit for YOU before you take the plunge, be respectful of yourself, and make sure that you find someone equally willing to be respectful of you.

As far as i know, it will ***Not Ever*** change your "sexual orientation",  but it **will** expand your "sexual possbilities" if you wish it to...

...and..."Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they're yours".... Richard Bach ~ "Illusions"





-- Modified on 5/2/2013 11:39:48 PM

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