
Re: serious question?
kaylakayla See my TER Reviews 989 reads

Interesting 🤔🤔🤔

Just curious to know why some men prefer any race ts  over a black ts  ??? Just curious

Everyone has a preference, i know white guys who only date asians, black guys who don't date black girls, its an acquired taste, just like TS.

Interesting 🤔🤔🤔

Can't quite explain it, but there's something really hot about letting a black tgirl have her way with you!

Honestly, yes. I find many black girls very attractive however I now have a rule against seeing black girls which is a result of the terrible experiences I've had with EVERY black girl I've seen. Before I get called a racist and a bigot and blah blah blah, let me explain.

When I first started seeing tgirls I went to a lot of girls (I still do. LOL). I would see black girls, white girls, latinas, asians, and anyone else if I thought they were hot. I saw quite a few black girls in those early years and I started to notice a trend with black girls, and with EVERY black girl I saw. The trend is a combination of misrepresentation, dishonesty, and bad service. I'll explain each one in order so you understand what I mean...

Misrepresentation is simple to understand. The only times I've been victim of the old bait and switch have been with black girls. The ads aren't always of black girls, but those who answer the door invariably have been. This has happened numerous times, always with black girls.

Dishonesty is also easy to understand. I've seen 3 girls who had reviews (good reviews) and when I got to the door, were not the girl in the review. Instead, the girl who had been reviewed had given her phone to her friend so she could get some clients. All 3 were black girls in both the reviews and at the door.

Bad service is also easy to understand. This can range from there being other girls in the room, to a list of nos, to bad hygeine, or a bad atittude. Again, EVERY time I've been with a black girl there has been one or more of those red flags.  

One last huge factor for me against seeing black girls is going into black neighborhoods to do it. I'm not parking my nice new car on the street and walking into an apartment building on the West or South Side of Chicago, which is where many girls post.

Again, I'm not saying that all black girls are this way, but every one I've seen has been. I've seen enough to have an educated opinion. I would love to see a black girl now and again but I don't even trust those with reviews anymore. So, based on my experience, I have decided not to see black girls at all. Understand also, that I know there's plenty of dishonesty to go around in this business, many girls of other races are dishonest too. But, in my experience, EVERY black girl has been. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

I'm white I dig Asian TS😜

I agree with much of what was said above but the biggest factor for me is that a lot of supposedly black TS girls are in fact not TS girls just guys with wigs on! Not my thing so I won't go near black "TS girls" anymore

As a client, I've seen four black girls, 3 trans and one gg. All of them misrepresented, lied, or or gave shitty service. It's too bad, some locals in my area are very attractive. In my personal life, I've dated many black genetic girls. The American girls were all drama. The African girls actually had there ish together and were the most sane.

To be honest, a lot of that can be attributed to socioeconomic factors that are unfortunately rather common in the members of the black community that make less than $20,000/year. This is especially the case in Chicago (a place I would NEVER consider doing any hobbying unless it was with a high and well established provider). Oh yeah, and I'm black, so you can't call me a racist.  

Incidentally, this isn't just common on the hobbyists side. I also hear this from a LOT of providers who refuse to see black men. I've fortunately been the exception to their little rule in some cases, but they say black guys act like thugs, shortchange them and/or treat them like crap. You even get a lot of black girls expressing this sentiment about black guys.

-- Modified on 9/20/2016 10:50:27 AM

I totally agree with timothi. I have a particular fondness for Asian girls but I have been with girls of all races and had some great experiences and some bad ones. Every time i have seen a black girl there was a problem, whether bait and switch or just poor and rushed service. That has happened with other girls but few and far between, not every time. I will stick with what has been working and avoid the rip offs.

Personally, I've only had experiences with four black TS girls. Two were just overall lousy experiences, with one advertising as a top but couldn't stay hard to actually do the job. The third was classic misrepresentation, with a nice bit of upselling on top. (She didn't even come prepared; she expected ME to provide condoms. I said I'd get some and come back, and took the opportunity to just high-tail it out of there and didn't return. Lesson about vetting learned! A shame, too, as her equipment was VERY impressive.) The fourth I saw three times, each of them good experiences, but when she started asking for money, I cut things off cold (the voicemails and texts she sent were rather, ah, "heated"; I changed phone numbers after that). After that, I stuck with the TS girls I'd already seen and had good experiences with, and have avoided going back to black TS girls. Once burned, twice shy, though in this case it was *four* times burned.

The other factor regarding my not seeing black TS girls is location. I'm in the Detroit area, and if you cruise the ads on ("the site that's located in the rear") and ("the list named for a guy whose name begins with the third letter of the alphabet"), you can pick out the fakes, scammers, and bad providers just by looking at the headlines, practically. I am aware of the socioeconomic factors, especially in a city that's as beaten down as Detroit has been, so I *understand* the reasons, but that doesn't mean I approve of them, or need to make myself a victim of them. I refuse to take the chance anymore, even with providers that have had good reviews; I literally can't afford to do so! I prefer to put the limited resources I have these days towards ladies that I *know* will give me a good experience.

Am I coming off as prejudiced or bigoted? I certainly hope not; as @timotl said, my outlook is based solely on my personal experiences. YMMV.

asnlvr767 reads

I generally had good experiences with the African American girls I met on Santa Monica or Western.  I'd always tried to find very skinny 100% crossdressers.  Some were heavy heavy shooters and compared favorably with many of the latinas working the same streets.  Of course, I'm talking about 15 or 20+ years ago

I drove a cab in NYC in the 70's.  

1% of my fares were young blacks. 95% of my problems were young blacks.  

Black cabbies drove by and would not pick them up.  

If they were working people either professional or construction there never was a problem.  

You can call it profiling but it's common sense.

Rachel, Jordan, Nomi, Erika, Vo, Vanilla, Lola, Laurel among many, many others are some of the best playmates in the world.  Their quality service and in-calls dispute every one of your claims.  

Sorry, you are all wrong, you either simply don't do your homework or you are , in fact, a racist!

Read our posts again. You've obviously missed the most important part, which is that my (and many of the other posters) opinions are based our own experiences, not reviews or "homework". Are there black girls with good reviews, yes. That was never in dispute nor does it invalidate anything that was said. As for being wrong, I'm not. The experiences I've had are what they are, just because there are some black girls that have good reviews doesn't change that.
The OP asked why some guys choose other races over black, I answered honestly and it seems many other guys have had similar experiences...

-- Modified on 9/21/2016 4:17:07 PM

I have a sense that a higher than normal percentage of black TS providers are bad experiences.  Having said that I have had some decent to good experiences with black TS providers.  If she travelled to Phila. I would certainly see Laurel Black, and if her rate were much more reasonable I would see Rachel, both in a heart beat.  I am also hoping to see TS Elexa.  1 irony is that I rated a black TS provider an 8 in looks and a 10 in performance.  However, she was offended by one description in my review so she Dear John'd me in a text message.

Timotl makes some great points, ones that I've experienced myself. Being an engineer, I've looked at this objectively and made up charts to categorize my experiences with T girls of all races.  While I can't say that every time I've been with a black T girl has been negative (0ne of my ATFs is Nautiica from orlando, and I was a regular with her for at least 5 years, and she didn't exhibit any of the traits that timotl talked about), I can say that the vast majority of bad experiences I've had with T girls have been with black ones. For that reason, and since I have to prioritize my limited funds for my hobby, I tend to steer away from black T girls. I might be missing a great time with someone just because I've skipped over their ad since they're black, but it's a matter of economics for me.

See Vivian in Orlando and she will certainly change your mind  

Posted By: kaylakayla
Just curious to know why some men prefer any race ts  over a black ts  ??? Just curious

gmagic418 reads

I do not have any preference of race, but rather looks and functionality.

My one and only experience with a Black Girl was by deceptive means.

I replied to an ad by a Latino girl, with great pix.

When I got there, a very dark guy in a wig opened the door.

I decided to stay and we ended up having a great time.

I have tried to see other black girls, but never had.

The ones who I seem to be attracted to are non functional (i.e. can't cum( or have horrible reviews.

I would love to find a girl with dark skin who is slim, great looking and can cum like a horse, but have not yet found her.

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