
RE: False Reviews, Lies, etc. Revisted (Hopefully for the Last Time....)
trimmedone 56 Reviews 7847 reads

I have been an outside observer of the discussion regarding false reviews.  Yes, of course reviewers provide "false" information for whatever reason.  Providers, too, advertise false information (size, function, and of course, their REAL AGE).  I feel for the most part, both side should be grateful for TER.  In any walk of life, there isn't a perfect system.  Criminals are always one step ahead of the law and obviously our laws and government are imperfect.  We should be happy that there is a place where providers can advertise and profit heavily from it and where customers can find the best service out there without getting ripped off.  I don't know how many times I arrived at a dirty apartment or the provider was not as dressed up as the pictures portray.  It goes both ways and both providers and reviewers are at fault for dishonesty.  Also, the term YMMV.  I can assure you that there are providers that offer certain services and prices and swear they only do this and that.......NOT THE CASE.  I am not going to type the names, but they're out there.  On this board it is heresay to be sure, but for the most part perception is reality and where there is smoke, there's fire.  There is some truth to the story, even if part or it was manipulated to help or hurt a provider.  I

I feel fopr the providers, like Jasmin and Daisy, that have had false reviews written on them.  Of course it happens.  Remember, for all you providers out there that have done BBFS, even if it were true, you still would deny it if it got out to avoid any backlash that may become of it.  TRUE, there are many gurls out there who offer BBFS and don't advertise is a dangerous game to play, but just being involved in the hobby is a danger in itself even when safe sex is practiced.......

highendts6191 reads

I would advise that one should examine the reasons for getting in the escort business.
There are countless valid reasons, but if one enters the business out of financial desperation or as an attempt to scape something in life ,it probably not a good idea. Examine motives and establish some goals for what you wish to acomplish via this business.
Make a list  of what you will and will not do, keep the list by the phone and be honest in your comunications. Determine your compatibility with  a client by matching his activities with yours, if he wants X , and X is in your "I would rather die than do that"list,tell him you dont do that,if he has to have that, it is best for him to find someone else than you to go trough with a call and have an akward time explaning why you won`t do X after the client felt you would.

Check your comfort level. not every client will look like your ideal guy. don`t be swayed by the beauty of the good looking ones,and always look for something good in those clients to whom you are not so atracted,the average-looking guys usually have a lot going for them in other areas

Develop a tough skin. As with any business, there will be custumer satisfaction situations that can not be resolved, on ocasion some mean things will be said to you, stay profesional and honest , don`t strike back with the same verval abuse and don`t take a bad situation personally.
be able to put work in a box at the end of the day and walk away from it, on the other hand don`t let a great call go to your head, you are there to offer a service , not to fall in love, stay profesional at all times.
Know when to quit, look when to quit look beyond this business and towards goals and growth needs.
As this is a business about taking care of the needs of others,be aware of your  own needs for security and personal growth, and move into other areas when the time is right for you.

Most important take vacation from this business
Go on a real date, take a trip,read a book ,help
some one in deep need.
when you get back you will enjoy and do a better job(they will notice it and enjoy it too)
and always remember that what you are offering it`s a very comfortable convenience for people who apreciate time...( the nice ones)
let the others go...some where else....(the nut cases)....they know where to go......

-- Modified on 7/6/2005 1:47:16 AM


Well put. Your piece should be MANDATORY reading for all the girls out there (GG and TS both).

The "biz" is hugely difficult as it is and the ability for providers to put it into perspective
and treat it for what it is is very necessary for both physical and psychological survival.

Highend, you are a POSITIVE contributor to this board...we could use more like you.

PM me.


michev6274 reads

Oh Please, your credibility is non existent because your reviews are fiction

lets be fair5570 reads

Oh please attention! the false reviews
belong to .....trustno20.

My credibility is what it is.....I have been in this hobby for almost 12 years and have seen many providers that I post and don't post reviews on.  Read my reviews and share the validity with'll see I am to the point and even taint some reviews for the benefit of the provider........

I had known hangman here on the boards from the beginning and we have had many of the same gurls. You should write some reviews before you take on the old timers. At the very least show us who you are.

Contrary to the claim of the anonymous "michev", hangman128's reviews are both valid and informative.

Hangman's statement that YMMV cuts both ways seems to me to be irrefutable. I understand that regarding the authenticity of reviews there is usually more at stake for the provider (a means of income) than the hobbyist (a good time), but the criminal reality of many of the pursuits sought herein lend the real possibility of an exception to the rule and reasonable hobbyists should employ reasonable safeguards, such as researching thru TER. Much of the information in reviews is almost certainly hyperbole if not pure falsehood. Ratings are either bloated or diminished depending on the private needs of the reviewer. All this should be a given. That said, these reviews (and this board) are still IMMENSELY helpful to me, and I believe to others as well and I don't want to see bitter providers and dishonest hobbyists flood this space with false attacks and imagined conquests.

Lying reviews can no more be prevented than lying girlfriends (or boyfriends) and honesty in ratings no more assured than honesty in our politicians. But I do volunteer one, very partial, solution.

All claims of bbfs in all reviews should be banned -- whether they lead to false expectations or dangerous desires, they can only bode ill. Experienced hobbyists and providers know what goes on out there. EVERYONE should know to take care of themselves. Let's simply not encourage it's pursuit or the damage incurred by its false representation. Any provider who receives a review claiming she provided bbfs will most certainly deny it, so, beyond the flaming firestorm, what's the point of even bringing it up?


Bonerowner5585 reads

Please note this is the disclaimer/warning label that is presented before each of us whenever enter this site. I think whatever one draws from these reviews, provider or hobbyist,  they are on their own.

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