
Re: I wish TSs wouldn't do this ... Anyone agree?
TSTS 1115 reads

Some TS's just like being TS's, they're meant to be TS's
Some TS's don't and don't appreciate selfish perverts that see us a fetish/third sex ( and not women) we don't appreciate our cocks and we should off been gg's instead.  
TS's aren't for men's sexual needs only, men have this mentally that that's why TS's exist in this world ,which is delusional, we have feelings and a heart and if we don't feel our cock is meant to be in our body then it needs to be removed at some point if we desire it.  

Posted By: sserviceman
The human species is well on its way to creating a third sex.  Why mess up a good thing?  
 Who knows, maybe centuries from now, they will be TSs at birth. ;-) Some have told me they transitioned almost as early as puberty, so maybe that is only a step away!  
 (Before the sanctimonious out there start with their lectures on free-choice, individual rights, discrimination, prejudice, fascism, god knows what else, yada yada yada I'm not advocating any legal restrictions, just expressing a wish.)
-- Modified on 2/13/2014 10:23:28 PM

Had the chance to go 1-on-1 with her...again!  If you've never been with a post-op girl--gotta try it at least once.  If you didn't know she used to have an 8" cock--you'd think she was a GG.  Lots of fun, great kisser too!

I just had a 6 hour party with her, Audrey and Shana and one of my clients visiting for the UK and wow ... her va jay jay was flawless from every angle.

Very cool. The three of you....what a dream come true.  Shana was the first to crack my ass in LA many moons ago.  Happy to hear that she is still around, keeping good company and doing well.  Is she too in Chicago.  Happy Valentines Day to You Ms. Rachel!

...and you just reminded me, i also look forward to when can't wait any longer to look down there, and finally see my own,  the very same way.... :-D    

and yes, by the way, Rachel...  
you  do  totally rock.  
and you know it. That's completely awesome too.  

'ave a noice day, luv...  



The human species is well on its way to creating a third sex.  Why mess up a good thing?

Who knows, maybe centuries from now, they will be TSs at birth. ;-) Some have told me they transitioned almost as early as puberty, so maybe that is only a step away!

(Before the sanctimonious out there start with their lectures on free-choice, individual rights, discrimination, prejudice, fascism, god knows what else, yada yada yada I'm not advocating any legal restrictions, just expressing a wish.)

Not your decision to make--it's hers.  Your free to voice your opinion, but not sure it pertains to my post.

TSTS1116 reads

Some TS's just like being TS's, they're meant to be TS's
Some TS's don't and don't appreciate selfish perverts that see us a fetish/third sex ( and not women) we don't appreciate our cocks and we should off been gg's instead.  
TS's aren't for men's sexual needs only, men have this mentally that that's why TS's exist in this world ,which is delusional, we have feelings and a heart and if we don't feel our cock is meant to be in our body then it needs to be removed at some point if we desire it.  


Posted By: sserviceman
The human species is well on its way to creating a third sex.  Why mess up a good thing?  
 Who knows, maybe centuries from now, they will be TSs at birth. ;-) Some have told me they transitioned almost as early as puberty, so maybe that is only a step away!  
 (Before the sanctimonious out there start with their lectures on free-choice, individual rights, discrimination, prejudice, fascism, god knows what else, yada yada yada I'm not advocating any legal restrictions, just expressing a wish.)
-- Modified on 2/13/2014 10:23:28 PM

I understand "Some TS's ... don't appreciate selfish perverts".  That must be true for many TSs; after all there are so many who run ads saying absolutely nothing about their dick being so long, so hung, so big around, so fully functional, hard, etc. because they don't want to be objectified... and so few guys here who hardly ever mention cock qualities when discussing various TSs,  bring true gentlemen.

And for sure those few and far between TS luvers that do consider cock qualities an important part of selecting a TS to drop hundreds of dollars on are really victimizing the poor girls who are pressured by perverts to run those type of ads.

(See I can drink the Kool-Aid too.)

TSTS639 reads

Let's be clean and clear here those TS's are selling your fantasy. Its just a fantasy to you for us is all business, personal life and business are never alike, in most cases.

Agreed 100.  

If I wanted to fuck pussy, I'd go meet a woman.  There are plenty of them around, last time I checked.  

But Tgirls have that extra something that is almost impossible to find at your average club, bar or even coffee shop.

TSTS691 reads

That's YOUR ego and YOUR needs speaking NOT hers. I am certain there's men out there that would date or marry a post-op there just not here. lol

Posted By: MellowSoul
But Tgirls have that extra something that is almost impossible to find at your average club, bar or even coffee shop.  
-- Modified on 2/17/2014 1:31:07 PM

-- Modified on 2/17/2014 1:36:45 PM

Her needs are speaking.  At the tune of at least 150 an hour.  Lets get real here.

TSTS535 reads

What are you talking about ? You're going from personal subject to business.  


Actually its 400 an hour, thank you.  

Posted By: MellowSoul
Her needs are speaking.  At the tune of at least 150 an hour.  Lets get real here.

To briefly clarify one very important point of distinction on this thread... and i know some will look at this as purely linguistic semantics... but...

The  "Third Sex",  has *always* existed, and is NOT a function of,  or an offshoot of,  modern technology,  signs of the times,  the end is near,  or anything else that modern critics and detractors continue to foist,  in the very worst stereotypical terms,  onto the rest of the general public... and the media doesn't help in some ways still, either....

we have always been here.  Granted, we now have medicine and technology available to make such changes as have never before been possible in most ways, but we are not a "new" quantity to the human equation on this planet.

many older cultures knew us millennia before the first word of binary gender (two-gender only human race) social thinking was ever written on this planet....  

before then, some ancient cultures regarded us in high esteem, or at least not to be harmed or interfered with... it's only the last couple of thousand years of socio-theological thinking that we have gone from such a place as that, to the very, very, very, bottom of the ladder rungs of social acceptance and survival. quite sad, that.

the Native Americans had names for us in some tribes - "winkte" was one... loosely translated as "two-spirit person", and were often given shamanic regard because of the unique perspectives we may encompass.

in Hindu, "Hijra"... and even now considered the best of luck to have such a transsexual person present at a new birth or wedding ceremony in their traditional culture... we were even rumored to have had a hand in the beginning of the Tantra movement in ancient yoga. Who better than someone that's got all the toys in the box, so to speak, right ?   :-D

in ancient Greece, Rome, and Near east cultures the "Gallae"... The gallae, conjectured by some as the "transgender" priests of Kybele in ancient Greece, Rome, and the Near East, violated gender norms of their societies in also spectacular ways. If assigned a male gender at birth, they ritually severed their own genitalia in whole or in part, and afterwards, dressed in women's clothing, wore feminine jewelry and adornments, and spoke in a higher vocal register.

...and....certain African/other tribal cultures have been documented as taking a man child to become as a woman, to be raised as a girl for life, by the family, if there were only sons born, but no daughters to help with the household and the cooking and tending of the domestics....etc, etc...etc...

...we are not a "new" thing, and NOT just a by-product of modern technology, or modern desires, nor confused deviant thinking, as most that hate us, will still as often as possible, try to make others believe is the cause and the case... it is in fact, most likely neither...  


...i knew with searing crystal clarity of full mental and emotional awareness of both conscious thought, and memory, as clear to me now as if it was still just yesterday, that i was a *GIRL* at age 4. FOUR. crawling out of my skin even then, for god to grant me the wish to wake up the next morning and be exactly the princess in every detail i knew for darned sure and really, that i was, and still am, dang it :)

no sisters, no abuses, no encouragement. and i naturally did *not* develop the same as typical males, in any age group...  Clearly, no one is making what some call a "sexualized lifestyle choice" at that age... not only that, but i never believed i was "born in the wrong body"... i have come to realize that for me (i am not speaking for any other here) being TS is the rarest of blessings, no matter how hard or controversial or objectified...  

....and i would do it all over again a thousand times just to get it right for one day.  

Therefore i also deeply believe there is great joy in sharing such a special nature with others, and also in being greatly rewarded for doing so, in modern societies...  

in that way i peaceably disagree only from personal perspective with  TSTS  about it *all* being just a business for *all* of us... is the most basic and primal form of human communication. ..and as far as communication goes, so is writing.  So can be music, or foods, or painting,  and so therefore erotic life, escorting, & companionship, can also be an art - and some of the deepest, most satisfying, validating, rewarding, sharing, form of human communications possible...  

The Japanese did this with the Geisha culture to a great degree - made an art of extreme hard discipline, artistic grace, and near great social acceptance of it... and it can be a life of great learning, sharing, love, great joy, great fun, great awareness, great danger, great challenge, and social controversy, and so many more things...  i personally have never liked the word "donation" as i find it insulting.  Have never used the term "payment", or  "fee"  or etc, etc.... i actually consider that part to be the "fair exchange of gifts"...

Real pre-op and non-op TS women are a rare enough segment of the human population in general, even rarer still to have an art/love/sacred relationship of true love, genuine passion, growth, and kindness and nurturance and caring in "escorting" and erotic companionships... for me, it will always be both...  

...yes - i DO expect to be fairly, generously, rewarded for me being the special kind of girl that i am, but it also has to be equal, and so i strive to give every gift of my heart, mind, body, time, spirit, intellect, passion, desire, risk, and more - to my companionships, explorations, and adventures, to anyone that is also open on *any* of those wavelengths...  

and in return, a proper and generous and gentlemanly person gives me the gifts of their monetary success in return...  

i call it the "fair exchange of gifts", and always consider it a gift,  not a "donation" (which makes us all sound rather pathetic in some ways),  and one that i have ***definitely*** earned,  for the challenge and privilege of being who, and what i am, and what i have given, and endured in this life, to be where i am in myself and in the world, at this moment.  

food for thought... jus' sayin'...






-- Modified on 2/25/2014 9:35:06 PM

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