
TheSteve543 605 reads

I hear it from many providers, both TS and GG.  They've been robbed by black guys and not other races so they let a bad apple or two ruin it for the others.

The ads ending in (I LOVE WHITE GUYS)? I think we all know this ,so why the ad.  Would be nice if they made us feel worthy by our presents, but I see the same service. Do they treat Black guys different ?

I don't want Indian, AA, or any type of brown people calling me, but I don't wanna sound racist so instead of emphasizing on what I DONT want, I'll emphasize on what I DO WANT. :-)  

In other words. It's called being a racist. It's very common on the escort industry. One of the last venues where it is accepted, and almost expected from providers to have some kind of "personal" preference towards the clients they see.

I wish people never called escorts who cleverly camouflage their prejudice in such ways and either force them out of the biz or make them more inclusive

This is something! I guess they don't care that a group or groups of people are insulted by these ads. Guess they've never been left out because of what they are. I thought this was an escort business. All money's green here. In this business should personal preference be considered?

Posted By: sasha2cute
I don't want Indian, AA, or any type of brown people calling me, but I don't wanna sound racist so instead of emphasizing on what I DONT want, I'll emphasize on what I DO WANT. :-)  
 In other words. It's called being a racist. It's very common on the escort industry. One of the last venues where it is accepted, and almost expected from providers to have some kind of "personal" preference towards the clients they see.  
 I wish people never called escorts who cleverly camouflage their prejudice in such ways and either force them out of the biz or make them more inclusive.    

... no matter how many laws tyrants in D.C. pass compelling special preferences, quotas and equality of outcome.

It's called freedom!  It may be quashed for a time, but will never die.

Wish they'd post" IMAGES MAY NOT BE AS LARGE OR APPEAR AS SEEMS IN PIC." save us some time.

Posted By: stillettos7
 This is something! I guess they don't care that a group or groups of people are insulted by these ads. Guess they've never been left out because of what they are. I thought this was an escort business. All money's green here. In this business should personal preference be considered?  
Posted By: sasha2cute
I don't want Indian, AA, or any type of brown people calling me, but I don't wanna sound racist so instead of emphasizing on what I DONT want, I'll emphasize on what I DO WANT. :-)    
  In other words. It's called being a racist. It's very common on the escort industry. One of the last venues where it is accepted, and almost expected from providers to have some kind of "personal" preference towards the clients they see.  
  I wish people never called escorts who cleverly camouflage their prejudice in such ways and either force them out of the biz or make them more inclusive.    

Why would a client want to see an escort that they know is not going to provide a decent service?  I want every escort to post their kind of client.  Who you have good sex with is the most discriminatory reactions.  

I have seen girls who advertise they are into AA men, as a small dicked white guy the service provided to me wasn't up to par due to their lack of attraction to me.  So lesson learned.

Why do people who claim to be open minded, get so upset about how others choose to conduct their business?

as a small dick white man, I concur 😓

Posted By: hockeypuck
Why would a client want to see an escort that they know is not going to provide a decent service?  I want every escort to post their kind of client.  Who you have good sex with is the most discriminatory reactions.  
 I have seen girls who advertise they are into AA men, as a small dicked white guy the service provided to me wasn't up to par due to their lack of attraction to me.  So lesson learned.  
 Why do people who claim to be open minded, get so upset about how others choose to conduct their business?

I don't think so. I never see the "I love white guys" tag on any ads EXCEPT for black girls. I think they're trying to make white guys feel comfortable with them so the white guys call. From what I've seen of ads, and I look at ads ALL the time, girls don't have a problem discriminating based on color. I see ads that say "no black guys" ALL the time. I think this is the reverse, the black girls are trying to attract the white guys. I would call it "target marketing" before I called it racist.

-- Modified on 5/7/2016 11:35:47 PM

E.T.A.Hoffmann634 reads

That she has a black "boyfriend" who does not allow her to see other black guys.

This is not something I have made up.  This is something that providers have told me.

We do live in great times. Years ago we needed laws to avoid discrimination. Now in the information age, we can let people post these remarks, and avoid giving them business. I would much rather them post these preferences, and thus I can avoid them, than them keep their issues to themselves, and have me unknowingly support them.

LATSDog683 reads

Come on!  Someone is always trying to twist this into some type or racism.  The poor victim card!  Its a matter of preference.  In addition, yes green is green, but if you could get nailed by 4 little white boys each day with 7 inchers vs. 4 big black boys packing, why not advertise to say you prefer white dude.

Similar to other white girls liking the big tool, they often say "I love black guys".  Some girls advertise saying they like "Older Men".  Why? Chances are the older guys are more mature, established, possibly married, and know what they want and won't bring over their drama.

Has anyone ever seen a t-shirt or bumper sticker saying "Its a Black thing, you won't understand".  What if I put a bumper sticker on my car that said "Its a White thing, you won't understand" and drove around in Compton.  I may not make it out alive?

In other words, people have preferences so don't try and  pull the race card!

LATSDog620 reads

Saw me talking to a black TS girl once.  I had seen her before.  The next time I saw her out, she said she would never see me again because I apparently also see black girls and she won't see any guys who see girls of color.  Now that's racist.

I agree completely. Facts are also facts. This is a business. White men are more affluent than black men. This is not a value judgment but a statement of fact. Anyone who wants to sell something wants to attract the person who will pay the most. Market to those who have more money and charge more equals making more money. Anyone who is is any kind of sales understands this. The girls who are trying to attract white men understand it too. It has nothing to do with black or white but everything to do with green. As Dog says, "if you could get nailed by 4 little white boys each day who pay $200 vs. 4 big black boys who pay $60, why not advertise to say you prefer white dude"? Pretty simple math to me...  

I think the problem is that the girls who say "I love white men" may understand that they want to attract white men, but don't understand very well how to do it. That's why that tag line often seems weird and inappropriate. It's just tacked onto an otherwise ghetto centric ad. As I said, I most often see the tag line on AA girl's ads, who are located in the heart of the ghetto, they have gang/prison tattoos and dress like they're from the hood. They get it that white guys have more money but don't get it that we won't drive to Garfield Park or Stony and 87th (Some of the Comptons here in Chicago) to see them. So they put up a tag line hoping to make us feel as though we'll be welcome.... What they need to do is present themselves more professionally and go to a better area to work to attract white guys, not just say "I love white guys".

LATSDog635 reads

says NO Black Guys and lives in da hood.  Well, this white cracker ain't planning on showing up either cuzz homie don't play dat!

TheSteve543606 reads

I hear it from many providers, both TS and GG.  They've been robbed by black guys and not other races so they let a bad apple or two ruin it for the others.

One can make assumptions or ask the providers.  Never heard that it was racism but bad experiences as the reason as TheSteve stated. They are in business to make money and are choosing to avoid hassles. Makes sense

SDHercules699 reads

I've often seen it said re the hobby, "Her body, her rules." This is a business like no other in terms of intimate contact. If the provider has certain personal choices that's her business. It by no means implies she's a racist IMHO. And, as others have noted, at least she is letting potential clients know ahead of time, so they don't waste their time with her.
Let's leave "the race card" out of this one please.

Racism is something we learn at our homes ... My mom always teach me NOT to make differences between colors, genders or religions but to accept everyone the way they are, because we are all humans and we all have different opinions and beliefs.
So that is why I welcome all races, shapes and colors. :-)
Love you guys .
India Fo

When I see the "I LOVE WHITE GUYS", I move on to the next ad. I've been robbed enough times to know that thug escorts see white men as easy targets. If the provider sees the client as a man who is likely to be more professional, who has more to lose, is more risk averse, then the client is less likely to start some drama when an escort cheats or robs him. A white client is more likely to walk away than fight. That said, I know many girls who have been robbed and beaten by AA clients, so  eventually they begin to post "no hos for bros" language in the ads. These girls show their true colors when they post on CL looking for fun or a relationship. The CL ads almost always say white boys need not apply. Black, brown, yellow, red... honestly - I'd prefer not to see a provider list preferences in her ad, but it does help me make a decision on who gets my green$.

-- Modified on 5/10/2016 8:40:13 AM

I've known a number of escorts in my time, and many of them very well. I knew an escort we'll call V, back in my Seattle days...

...V dated black men on a number of occasions personally, but when working she very plainly said on her ad, "No Black Men". She never seemed racist to me, so I asked her once. She told me that she'd been beaten up twice, raped once, and robbed/stiffed three times...all by eight different clients over five years, who were black.

I haven't had many black clients. I have no problem with them, but they only represent probably 2% of my business. However, I've been robbed three times in my illustrious career, and all of them were black.

So just consider that most of these girls may not be racist per se...but they may have had some really bad experiences which lead them to put up such a statement.

It also works the other way, too...I always have porn playing during my sessions - I'm a junkie, what can I say? - and I've had a hispanic client once refuse to continue until I "turned off the [nword] cock".

I gotta say, one of the things I love about what I do is the random insane people I meet.

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