
TheAnswer 49 Reviews 8050 reads

From now on, I will move any purely political posts to the Politics board.  Its a great board so I encourage people to use it.

I will only post messages here that link Politics to transgender issues.


If you are referring to attempts such as that one by MrSmither's to prolong the political jabs and exchanges(debate) in here set off by the recent presidential election through his recent query as to whether John Kerry was fit or qualified to become president(I challenge MrSmithers to e-mail me and defend why he implies dubya is? What did dubya accomplish before he became president his first time around, for instance, MrSmithers ?), I wholeheartedly agree. To ask a question as he did that has been covered, if even scantly or implicitly in here, and then ending it with "discuss it among yourselves" at this point and then run off, serves no purpose at this point. The election's over, we reacted; let's now move on.

I do however think that posters occasionally should be allowed to
reflect, and therefore post, what is going on in the world from time to time, such as this recent election, or some human tragedy such as 9/11. How can we ignore or dismiss what is going on in the world ? Elections happen every two years in the House and Senate, and as we all know, every four years for the presidential one. Do you really see anything wrong with this board flaring up every "two" years, particularly when morality is an element of it ? It certainly adds some color and depth to this forum and absolutely beats coming in here everyday and finding nothing more than a few new "ISO" postings. If some are bothered by an occasional flare-up then and now, they should simply ignore those threads in question, or move on to another thread, or better, another forum.  

Here's my e-mail MrSmithers: ((( [email protected] )))

OK, no problem.  I'll be lenient in enforcement, but I don't want this board turning into some "republicans are stupid", "democrats are terrorists" forum.


Just taking a cursory look at the last few pages in here and, "Surprise!", what do we find ? Most are "ISO"s, "411"s, and girls announcing they're touring here and there. Nothing wrong with that as that is what forums such as this are for, but let's face it, most of those posts are rather dull and tedious. I would posit that most topics seeping in from the outside world can digress into topics far from the original off-topic posting, or more apt, what this forum is intended for, but those incidents are few and far between, so let them ride. They'll expire and fade. For the record, I for one never said "Republicans are stupid". I did target some, but I never made any blanket statements knocking them all.

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