
Hello From a CT Friend
HazNeeds 6 Reviews 180 reads

Hello Lovely Jessica ... sorry to read of your woes. I truly enjoyed sharing evenings with you when you used to visit CT. I would say that your no show client missed out on a spectacular experience. I hope that you had an opportunity to enjoy the Easter holiday and that your life improves soon. Best wishes to you.

So, it's Saturday night and I'm stuck at my incall in Las Colinas, TX. I had a call from a gentleman who'd called me twice already, and I ditched my plans for the evening, made a lame excuse to my friends, and Uber'd my way to my incall.  

Of course, he was a no call/no show. All I got from him was a single text message: "L". (WTF does "L", mean?)

Now I'm stuck. I have to literally wait for a friend to pick me up - which may not happen until tomorrow night because of Easter - or I need a client tonight. And my incall is b-o-r-i-n-g. No cable, no wifi, not even a book to read. Nothing to do but report him to the national escort blacklist and stew in my misery.

Perfect way to waste a good evening.

And don't even get me started about filing taxes on Tuesday. Ugh.

-- Modified on 4/15/2017 9:59:47 PM

Hello Lovely Jessica ... sorry to read of your woes. I truly enjoyed sharing evenings with you when you used to visit CT. I would say that your no show client missed out on a spectacular experience. I hope that you had an opportunity to enjoy the Easter holiday and that your life improves soon. Best wishes to you.

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